Relationship with LordStarX101/AceStarman101

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At Nintega's house, the author himself was sitting as his desk writing a lot more as it was just something that he couldn't stop doing. He's been writing books like The Hero of Equestria and Legend of the Male CPU for over two years now and in those two years he reached 2K followers which is something that made him smile with joy. As he was writing on his laptop, a knock was heard on Nintega's door which he heard.

The Nintega Guy: Come in.

The person who opened the door was Mario as he was joined by Sonic, Neptune, Joker, and Twilight Sparkle too as they all enter the room to see that Nintega was writing some more which made them smile as Mario walked up to him.

Mario: Nintega, you did so much over the last couple of years that-a reaching 2K much be a huge achievement for you!

Joker: No one saw it coming so fast especially in two years.

Twilight Sparkle: If you also do the math correctly, he actually reached this milestone faster than when he first reached 1K followers on Wattpad.

Neptune: Oh, come on. No one wants to hear lame and boring math problems, Twilight Sparknerd.

Twilight glares at Neptune who ignores her look before rushing up to Nintega and she hugs him from behind which surprises the author.

Neptune: How does it feel that you have such beloved fanboys and friends like us, author? You know that this was all possible because started out with the true protagonist here. Me, isn't that right?

Twilight Sparkle: Hey! My series is the most popular, thank you very much!

Neptune: But who did start his stories with~? And who got him up to 50 when it happened, hmm~?

Twilight was about to retort to that, but no matter what she was about to say, she realized that Neptune wins the argument there as Sonic walks up behind her and shrugs his shoulders.

Sonic: She's got a point.

Joker: Nep. . . actually having a point? Never thought that would happen.

Neptune: Hey! Jokester! I'm right here you know! You don't make rhetorical comments when the protagonist is right here!

The Nintega Guy: Okay, if it pleases the court, all of those who think that Neptune is a total whack-a-bone raise their hands.

Nintega raises his hand and so did the rest of the All-Stars except for Neptune who just falls down dramatically onto the floor while pounding her fists on the ground.

Neptune: This is NOT how you treat the true protagonist people! And the one who start Nintega off!!

The Nintega Guy: Well. . . Neptune. . . you weren't really the one who started me off on Wattpad in the first place.

Neptune: Nep-what?!

The Nintega Guy: Actually, now that I've reached 2K, there's something that I actually need to show you guys ever since I reached the said milestone.

Mario: What's that?

The Nintega Guy: I'm sure that there are various people that you know that I talk to from time to time, but they're not just my friends on Wattpad, they're the ones who support with whatever I do on Wattpad and they're like my family too just like my beloved followers. You guys already know Jammy, Jordan, Shadow. . .

Sonic: Wait. . . The faker Shadow or the real Shadow?

The Nintega Guy: Wha. . . Which Shadow are YOU referring to?

Sonic: The faker one, the one that you know is iconic with the Chaos Control and the other one I think everybody says that he looks like me.

The Nintega Guy: That's the same Shadow, genius!!

Sonic: Wait, really? He helped you on Wattpad! How?! And why wasn't I mentioned with this as I've could've helped with it too!

The Nintega Guy: NOT SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!! Shadow as in. . . Shadow Moonlight!

Sonic: Ohhhhhh. . . That makes more sense.

Nintega facepalms from Sonic being slow-minded even though he is the fastest thing alive. He groans and rolls his eyes before gesturing to his computer.

The Nintega Guy: Even so. . . I think we should take a visit to some of those people as they've contributed much to my Wattpad page just as much as I did for them.

Twilight Sparkle: *nods* Generosity. You know, Rarity would be proud of you.

The Nintega Guy: *chuckles* I'm sure she would. Come on, guys. I'll show you around the place.

Mario: What kind of place?

Neptune: Oh no, we're dimension hopping again aren't we? Because that thing has gotten so old in my games that you practically would have to throw in the dumps at this point and incinerate it into carbon emissions that'll destroy that entire concept.

