CHAPTER 04 : A Glimmer in the Darkness

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[ F  l  a  s  h  b  a  c  k ]


A U T H O R ' S    P O V

The asylum might be located on the outskirts of a town or hidden away in a remote area, surrounded by overgrown vegetation, rusted gates, and crumbling walls.The building itself could be an imposing structure, reminiscent of Gothic architecture, with weather-worn facades, broken windows, and sections of the roof caved in. A sense of foreboding might emanate from the asylum, with dark, narrow corridors visible through the cracked windows.

Young Dr. Kim Seokjin stepped into the dimly lit hallway of Dalmajung Mental Asylum, the weight of the asylum's oppressive atmosphere pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

A sense of neglect permeates the atmosphere, with the smell of mold and decay lingering in the air.The interior of the asylum is a maze of corridors, some poorly lit and others shrouded in darkness, creating a sense of disorientation and claustrophobia.Rooms and wards might be sparsely furnished, with old, rusted bed frames and tattered mattresses. Graffiti and vandalism could mar the walls, along with mysterious stains and ominous symbols scratched into the surfaces.

Some areas might be locked off or inaccessible, adding to the sense of mystery and danger lurking within the asylum. Throughout the asylum, a sense of fear and despair hangs heavy in the air, with the constant feeling of being watched or pursued by unseen forces. Strange noises echo through the halls at night, from the rattling of chains to the distant sounds of moaning and wailing.Shadows dance across the walls, playing tricks on the mind and fueling paranoia and dread in those unfortunate enough to find themselves within the asylum's walls.

Seokjin slowly walks as he is going for the rounds but a loud bloodcurling scream stopped him at once....... He looked at the direction from where the sound is coming from.....

It's Room Number: 1310

The Scream didn't stopped but slowly slowly it started to intensify more as he can heard the plea of the patient to let him go.... As Seokjin decided to look into the matter as he slowly approached towards that room but got stopped by One of the Senior Female Doctor who just came out from that same room......

That female doctor was surprised by seeing Seokjin's appearance as she quickly smiled at Seokjin trying to hide her discomfort and asked," Dr. Kim, what are you doing here????"

Seokjin eyed his senior for a while and answered," I heard the screaming of the patient... So, decided to check what's happening..... So, Dr. Shin, what's wrong????"

Seokjin asked with a authortive tone which made that female doctor shiver a little..... Seokjin appearance is itself a Godly and hearing such a cut-to-crease tone is like dreams come true.....

" It's not my patient... It's Mr. Bang's Special Patient ..... Since he was on leave and the patient has been distrubing for a long time so, I decided to check on him what is happening......", Dr. Shin exclaimed those words sighing as she looked at the closed Door......

Seokjin: So, you sedated him so that he doesn't distrub??

He asked looking at Dr.shin with his one eyebrow raised looking at her in disbelief..... Obviously, Seokjin realized that after Dr. Shin came out from that patient room, the room became silent.....Dr. shin looked troubled after hearing the New doctor's question..... Seokjin has joined this asylum for a month now and obviously, few things in this asylum doesn't sit well according to him... Specially, the Head Doctor Of This DALMAJUNG MENTAL ASYLUM, Dr. Bang..... It's like, he controls everything in here... Even The Other Doctors, Nurses and Caretakers are equally afraid of him..... Seokjin still can't pinpoint the reason of this......

" That's what I was instructed to do by Mr. Bang's Order.... And Moreover, He is a Criminal.... He killed his own wife and lost his mind after realizing what he has done..... ", Dr. Shin said those words making Seokjin more curious about this patient but seeing how Dr. Shin and the nurse behind her looked so anxious, I decided to let things go for now......

[ F l a s h b a c k  E n d ]


[ P r e s e n t ]

Seokjin sighed as he recalled that day where he first got to know about Jimin to whom he still didn't meet that time.... The lie was told to him by that time was easy to believe because mainly That asylum take Criminals and murderers from the jail who have mental illness.....

At believing in that , which he regrets till now... Maybe, he didn't avoid it, Maybe things would be different or it might not??

He entered into the same lecture Room Again on the second day of his lecture as he stopped his storytelling  as the students are eagerly waiting for the story to untold where it was last left....


[ F l a s h b a c k ]

In the cozy restaurant, Jimin and Byeol sit across each other as beside Jimin, His father Mr. Park was sitting looking at them with happy smile as the Food was served in the table by the waiters.....

As they all silently eating only the sound of culinary was heard as Mr. Park can clearly see both Jimin and Byeol is shy to talk to each other.... So, he decided to carry out the conversation.....

Mr. Park: So, Dear Byeol~, How is your internship going on my company??? I got news from my subordinates that you are quite excelling in the work.....

He asked as Byeol looked at Mr. Park with a small voice as she replied," It's going well and I am so glad to hear your Compliment, Mr. Park......"

On the other side, Jimin looked at Byeol with sparkling eyes hearing how good she is in work..... Obviously, such a beautiful Angel in front of him would be good at anything......

