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"I finished it." Tara stated placing the book on the table. Jax looked from the book back to her as she sat down.

"What do you want me to say?"

"You keep saying you want to change things but you keep repeating old behavior. Can't have it both ways."

He let out a sigh closing his eyes for a moment before he leaned on the table. "Is there anything you love so much you'd protect it no matter the cost? The damage it did to you?"

"Yeah. Yeah, a child."

"Yeah. That's how I feel about this club. Since I was five, Tara, all I ever wanted was a Harley and a cut. Look, change won't happen quick or without blood but it'll happen. It has to."

"You get any sleep?" Gemma questioned pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Not much."

"That fight with Jax-"

"It's my problem."


He looked up at her for a moment before looking back down at the cigar in his hand. "Don't matter why. Had to happen."

"What?" She asked sitting in her seat.

"Him challenging me. It's in his D.N.A. Maybe you're right. Ghost of his old man haunting him." He put out the cigar before standing from his seat.

"And how does that play out?"

"Guess we'll find out."

"I want to do a dinner tonight. Everyone."

"Not a good time."

"It's the perfect time. We need it."

"Do what you gotta do."

"Hey Ma, Did you sleep?" Happy questioned as Moon walked in the kitchen.

"Not really" She opened the cabinet to grab a mug when she saw the one Juice always uses.

"No." Juice muttered with a disgusted face when he walked into the kitchen seeing Moon holding his mug in her hands. He walked over to her before winking and taking the cup.

"Hey!" She said nudging his shoulder "Im drinking that!"

He smiled at her before holding up the mug. "See this" He questioned wiggling it in the air. "My mug"

Moon rolled her eyes watching the boy drink her coffee. "Whatever loser."

A smile formed on her face as she grabbed his mug before making herself a coffee. "My two favorite people are in the hospital." She muttered

"Ouch" Happy joked sitting down at the kitchen table

"Shush you know your in the top twenty" She replied sitting down with him.

He lifted a hand to his chest "Your words pain me princess"

"What the hell did you tell Stahl?" Jax snapped walking into Hales office

"There's nothing to tell."

"Bullshit. A.T.F.'s looking into Zobelle and the Irish."

"She's not digging into Samcro. She's just doing her job. She wants the supplier."

"I got no delusions about us being on the same side but we both know that Zobelle and this A.T.F. bitch are bad for charming"

"You were right Zobelle doesn't make mistakes. He's protected."

"Oh, my god. A.T.F. can't touch the league."

"F.B.I.'s looking into the white hate."

"Right. That's why Stahl needs us."

"And why would the feds need you? Sons just being mechanics and all."

"Big picture, Deputy. Look at it."

"It's a little bit painful when I ride. Sometimes I feel it when I walk. Other than that, back to normal."

"Is it gay that I want to see it?" Tig questioned

"Gay curious" Bobby replied

"Come on. Drop 'em."

"Is it supposed to be that swollen?" Happy questioned

"Oh my fucking god!" Moon shouted as she walked in the room. "Kip! Ew!"

"They look uneven" Tig stated

"One nuts always bigger than the other one. It's like-"



Tig reached into his pants "I think mine are equally huge, man."

"Why the hell do I hang out with you guys." Moon muttered

"Because we're hot and amazing?" Tig replied

"Hey buddy, What's going on?" Sack greeted as Opie walked inside the Clubhouse

"I shouldn't have to see that."

The guys started laughing as Bobby spoke up "The new ball."

"I gather. Congrats"


Happy gives Moon a look and smiles as they walk towards the couches.

She looks back over at Kip leaning against the bar. "For everyone's sake. Please never pull down your pants again"

"What's up?"

"We need to take a look at this thing with Clay and Jax."

"They got into it at county. It was brutal, man." Happy added

"Shits been brewing for months. Since Donna."

"You think Donnas deaths got something to do with their beef?" Opie questioned

"No. Started way before." Tig cut in

"What do you think they're fighting about?"

"Jax pushing for change."

"That kind of beef is good for this club." Bobby stated "It keeps us current. What's going on between them is much uglier. And if it keeps going, it's gonna hurt us worse than Zobelle and the A.T.F. We gotta dig into them. We gotta get to the truth."