Twilight Sparkle: That's. . . oddly specific. . .

The Nintega Guy: We're not. . . completely dimension hopping as we're just going to a little place that I made so I visit my friends anytime that I want to on Wattpad.

Joker: What kind of place? Or dimension are you talking about?

The Nintega Guy: Here, I'll show you.

Nintega rolls up to his laptop and he types a couple of things on it before moving his mouse around just a little bit and he finally clicks something which makes his computer glow yellow and it said that it was converting something which makes Nintega smile as he gets out of his seat and looks around the place along with the rest of the Nintega All-Stars as the entire room lights up before they were all taken to an entirely different landscape that involved a long yellow hallway that had different color coded doors that Nintega could tell who's is who. The Nintega All-Stars were all astonished by this new landscape that they were in awe.

Twilight Sparkle: Wow, now while I know that technically I've seen things that break the laws of all space, time, and physics like Pinkie, this is no exception, but I'm still interested nonetheless.

Mario: This is where your-a friends that you met on Wattpad live?

The Nintega Guy: More as if it's where I go when I do want to see them. For example, I'll show you guys one of my friends who I dedicate my page to as while he doesn't update his books as often as we do, he's still remembered by me to this day as the person who started the MLP fandom on Wattpad.

Nintega then gets a dejected look on his face and lets out a slight sigh.

The Nintega Guy: Still do miss the old days when he was pretty popular though.

The Nintega All-Stars looked at each other with concerned look on why Nintega's mood changed when he said this as it got them a little bit interested on what happened. However, Nintega's mood instantly changed as he smiles at his friends again.

The Nintega Guy: But that's why I'm here. To finish what he started. You know Jordan in a way finished something that he also started so that's one story down, but I'm taking on Twilight's ENTIRE franchise which is another different challenge on why I'm so dedicated on writing for my followers. Come on, I'm sure that Twilight and Nep know partly about him too.

Nintega goes to open a door and when they all enter, they were in another office that looked to be similar to Nintega's as they see another man that was older than Nintega and he had silver hair, a white shirt under a black jacket, and blue eyes similar to Nintega. This was Nintega's friend LordStarX101 also known as AceStarman101 currently as Nintega shuts the door which causes him to hear the creak and turn around to see Nintega which surprises him. Nintega waves at him with along with Twilight and Neptune who took a minute to recognize the guy himself.

The Nintega Guy: Hey, LordStar. Long time no see.

AceStarman101: Nintega? What are you doing here?

The Nintega Guy: Came to tell you that I just reached 2K followers and I'm over halfway done with The Hero of Equestria.

AceStarman101: Oh, congrats. Nice job, Nintega. You deserve all of them.

The Nintega Guy: So how have you been lately? Still trying to come up with bright ideas for a book that you can work on in the future?

AceStarman101: *sighs* Yeah, but I don't let it bother me too much as I typically just write whatever comes to my mind. I don't know when I'll get into writing a TON again, but I don't know when it will come.

The Nintega Guy: I'm sure that it will come eventually buddy.

Twilight walks up to LordStar with a smile on her face.

Twilight Sparkle: You were able to start everything off with your first Equestria Girls and FiM story which from what I heard from Nintega was really what started him to making the Hero of Equestria in the first place. When you stopped, Nintega wanted to do something that you couldn't and he made something extraordinary to this day and he plans on finishing what you started.

Neptune: In other words buddy boy, if you didn't create such a big story, I don't know where else Nintega would get his huge MLP inspiration from. . . Though you know my series was the best one that you made right?

Nintega glares at Neptune at her being boastful about herself. As soon as they look back at LordStar though, his hair and clothes changed colors completely which shocks everybody.

Sonic: When did your hair and attire change color? Wasn't it just. . .

The Nintega Guy: That's just. . . something that can't be explained so don't let it bother you too much Sonic.

