Benjamin Tallmadge X George Washington

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Requested by: k01_f1sh_cut13

Fluffy smut!

Caring George Washington because I said so.

Sexual themes, there may be a bit of injury in the beginning (because I've had a prompt written down forever that I'd like to try).

~Story Starts~

Benjamin groaned as he limped back to the camp, eyes focusing on the trail ahead, his horse trailing not far behind him. He was covered in mud and wasn't sure if he had wounds or not, though, of course, it was not in his intentions to fall off his damned horse.

He grimaced, looking back at the mare, petting her nose. He knows the horse would never mean to do something like that intentionally. She's well trained and kind- though no one knows what kind of horse she is.

Shaking his head, Benjamin looked before him, trying to calculate how far the camp was. Typically, he would've had someone out riding with him; unfortunately, he hadn't today. It was no big deal; he's faced wounds more extreme than any caused by falling from his horse.

His arrival at camp felt like it took hours, though it only took a couple of minutes. He had been welcomed into the campsite by a friend and fellow patriot, who stared at him in concern. "Damn, Benny. The way the mud is coating you, one would assume you decided to bathe in it," the shorter brunette teased. 

Ben snorted a bit, rolling his eyes. "Well, not by choice. My horse got spooked and caught me off guard when she reared."

The boys' eyes traced to the horse, and he spoke lowly in a language Ben hadn't known (but the lad had spoken it various times). The mare shook her head, turning to head to the stables. Ben smiled, shaking his head. "No matter what it is, you surprise me."

"I know," the brunette laughed, offering an arm to Benjamin. "But, let's get you wrapped up. Blood's seeping through the mud packed around your knee, and you don't need an infection."

"I'll get changed and bandaged, but I need to finish various correspondence for the General. I'm sure you understand."

"I'll have Brewster inform him of your condition."

"There's no need," Ben insisted, knowing his friend wouldn't give in so simply. He sighed when the lad merely shook his head in response. "Fine."

"Knew you'd appreciate the gratitude."

Ben laughed a bit, shaking his head. "Your gratitude, yes, your attitude? A bit less."

The lad shrugged his shoulders, leading Ben to the medical tent, and having him take a seat. "I'll be back in a moment; I'm going to grab some spare clothes for you."

Ben nodded, leaning back against the cot. He sighed quietly, looking down at his leg. His friend was right to be concerned, of course. The summer had just arrived, and infection was bound to set unless the wound ministered. 

His friend walked back in, clothes folded on his arm. Ben smiled, leaning back. "Thank you."

"Of course. I stopped by Brewster while I grabbed the clothes and told him to inform Washington." He sat the clothes down, glancing over to Benjamin. He approached the man, quick to move the stocking down. "Alright, let's see what we have." He tugged up Ben's breeches a bit, staring at his knee.

Ben rose a brow, tilting his head to the side. "So?"

"I'm surprised you didn't lose more blood."

"Why's that?"

"This injury," he signaled, "is much deeper than I first thought. I have to stitch it up after I clean it up."

Benjamin groaned, unamused. His friend worked quickly, pulling over a clean pan of water and squeezing out a cloth. He wiped the mud away from the wound and from around. Ben hissed, flinching when the water met the injury. His friend glanced up apologetically but continued his work, soon applying some disinfectant. Of course, Benjamin didn't know what kind it was, his friend made things from scratch, and they seemed to work.

"Alright, I'm going to get the stitches in, and you can change."

"Got it."

It didn't take long for the lad to finish. He made sure that the stitches were secure before adding temporary bandaging. He stood, moving everything out of the way, and throwing the needle away. "Alright, go ahead and change." He muttered, reorganizing his supplies. Benjamin nodded, quickly pulling off his overcoat and tossing it. He sighed, annoyed by how many layers of clothes he seemed to wear. He quickly undid the neckerchief and his shirt, throwing them to the side. 

He then tossed his breeches and stockings. 

His friend chuckled, back still turned to him. "I can tell you're getting aggravated."

"I see now why you'll only wear the bare minimum."