"I can talk to Jax." Opie replied

"You two been bumping heads."

"He'll tell me. He knows I want to help."

"All right. Tigger you should talk to Clay."

"Yeah. Okay."

"We have got to find out what's going on. Bring it to the table, and we get past this shit. It's on us to fix this."

"Hey." Jax spoke walking over to them.

"Just catching up with the prospect."

"And his new swollen nut." Happy finishes

"Yeah. Welcome back, shithead." Jax pauses for a moment as the guys laughed. "Chinese just called. They want a sit down. I gotta head out to CaraCara." When nobody replied he looked over at Bobby. "Where's Clay?"

"Appreciate you helping us out. You got my word we ain't gonna burn you on the bail."

"Well, you can thank your wife. Reminded me we were just a couple of kids from a small town. I might need your help protecting our small town."

"From what?"

"Jacob Hale. He's been using his clout on city council. In the last year, he's changed three city charters giving more power to the mayor."

"Mayor gigs pretty much ceremonial."

"Not anymore. The post has full veto authority over town policy including eminent domain decisions."


"Guess who's running for mayor."

"Hale. Wants your timberland."

"I gotta run against him. It's the only way to protect this. I need your help. Samcro has sway over this town. You in my corner, I got a shot."

"Well, there's something I need from you. Piece of land, access road, power. Something off the radar."


"You don't ever need to know." Clay reached into his vest pulling out a bag with a knife inside. "Show of good faith. It's the knife with your fingerprints on it we used to kill the scumbag that raped your little girl."

"I know what it is" He replied looking down at the bag now in his hand.

"I ain't got nothing on you now. From here on out, we gotta trust each other. Just the good word of two honest men."

"Can you call Opie?"

"What happened" Jax questioned getting off his bike

"Someone broke in. Stole our HD camera and my laptop. Had three rough cuts on it."

"Shit. What happened to the guard dog I bought you?"

"See for yourself." As Jax walked off Lyla lifted her head of Luann's shoulder. "It's okay, sweetie. No one gonna hurt you. Never."

"Lyla's scared. She wants Ope."

"Okay." Jax nodded looking at the dog on the ground once more.

"Hungry? Dim sums better than good head."

"What do you want, Lin? Last time we visited one of your restaurants we were throwing shots at each other."

"Why I wanted to see you. We need guns. Our distributor is temporarily off-line."

"If it was the feds that shut your guy down, we're not interested."

"Wasn't A.T.F. he's had a little trouble getting into the country. We know you deal AKs. We'll pay double, all you can get us."

"As a show of good faith-" He snaps his fingers leaning back in his chair. "A gift."

"Oh, shit." Clay muttered as a man brought Chucky out.

"Hey, guys." Chucky smiled

"What the hell happened to his hands?"

"My sexual proclivities they took their toll on Mr. Lin."

"Can't grab it, can't pull it"

"I accept that." Chucky replied

"Jesus Christ, man."

"Turns out you only need two fingers to work a calculator."

"He paid off his debt but, uh, my new son-in-law's an accountant. Told my daughter i'd give him the job. So, Chuck is all yours."

"Thanks. We'll pass." Clay fake smiled standing from his seat.

"Thought he was a friend of yours."

"I am." Chucky cut in "Otto and me are best friends."

"We'll let you know about the guns" Clay spoke walking towards the door.

"Please, Clay. If you don't take me, they're just gonna kill me."

"You're already dead in my book, Chucky."

"Come on, Clay. Lin's a phyco."

"Oh, hey, hey, hey," Tig put out his hand as one of the men punched Chucky. "We'll take him."

"What?" Clay questioned from his spot at the door.

"He can, uh- He can do the books at CaraCara. It'll free Bobby up. Get up. Come on."

"Now are we really going to the Irish knowing that Stahls onto them?"

"We don't know anything Stahl says is true."

"That bitch'll tell you anything to get what she wants."

"We'll go to Edmonds. We'll feel it out. If he's got the guns we'll figure out a safe way to make the transaction."