Twilight doesn't really feel shocked about as she then holds her hoof out towards LordStar to signal that she wanted to shake his hand and he stared at it for a bit before he smiles and returns it by gently grabbing Twilight's hoof and shaking it casually.

Twilight Sparkle: Thank you so much for not only creating a book where your ideas came into play attracting many of my fans, but also allowing Nintega to make something that shows that he cares about your content when it was out and wanted to keep it going.

AceStarman101: No problem. Many of those chapters were rushed anyway even though many people loved that book so much that it's so far the most popular MLP book in terms of views. I don't know how long that will last though, but I won't really care about it. Besides, there are other ideas that I want to make in order for a story to become good and something that I may likely dedicate it to if it happens.

The Nintega Guy: Heh. Not planning on stealing my spotlight are ya LordStar?

LordStar shakes his head from that.

AceStarman101: No, I've already done what I wanted with my MLP page and I doubt that I'll be returning to it anytime soon. Even so you're the one who decided to take on the challenge when I didn't and you wanted to finish that thing that I started so I'll leave it to you to finish it.

Nintega smiles from that before both him and LordStar shake hands with each other while nodding.

The Nintega Guy: Huh. I appreciate that, LordStar.

AceStarman101: Good luck, Nintega.

LordStar then gives a wave goodbye to Nintega as he goes back to his own desk to think of the ideas that he may want to produce in the future. Nintega and the other All-Stars smile at each other as they each begin to exit LordStar's room as Nintega took one last glance at him with a smile before leaving him be to do his own thing.

You all know him as the one who started making the MLP fandom popular on Wattpad. LordStarX101 was the first writer that I discovered on Wattpad when I also discovered the website itself. It was his story, The Prince of Canterlot High and His Princesses that attracted my attention and like many others who were interested in it, I was too. I not only read that book, but also his MLP: A New Life book which was cancelled due to lack of interest on that story and the other one as well as they are both just now sitting on LordStar's page letting others look at them if it catches their eye.

There was a time during when LordStar was the most popular one on Wattpad that he started to lose his creativity on the site that it led to him rebooting or creating new stories out of random interest which got people worried about what was going to be the next continuation of any series. This indeed did lead to people questioning on his actions too which I defended him in saying that he has a right to take his time with whatever he can get done. Even with the motivation that his friends gave him, he wasn't able to regain that spark that he once had back then. I didn't say anything, but unlike some followers I did respect his decision to allow his knowledge and motivation to come back when it was rightfully ready even while I was creating my Neptunia story at the time.

It got me excited when he actually saw my Neptunia story based off of the anime and commented on it too as I couldn't believe that an actual writer, a popular one that I followed too was actually interested in my story. However, I soon realized something. . . Anybody could take the chance in creating something new, even me or hell even continuing something someone started. That is what led me to creating The Hero of Equestria Season 1. Now I honestly didn't believe that I would get a lot of attention on this story, but. . . within just a few weeks I had already grown 100 followers and the story was only just 9 chapters at the time near my birthday.

It didn't take longer before we also started messaging each other. As some of you know, LordStar provides some of the ideas for original or development chapters in my MLP stories. For example, Season 2 Chapter 6 and 12, and Season 3 Chapter 4 came from some ideas that LordStar himself came up with to increase development and help make original content for the story. I appreciated his help back then and I still do now. We don't actively talk since we're in different time zones, but when we do, our conversations are pretty decent and we're still pretty good friends. He was the one who started something on Wattpad. . . And I'll be the one who finishes it for him along with the rest of my followers too. I thank him for all that he did in the past and hopefully we can see a new legendary masterpiece from him some other day. He's a great friend with a ton of imagination that produces great ideas in the head and I'm glad that he's one of the friends that I've met on Wattpad.

LordStarX101/AceStarman101, if you are reading this, thanks for inspiring us with your stories on Wattpad and we appreciated all that you've done for us back then and I shall finish the Hero of Equestria as something that's dedicated to you as you were the one who started all of this. Thanks a ton and I hope that more of your ideas spark somewhere. ^_^

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