CHAPTER 01: Case Study

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The students are gathering around in the lecture room as all of them are the Last Year Medical Residence, will soon graduate and went on the profession of Doctor that saves people's life...

The day is also special not because of the everyday study sessions but it's special because of a certain Person coming here to guide them.... A special person of a Prominent Figure of this Medical field, is coming to give them a lecture Sessions Today......

The person is famous not only for his medical Excellency but also for his charismatic Persona and World-wide Handsomeness......

But One particular Case that was a sensitation in fifteen Years ago but till now that case was hold on people's mind thoroughly..... The Haunting Case Of - " Park Family Murder Case ".... The Famous Park Family who's companies once dominated every top-notch companies of Korea was now extinct.....

The Door of the lecture room opened as all of the students immediately sat on their respective seat as the Many professors with a Senior Surgeon of Medical College came inside....

One of the professor went on the mic as he cleared his throat grabbing the attention of the students as he started to speak," Hello Stu
dents.... I hope you all already know today's special Lecture Sessions..... We, Doctors, Save people's life's.... And it's our duty when we chose this profession.. Hope you will all was able to gather knowledge from his guidances that will help you all in the near future..... Welcome, Dr. Kim Seokjin, Famous Psychiatrist and Now the Current Head of Dalmajung Mental Asylum....

Seokjin entered into the lecture room holding a Cold dominating Aura as he looked at the students with aloof personality.... He stood with Others as the Female Professors are eyeing up on him seeing this handsome Doctor as few of them are his colleagues from his college Life..... The white Coat was hugged on his body shining like a fairy as some female students are crushing over him.....

As the Introduction was finished leaving every professors leaving the lecture room only with Seokjin and the students inside there....

" Sir, Are you single??", One of student asked from the corner making Seokjin chuckled by the question.....

" I am engaged.... And do you want to know anything else about me???", Seokjin answered brusting the bubbles created on young females doctors mind who's are swooning over him....

One of the student asked a Question that made Seokjin stopped the paperwork that he was doing.....

" Sir, What is the most difficult and memorable case that you can't forgot and will never able to forget???", The student asked as everyone in the lecture room looked at Seokjin ...... Seokjin sighed as he put the papers on the table and looked at students who are eager to know the answer......

" Park Family Murder Case", Seokjin answered as everyone in the room started to whisper.... That case was legendary..... Park Family Murder Case was still a untold mystery.... The official Statement was never published regarding this case as the police and NSI has closed the case declaring the Main Culprit Died.....

" Sir, I have Heard you had once meet with that killer as he was in Dalmajung Mental Asylum where you are doing your first internship.... Can we do that case study about this instead of another case????", One of the student demanded as others also started to look at Seokjin with hopeful eyes to agree with it.....

Seokjin pulled out his glasses as he was reluctant to talk about this particular case as he asked," Do you all think you can handle it???? It's not any ordinary Case..... If I tell this story, I won't talk like the Police reports has said... I will say what I know outside the box that no one knows.... And one more thing, Regarding this case you can't talk about it outside..... So, you can understand whatever that we would be talking is strictly confidential....."

All the students nodded in agreement as Dr. Kim Seokjin, an esteemed psychiatrist at Dalmajung Asylum, leaned back in his chair, the ambiance of this Lecture Room exuding an air of tranquility despite the tales he was about to share. Seated across from him was his attentive Final medical students, eager to glean wisdom from his mentor's experiences.

"Today, let me unravel a haunting case study," Dr. Seokjin began, his voice carrying a weight of somber recollection. "Fifteen years ago, there was a patient named Park Jimin. His story is etched in the darker corridors of this asylum's history."

Seokjin's words got intruppted when one of the student stand up and asked," But there's no such mentions of name Park Jimin in Park Family... All we know that Mr. Park Jin young only has one son whose name is Park Woosung..... "

Hearing that Seokjin smiled bitterly thinking about the misfortune of his life for not getting recognized in the world as Park Family Heir.....

Seokjin: And this is the twist of this story... The thing we see in our eyes isn't always true.... Mr. Park Jin young has another illegitimate Son from his lover, Min Ye Jin...... Jimin was the illegitimate son haunted by a life marred with cruelty from his stepmother and stepbrother.

The students inside the lecture room is so confused hearing such a shocking Reavealtion that they never heard of before..... Indeed, whatever the doctor is saying if it's the truth then it needed to stay confidential.....

Seokjin can feel the uncertainty of the information that he shared in here is slowly making a webs of confusion....But how can He lie when he know the real truth and saw it from his own eyes.... His mind vividly remember those words written on the diary of Jimin when he first encountered with him.... The diary where the memories of Jimin's resided....

He picked one of the book from the table and slammed on it making a huge noice letting the students know about his presence as everyone gets quiet.....

Seokjin's words echoed through the lecture room, evoking a sense of empathy for a soul tormented by circumstances beyond his control.

Seokjin: Remember, every diagnosis has a story, and every story a diagnosis. Sometimes, the human mind seeks retribution to heal its fractured existence.

His words rang like a reminder to them it's not a ordinary story and it's not fictional.... The Story the doctor will tell it's correct because he is the one who experienceed it beforehand.... So, they had to be patience to know the whole thing before started to give judgement......

Also one thing is very cleared from Seokjin's choice of words, the story is going to tragic.... The most painful one to hear.....

With that, Dr. Seokjin stated, " So, let's get into the Real story that has the real truth... Not the one who was documented or reported by the orders of police and NSI...."


[ F l a s h b a c k ]

Year 1999

The sound of broken vase was heard on the Park Residency as Mr. Park Jiyoung is standing in the hall room and in his army, a small baby wrapped on warm blanket is sleeping peacefully not knowing the choas is happening around him.....

Mr. Park looked at his wife, Park Se Bin, The woman he married because of his father's stubborn decisions on his life ... Tears are pouring out from Mrs. Park's eyes as she looked at her husband with utmost rage and snarled," HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME!!!!! AFTER SLEEPING WITH A SLUT, YOU CAME BACK WITH THIS DISGRACE ON YOUR HANDS AND NOW TELLING ME TO TAKE  CARE OF HIM LIKE MY OWN SON!!!!! DIDN'T I GIVE YOU SON, PARK JIYOUNG??? "

She shouted loudly at top of her lungs as she threw away another Flower vase on the floor in anger..... Because of the breaking sound, the little baby in Mr. Park arms started to crying..... Mr. Park eyes immediately softened seeing his son as he is cooing his son ......

After sometime, the baby fall Asleep in Mr. Park arms as He looked at Se Bin with a Stern gaze and said," I never loved you, Se Bin.... We're just husband and wife because of our business relationship that profited both of our companies..... And Moreover, He is a symbol of my and Ye Jin's Unconditional Love..... She died giving birth to my son .... And I can't abandoned my blood like that.....If you can't take of it, it's okay... I will hire Nanny, Maids but he will stay here.... Because he is my son.... The Second Heir of Park Construction LTD, Park Jimin....."

Jiyoung looked at his son with affectionate eyes as he went away from there with little Jimin.... Seeing this Ye bin is raging like a bull and started to crying her heart out...... From that day, The hostility towards Jimin started from his Step-mother..... But unknown to them, a 4 years old little boy, the first son of Park Jiyoung, Park Woosung looked at his mother's wailing slowly slowly that engraved a hateful sight towards Jimin who did nothing to them......

Since that day, The misfortune of Jimin's life has started as he has a very battle on the way that will tear him apart and slowly slowly kill his humanity......








Hi!!! welcome 🤗 back to another book of my mine!!!! First Jimin fanfiction was published!!! Hope you will like it!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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