"If he doesn't then we'll know he's selling to Zobelle."

"That was Jax." Opie stated putting his phone into his pocket. "Gotta go to CaraCara."

"Hey, I'm gonna need you guys. You stay available."

"Okay yeah."

"Hey, Take Chucky" Tig added "Go on. Go on."
Opie just looked at him for a moment. "What? Come on open the door for him."



"Jesus. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I heard about what happened" She stated standing from her seat. "We were worried." She leaned down placing a kiss on his cheek. "That's from kerrianne."

"You alone?" He questioned never looking at her.

"Doesn't matter. Came to see you. How are you feeling?"

"Like I was blown up. Doctor says I'm healing."

"I'm glad."

She went to reach for his hand but he instantly pulled it away. "Bad idea, your coming here."

"Hmm. My life's a series of bad ideas, lovey."

"Yeah." He replied his eyes slowly closing


"That dog cost me four grand."

"And that was a ten thousand dollar camera."

"The cameras insured. The rough cuts worth ten times as much." Luann sighed

"This had to be Georgie, right?" Jax questioned

"Of course it was."

"Look pretty cozy" Jax gestured towards Opie and Lyla

"Yeah. I think they're kinda cute. Reminds me of Me and Otto."

"She okay?" Jax asked as Opie walked over to them.

"I think so. Who did this?"

"Shit that's missing- It's gotta be Caruso."

"Let's go."

As the guys were walking away. Luann spoke up again "Hey. What time does Gemma want us for dinner?"

"Oh 8:00" Bobby gave him a confused look. "Gemma's having a potluck. Wants us all there."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"I, Uh- I got Kenny and Ellie."

"Bring 'em"

Opie paused for a moment "Lyla? She's been helping me out."

"You serious about it?"

"I don't know. Kids like her."

"You hitting it?" Bobby questioned

"Come on, Bobby."

"No. We're just hanging out."

"Dude, she's a porn star."

"Your point?"

"My point is, she's a porn star. You gotta hit it."

"What do you know about hooking up with porn stars?" Jax questioned

"Just what I heard. You know, it can get like- You know, I have been around. You know, I mean, it's like- You know, i-it gets crazy sometimes. You know?" He paused for a moment. "You should bring her to the dinner tonight, man."

"Yeah. Gemma wont mind. come on."

"Hey!" Chucky smiled as they walked outside.

"What the hell, dude?"

"I forgot shit. It's a gift from the Chinese. Figured he could help with the books." Opie informed

"Nice to see you."

"Wow. They chopped 'em off?"

"That is deep shit man." Bobby added

"I'm still adjusting."

"Doesn't that mean you can't-"

"Well, I'm very thick, so yes, masturbation is pretty much impossible."

"That's gotta suck."

"Im very indebted to all of you. Lin's been out of his mind."

"Why is that?"

"He's been losing turf to the Mayans."


"Yeah. Mayans took over everything south of Water Street. That's why they need the guns."

"He's pushing in on Niners turf."

"What does that mean for us?"

"Georgie's studio is halfway to Oaktown. Maybe we should check in on Laroy."

"Come with us, Chucky. We'll put you to use."

"I accept that."

"Late night at the Pub?"

"In the future, I'd appreciate a little heads up before you fellas drop in." Edmond replied

"Where are the Russians AK's, man?"

"Sold 'em."

"To who?"

"Guessing you wouldn't want us telling other customers who you were." Edmond retorted leaning against the wall.

"Our deal was we move your handguns, you sell us the AK's." Clay reminded him.

"When we get more, you'll be the first to know."

"That's bullshit man." Halfsack replied standing up and walking towards him.

"You wouldn't mind if I take another look around, do you?" Tig questioned

"Don't take kindly to your suspicions." Edmond snapped walking towards him.

"It's okay. It's okay. We just got an unexpected order, and we was hoping to fill it thats all." Clay cut in

"Next time."


"Those guns are in that house man."

"I know."

"Means they're selling to Zobelle." Happy added

"We keep eyes on him. Zobelles crew shows up, we take our guns back. Sack you got first shift."


