Robert E. Lee X Ulysses S. Grant

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So... Civil  War Generals... 

Robert E. Lee, Confederate general. Ulysses S. Grant, Union general. 

Enemies to lovers trope? Probably. 

Taking place around the Battle of Appomattox, April 9, 1865. 

My general knowledge of these things are concerning, and I'm certain I'm on at least several watch-lists. Sorry not sorry, government.

Anyway- Fuck Robert E. Lee for trying to tear apart what his father fought to establish, and fuck him for supporting slavery. 

I think this might have some kinky shit- so enjoy that ;-3

~Story Begins~

Robert E. Lee, the Confederate leader and commander of the Civil War. A man of much pride and confidence. A man who fights until he's forced to surrender to the opposing forces. A man who's ruthless in battle, and merciful to none. 

Ulysses S. Grant, a Union general. A strong leader, and a fierce fighter. He hated everything about Robert. Unfortunately, he always fell for his charms and wit. Unlike most southern citizens, Robert was educated. It was something that Ulysses couldn't help but notice.

Regardless, Ulysses knew what he had to do. The deaths were becoming tiring, and he knew many people were losing hope. So many unnamed men had perished on the fields, men who deserved to be remembered. This war had to come to a close. If it didn't many more people would die. If not the war, than this battle surely. 

Moving into Virginia was Robert E. Lee's forces. Ulysses had already gotten word from the president to cut them off and hold the Union's side. The showdown would be at Appomattox. With a strong 63,000+ men, compared to Lee's 26,000 men, Ulysses had the upper hand. 

Of course, he couldn't help but pity the other side. These were men fighting and killing their brothers, cousins, and at certain points, fathers and grandfathers. It was pathetic. Only because they couldn't see that what was going on was wrong. Owning slaves was a ridiculous thing, resulting is ridiculous actions. 

Southern states wanting to break away from the Northern. 


Ulysses found himself zoned out, and he glanced up at the other men who were talking as they prepared for battle. They couldn't let Lee and his forces past this courthouse. No matter what. The Union soldiers had to stay strong.

Ulysses stood, setting some reports down on a desk as he moved between a few men that crowded around. 

The Union troops had managed to force Lee and his military out of Richmond on April first, a week after Lee had launched an attack on Fort Stedman (I think), near Petersburg. This counterattack driven by Ulysses's men forced the Confederates southwest. Heavily outnumbered and extremely low on supplies, Lee knew he was in dire trouble. He knew that he had to do something. 

Desperate, and in need, Lee led a series of awful night marches, hoping to gain some supplies in Farmville, Virginia, and maybe eventually join Major General Joseph E. Johnston's army in North Carolina. To his surprise, Lee found that the Union military had reached and captured the valuable supplies first, on April 7. 

Lee was losing morale, and he knew he couldn't hold the army together much longer so, he moved on. 

Unfortunately for Lee, his army was blocked by federal cavalry. And no matter the attempts to break through, they were likely surrounded, and the horsemen were supported by other troops. Ulysses had anticipated Lee's next attempt of escape. 

Two corps, (24th and 25th), under the order of Major General John Gibbon and Brevet Major General Charles Griffin, was to march all night to reinforce the Union Cavalry and trap Lee. It was today, the 9th of April, that the news from those forces came in. The Confederates had been driven back from that point. 

Lee was going to call for surrender. 

Ulysses smiled, as he and his forces now moved along. He had Lee and his military right where he wanted. Surrounded near the very courthouse that was supposed to be protected (that's not true, it just sounds cool). 

Lee knew fighting back was a waste, and after a few fatalities, he called for surrender. He lost 500 men there, and he didn't want to risk more. 

The union lost merely 152 men. 

Satisfied with the surrender, both Ulysses and Lee came to an agreement. 

Approximately three days after the Battle...

Lee and Ulysses sat with one another as they signed an agreement. This agreement would practically end the war in Virginia, and influence the calls of further surrenders. 

Lee looked towards Grant, a tired smile resting on his face. 

Grant rose a brow in curiosity, smiling back. "You know, you're a smart man."

"I've been told a few times..."

"I wouldn't assume less."

"Yes, but... You somehow outsmarted me. And, well, I'm impressed with your intelligence and sheer wits..." 

"Please, don't make me blush."

"And why not? It's about time we push our differences aside... I mean. I believe we could get along quite nicely." 

Grant snorted slightly, rolling his eyes. He watched as Lee moved closer, however. With a slight tilt in his chin, he met eyes with the man. His honey brown eyes were gorgeous, especially in the sun's light. He was tall, just under 6ft. 

Grant himself was 5'8, and his eyes shimmered a deep-grey. 

Lee rolled his eyes after a moment. "Are you just going to stare?" 

"Oh- uh... Apologies... I just-"

"Don't get sappy now." Lee snickered, leaning down to where he was only an inch away from Grant's face.

Grant stared up at the man, speechless. However, they could both feel the sense of craving something more. Slowly, Lee leaned in, finally connecting his lips to Grant's. 

The younger man was shocked by the action. Regardless, he kissed back, letting his eyes shut. Lee smirked, pulling away from brunette. 

Lee's hair had already gone grey with age, but he was still in his prime, or so he said. 

Ulysses glanced away after a moment, covering his mouth in embarrassment. 

"How long have you dreamt of doing that?" 

"If I tell the truth, you'd likely find me fairly odd." 

"Unlikely. I've desired you for so long as well... I mean... Intelligence isn't common... But... God, you're wondrous and smart." 

Grant's face turned pink as he struggled to find words. "Your intelligence has always been striking to me as well. You're handsome, smart, tall... And honestly... I adore you. Not every aspect, but the adoration is there."

"I would assume so. I have many flaws that I intend to correct. And one of the many would be apologizing to you for all the stress I might have put on you..." 

"All is forgiven." Grant whispered. He glanced up, hearing a door open. A young man stared for a second, apologized, and took a step out. 

Both Robert and Ulysses glanced at each other, realizing what position they were in. They quickly stood, trying to explain that it wasn't what it looked like. Unfortunately, that didn't fly by the young man. It was obvious they had something going on. 

Regardless, the two did enjoy each other's company. 

And they did tend to have private meetings every once and awhile. 



There was a lot of history in this one, so that should make up for how short it is. 

Anyway, I hope you all liked this. If you didn't-

I completely understand

Anyway, that's all for now. Probably writing another Lewis and Clark fic next. 

That'll be fun. 

Anyway, adios. 

(Word count: 1262)

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