Mr. Park: I know, I have found a Diamond for my business... And You are hard-working and passionate about your work..... I hope soon, you will secure a good position in the company.....

Hearing such a good words from Mr. Park indeed is inspiring for Byeol....

Byeol: It's not me who is good, Mr. Park... I really don't think I am that much capable...  But I am greatful to you for giving me a job opportunity.. Or I don't know how I would have survived in this cruel world.....

For Byeol, Mr. Park is like a father figure.... He used to come to orphanage as in there he meet with this girl who is full of kindness but at the same time, she is bold and harsh in her actions... The Kindness and The Boldness is two deadly combination that are rare to find in women this days.....

Just then Mr. Park Phone ringed as he excused himself leaving Jimin and Byeol alone..... Byeol looked at Jimin who is quietly eating as Jimin that time looked at her side and froze immediately seeing Byeol staring at him.....

Both of them are looking at each other eyes deeply as she asked," You are cute...."

Unconsciously, the word came out from Byeol's mouth as soon as she realized what she said she immediately looked away..... On the other side, Hearing Byeol's words, Jimin's cheeks turned crimson red by shyness.....

At this awkward atmosphere, Byeol tried to focus on her eating as she is struggling to cut down her steak and at that time A piece of steak was given on her plate making Byeol looked at Jimin who give his portion of steak and slowly took her portion of steak and cutting it using knife and fork....

Jimin: eat or it will get cold....

For the first time, Byeol felt a sense of warmth in Jimin's action as she smiled and slowly eat it..... Sometimes, other person small little things attracts people's attention.....

On the other side, Mr. Park is looking at the person in front of him with a serious gaze as he asked,"  Did you Bring what I Asked you For, Mr. Min Yoongi ????"

Yoongi looked at old man as Yoongi's assistant immediately give him a file from behind as Yoongi handed it over to Mr. Park.....

Yoongi: Mr. Park, You know Changing Will right now might be a biggest problem as father said, it might cause some family distrubance.....

Mr. Park clearly heard Yoongi's words as he looked at young Lad and said," It's needed..... Moreover, You will understand soon why I am doing that...."

And with that Mr. Park left from there taking the file with him as Yoongi saw his disappearing figure.... Yoongi has just joined his own father's law firm and his father was Park family Lawyer.... And now that his father was retired and he took the responsibilities of his father's legacy..... So, obviously when his father heard that Mr. Park wants to change the Will, it's quite surprising for him.... Because he knows changing Will create problem in Park household.....

So, Yoongi Got his lesson from his father regarding Park Family to whom they're serving for a long time, Never Betray Them!!!!

[ F l a s h b a c k  E n d ]


[ P r e s e n t ]

Dr. Kim Seokjin, poised in his storytelling,he painted the scene of Jimin and Byeol, left alone by Mr. Park in a restaurant ,a rare respite from the constant turmoil surrounding them. "In the sanctuary of solitude, Jimin and Byeol's encounter brimmed with tentative warmth and unspoken understanding."

With gentle narration, he recounted their heartfelt exchange, the tentative steps toward trust and vulnerability. "Their conversation echoed with whispered confessions and shared aspirations, weaving a fragile tapestry of budding affection and mutual support."

Meanwhile, Dr. Seokjin shifted the narrative to Mr. Park's clandestine discussion with his lawyer, Min Yoongi, regarding the intricate web of inheritance properties. "In a parallel space, Jimin's father engaged in discussions that would alter the course of their intertwined destinies."

He portrayed the calculated moves of a patriarch, orchestrating changes that would mold the legacy of wealth and power. "Mr. Park's discussions hinted at shadows lurking beneath the surface, a web of complexities that would entangle the lives of those within his sphere of influence."

The mentor adeptly navigated between these parallel worlds, highlighting the stark contrast between moments of intimate connection and the cold machinations of inheritance and power.

As the two narratives converged, Dr. Seokjin encapsulated the essence of these contrasting moments, the delicate balance between fleeting moments of intimacy and the weighty decisions that shape destinies.

"In the silence of shared moments and clandestine conversations," Dr. Seokjin concluded, "lies the dichotomy of human interactions, where the tender exchanges of the heart intersect with the calculated maneuvers of power. It is within these contrasts that the complexity of human existence unfolds, shaping the paths we tread and the connections we forge."








hi!!! I am back with a new chapter of this wonderful book!!! I hope you will enjoy it!!!!

This is my first time writing a cute interaction scenes and it's hard... I think writing dark stories is easy than writing softer version!!!! But I hope you will enjoy it!!!!

And tell me about your thoughts on this book ... You can criticize too!!! I will love to solve it and try my best to write more better!!!!

And by the way, did you like the cover??? This year Theme is sophisticated And Simple!!!!!

Like crazy is a intoxicating song that I can never forget!!!❤️❤️❤️ And making a cover as a metaphor of it, I enjoyed it!!!!!

VOTE GOAL: 50 votes and 15 comments!!!

Complete the vote goal so that I can update quickly!!! Before 14 April, I want to update another chapter!!! Hope you will all help!!!!!😄😄



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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