"Aye. They were pissed. Clay backed 'em off, but he knew something was up. We sure about this, Dad? We haven't even cleared it with Jimmy O. Yeah. Yeah, Okay. I'll let you know." He closed his phone "Morning Lovey."

"Your dad?"


"Who's Jimmy O?"

"He's no one you'd ever want to meet."

Moon and Gemma walked inside Chibs room seeing Fiona sitting in a chair.

"You're a long way from home sweetheart."

"Yes, I am."


"I was worried about him."

Moon scoffed at her words walking over to his bed.

"Could have sent flowers."

"Just needed to see him, Gemma."

"We are in a shit storm here. The last thing we need is you turning him inside out."

Tara walked inside the room seeing the two in the corner and Moon by Chibs side. "Hello."

"Dr. Knowles, Fiona Larkin." Gemma spoke

"Nice to meet you. I'm afraid I.C.U is for immediate family members only."

"She is family."

"I'm his wife."

Tara's eyes widened for a moment Looking from Gemma over to Moon.

Moon placed a kiss on Chibs forehead "I love you." She whispered before leaving the room.

"Pardon me?"

"What do you need?"

"I called Mr. Caruso about watching my reel. Mutilation fetish." Chucky finished holding up the disk on his finger.

The man took the disk giving him a weird look as Chucky held up both his hands showing off his two fingers. "Wait here." The man spoke before walking into a room.

Chucky ran towards the door sticking his head outside "He's here." Chucky got back just in time for the man to walk back out handing him the disk.

"Not interested."

"I got something else" Chucky stated slamming his hand into the guys face. Quickly running as the guy chased him.

The guys walked inside looking over at the two girls who were sitting in the waiting room. "Hey, Hey get out."

"Now." Bobby added as they walked towards the back.

They walked inside Georgie's office and he instantly got up pulling out a gun. "No."

Jax and Opie knocked him on the ground as Bobby took out his gun pointing it at him.

"How does that feel, you dead bitch?" Opie spat

"Hey!" Chucky said as the Man threw him into the room.

Bobby instantly put his gun to the man's head "Get us the camera. Before my boy here crushes his throat."

"Get the goddamn camera."

I'm guessing this one's ours. Bobby stated as he looked at the back of the computer that was labeled 'CaraCara studios' "But maybe we should take both just in case."

"All my shits on that one." Georgie spoke from his spot on the floor.

"This one?" Jax questioned grabbing it

"You son of a bitch."

Jax held it over the fish tank before dropping it in.

"That's for killing the dog, you psycho piece of shit."

"You think this is how it works? You idiots can just crash in here and take stuff from me? You got no idea. you white trash morons. You got no-"

Opie cut him off placing his foot back on his throat. "Lyla's with me now. You touch her, call her, even think about her. I'll kill you."

"Come on Chucky boy. I think we owe you a drink."

"Yeah. Two fingers of tequila."

"Your Humors very healing"  Chucky responded

"I bet Georgie could use a drink and a laugh."

"I didn't know Chibs was married."

"Yeah, they never got divorced. It's been a long time since they were together."

"I'm sensing she's not a favorite."

"There have been four women Im afraid of. My mother, my third grade math teacher, Moon, and that Irish bitch."

They looked over at Fiona who was leaving before Gemma spoke again. "Hey where's Chibs at? His insurance and shit?"

"He'll be off critical in a day or two. He'll have to finish his recovery at Stockton."

"That can't happen. Not with her around. He can't be out of our sight."

"There's nothing I can do."

"There's always something we can do."

"Do you see that redhead? Margaret Murphy, Chief Administrator. She has been up my ass about the club. I try anything, she'll be all over it. Can't happen."

"Where's the Van?"

"Jax and the guys took it."

"Jesus Christ. Son of a bitch." Clay muttered under his breath.

"Hey, this thing with Jax, man I mean, you haven't said much. Is it that Donna thing?" Tig questioned

"That's part of it."

"Anything I can do?"

"Doubt it. Shits already got you spun around."

"What- What does that mean?"

"Killing Donna. It's flipped some switch in you. Not even sure that patch makes sense."

"You think I can't make the hard call? With- With all the shit that I've done for you and this club?"