"Of course, I'm no gentleman, but I still have standards," the lad laughed, handing Benjamin the clothing. "And for now, I'd recommend dressing lightly. I've seen many men die over the damned heatwave that struck."

Ben nodded, slipping the shirt on. "I know what you imply; many have died on the battlefields."

The man nodded, moving from the tent. "Of course. I'll check back in with you soon. Get dressed; I'm going to go fetch a few things."

Benjamin smiled, quick to put everything on. He sighed, flopping back against the cot, humidity killing him. It's the two things he hated, being too hot and injured. Hopefully, this humidity will die out before late evening, when mosquitos and other insects come out. 

A soft knock sounded from the front, and Benjamin turned his head. He smiled a bit, seeing the general. "Sir?"

"I heard you were injured, and I decided to come and check in on your condition."

Benjamin chuckled a bit, shrugging his shoulders. "I insisted I could still work, but you know how our friend can be."

"Yes," Washington shook his head. "But from what I heard, the cut was decently open."

"Who told you that?"

"Who do you think?"

Ben sighed. "Caleb?"

"There you go," Washington walked over, sitting on the edge of Benjamin's cot. "Of course, if the stitching was necessary, I assume that gash is a relatively serious injury." He stared at the bandaging, brows furrowed. He gently ran a hand over the bound injury as if trying to understand it. "What happened anyway?"

"My horse reared and tossed me into the mud- I don't recall gashing my leg if I'm honest," Ben spoke in a whisper, watching Washington's hand. 

Washington smiled softly, chuckling. "I've had that happen to me once or twice in my lifetime, Benjamin; believe me when I say that." He gave Ben's leg a couple of pats before standing. He leaned down close, meeting Benjamin's eyes. "Once you get healed up, it's back to work; do you understand me?"

Ben smirked, leaning up, nose brushing against Washington's. "I do, sir."

The older man grinned, kissing Ben's lips, hands tracing into the blonde's hair. He played with the locks gracefully, absentmindedly. Ben smiled, enjoying the treatment. His hands snaked under Washington's shirt, hands exploring the man's body. Washington snorted, pinning Benjamin down playfully. 

"Touchy, aren't you?"

"Can't help myself," Ben smirked, tilting his head back. "Surely you'd be willing to help me, wouldn't you?"

"Well, depends; would you like my help-?"

The blonde grinned, twisting his wrists a bit to free himself. "Of course, sir~!" He giggled, raising a bit. Washington kissed the man softly, slowly undoing the buttoning of his shirt. Once his chest was bare, the redhead grinned, meeting Ben's gaze. 

"So pretty~..."

"You remind me every time~!" Ben purred. Washington grinned, moving to take his coat and shirt off. Ben traced his hands along the revealed skin, adoring each visible bit. He was always astonished by the man's build, chubby and muscular. He gazed up, tilting his head. "You're stunning yourself."

"Why, thank y-"

"Anyway, I'm back, Benjamin," the medic spoke, walking back in. He glanced up, catching sight of the situation. Though, he did no more than shrug his shoulders. The young man sat a few of his things to the side, reorganizing the desk. He nodded, stretching his arms. "And, I'm going back out now. Have fun." He turned to leave the tent but froze. He turned to look at the two again, brows furrowed. "Don't mess too much of my shit up. I'll have both of your heads."

Washington groaned. "Is that a threat, sir?"

"A promise," the medical man laughed, walking out.

Benjamin was burning red in embarrassment, and he rose, covering his face. He shook his head, laughing. "Oh, I hate him sometimes..."

Washington rolled his eyes, moving off from on top of Benjamin. He cleared his throat, looking towards the exit. "Well, I have a meeting. Sorry about that."

"No need to apologize. We'll finish when I'm better." Ben winked. "So, see you in a bit."

Washington chuckled, slipping his clothes back on. "Rest yourself, Benjamin."

"As you wish."


This story was horribly composed, and I apologize-

I promise, if you want me to, I'll rewrite it!

But that's all for now!

(Word Count: 1450)

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