"It's not about the shit you've done. It's about the shit you may have to do."

"I can do my job."

"Good to know."  Clay spoke as his phone started ringing. "Yeah?"

"Weston just got here. One other guy." Sack informed

"Follow the guns."


Clay hung up looking back over at Tig. "Call everybody."

"What do you want?" A girl behind the bar questioned

"Laroy. Wont mind us dropping by."

"We know the way." Bobby stated as Chucky took a seat at the bar.

"Pardon me. Orange fanta, please."

"Oh shit. New owners. We should go." Jax stated as the guys at the table started standing up.


The guys had them cornered and started throwing punches. Slamming Jax and Bobby against walls and knocking Opie to the ground.

"Weston has the guns up ahead at the rest stop. It looks like they're waiting for a pickup. Where is everyone?" Halfsack asked only seeing three people

"Get 'em on the phone. I want 'em here!"

"All right."

Jax's phone started ringing and Opie looked down at the table. "Probably should have called ahead and made sure Laroy was home"

Jax laughed "That would've been the smart play."

"That's gotta be Clay wondering where the hell we are."


"Heard things got pretty out of hand in County. You and me always been able to talk about shit."

"Not lately."

"Yeah. Think maybe it's got something to do with this beef you got going with Clay? Maybe if I knew what it was-"

"It's about keeping shit contained."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You're getting in deeper with Clay. I don't know, Ope. I feel like I'm losing all my friends."

"Laroy don't live here no more, ese." Alvarez stated walking in the room.

"Yeah, we put that together."

"Where'd you get the Russian hardware?" Opie questioned

"New friends, opportunities."

"You got a point to make, make it quick. My mom's expecting us for dinner."

"I'm not invited?" Alvarez questioned with a smirk

"I might need someone to bus a few tables." Jax replied causing Alvarez to punch him.

"You tell Clay that bullshit truce we had is off the table. Every state, every charter. Mayans are no friends of." He finished slamming Jax back in his seat. He looked over at his men. "Get 'em outa here. And take their cuts."

"That ain't gonna happen."

Alvarez took out his gun pointing it as Jax's head. "You will lay it at my feet, cabrón"

"Pull the trigger, man. That's the only way this leathers coming off my back."

"Summer of love may be over. But killing the mother charters V.P.? Well you might wanna think about that move." Bobby stated

Alvarez slid the gun down Jax's face "Next time a Son walks into Mayan territory they don't walk out."  He finished spitting on Jax.

"Aw shit." Hale muttered "What do we know?"

"Know she's dead. Beaten to death. Saw some wood splinters. Probably a bat."

"Call for a body wagon."

"What the hell?"

"Right there! Do not move." Happy shouted pointing his gun at A.J. Checking him and his guy for any weapons. He walked back towards the truck keeping his gun pointed at them.

"Think you may have accidentally picked up our order." Clay informed getting out of the truck.

"Yeah these are definitely our cigars." Tig stated looking inside the crates

A.J. chuckled looking down at the ground.

"Something funny White boy?"

"It's just amazing how bad your timing is."  He laughed as cars started racing over.

"Drop it, drop it, drop it," Tig chanted

"Let's go! Move come on!"

Guns started firing as they took cover. "Shit! I want the guns." Clay snapped

Clay went over to the crate and tried grabbing some as the guys covered him.


"Come on let's go!"

"Go! Go! Go!" Happy shouted

"Jesus Christ! How the hell did that happen! They follow you?"

"Not sure. We whole?" A.J questioned

"Load 'em!" The man shouted

"I'll follow you to the delivery"

"No. Zobelle wants to do this personally. You should head back to the Cigar shop before something else goes wrong."

"And you should adjust your attitude.

"Thought you were bringing a salad" Gemma questioned as Tara walked in.

"I've been busy."


"This is a hostile work environment claim filed against me and my proxy by Margaret Murphy."

Gemma scoffed "Are you kidding me? What a bunch of pussies."

"You threatened her."

"I had a passionate conversation with her in the elevator."

"This is my livelihood!" Tara snapped "Do you have any idea how hard I've worked to get where I am?"

"Yeah, I get it."

"Do you? This could cost me my goddamn job! The club is the club. My life is my life. Stay out of it!"

"Hey." Lyla said walking in with Kenny and Ellie

"Perfect. Serving handjobs for desert?"

"That's real nice in front of the kids."  Lyla replied slamming the food she brought on the table before walking out. 

"Oh my god" Moon muttered walking in the hospital room

"My Moony" Juice replied giving her a smile.

She walked over to him with tears threatening to fall. "You scared the shit out of me Juicy."

"I'm here and okay" He assured "Plus I finally helped the club"

Moon scoffed "Your always helping they're just ungrateful"

He moved over patting the spot next to him. Moon climbed in beside him resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. "Thank you." He muttered

"For what?"

"Always being here. Cheering me on..I don't know where Id be without you."

"You're my glue." Moon smiled closing her eyes listening to his heartbeat.

"Lyla? Where you going"

"Home! I am tired of taking abuse, Ope. That doctors and arrogant bitch." She looked over at Jax. "Sorry."

"Thanks brother." Opie spoke looking over at Jax. He raised his arms with a confused face

"Jesus Christ here we go. Dinner with Mom."

"Weston almost lost the guns to Samcro. He got all bent out of shape when he couldn't deliver them to you."

"Mr. Weston does a lot of things very well. but understanding the need for this type of relationship evades him."

Alvarez went to hand Ethan an envelope when he put his hand up declining it.

"That's not necessary."

"This is the third delivery you haven't let me pay for. That's not the way business is done."

"I'm a venture capitalist, Mr. Alvarez. I'm investing in the future of your organization. Talk to your associates in Stockton and Pelican bay. They'll assure you I'm a fair player and a good friend to have."

"I will."

"Can you ease up on Lyla? She's just-"

"I know. Doing her best." Tara scoffed "Trust me. I keep hanging out with this family I may be sucking cock to pay my bills too."

"What the hells the matter with you?"

"Ask your mother."

"Come on everybody" Gemma spoke looking around as the rest of the guys walked in. Gemma saw  Happy but no sign of Moon. "Where the hell is Moon?" Gemma questioned

"I thought she was with you." Happy replied

"Where the hell have you been" Clay spoke cutting them off

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jax asked turning around

"I got two guys lying in hospital beds and the rest of you decide not to pick up your goddamn phone?"

"We were neck deep in our own pile of shit." Bobby responded

"Well we almost got killed trying to take our guns back, man."

"Club business. Not here, asshole."

Tig snapped and pushed Bobby

"Woah! Woah."

Tig and Bobby started fighting while the others watched from the table.

"Hey! They were helping me Clay." Opie cut in

"We had some payback to deliver at CaraCara."

"Well hopefully it went a little better than the Trammel task."

"Aw, blow me, shithead."

"Excuse me." Hale spoke up "Sorry to interrupt" He apologized walking into the kitchen. "I figured I should tell you this in person." He paused for a moment as everyone looked at him. "We just found Luann Delaney off county 18. Beaten to death. There's no other details right now. I'm sorry" He finished before leaving.

"Did you cause this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Payback at CaraCara?"

"This is on me Clay." Opie stated

"And me too." Bobby added

"What did you idiots do?" Tig questioned

"I'm not talking to you asshole."

"Watch your mouth, Bobby!"

The guys started fighting again and shouting.

"Do you see what you're doing to this Club?" Clay shouted at Jax.

"I was risking my ass for this club!"


"You're as blind as you are crippled."

"No. The blind guys in jail with no wife 'cause you just got her killed!" Clay snapped

"I'm not the one murdering women!" Jax shouted pushing him.

Gemma picked up as glass slamming it on the table snapping everyone out of there trance.

"Gemma's gonna murder me if I miss this dinner." Moon muttered half asleep.

Juice let out a chuckle. "Your probably right"

"I'm just so tired." Moon whispered closing her eyes once more as sleep took over her body.

"Yeah.." Juice replied running his hand through her hair letting his eyes close. Drifting off with her.

I tried to proofread if there are any mistakes pls lmk.

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