I get attacked by a flying lion thing

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I suppose I should start on the day that summer vacation finally finished. I don't know about you all, but school ended on the 23rd of June for me. Four days after my birthday. I don't really think that information is important, but if you can do math, then you know my birthday now I guess.

I'm rambling, sorry. On with the story.

I had just got off the school bus, and was now walking home in the 80° heat.

I hated the heat. The sun was okay I guess, but the heat was the worst part. I mean, my skin didn't really burn, but I still didn't like it being so hot.

I was just being causal, and hoping that today could just stay normal when I heard a shriek.

Jinxed it, I thought, as I suppressed a groan and turned.

A lion thing with wings flew at me.

I muttered a curse in Italian and grabbed the closest thing. Which happened to be a stick. Wonderful.

The flying lion thing extended it's talons at me. I quickly ducted, racking my brain of what this thing was.

It started with a... J? No, it started with a G. G..... Ugh. It was on the tip of my tough.

English sucked. So did random monsters appearing and attacking me. I wasn't about to tell my mom and have her think I was crazy though.

The lion thing flew at me again. This time when it came close to me, I hit it with the stick.

It shrieked again. I hoped it was hurt.

"Oh my-" I glared at the monster. "Can you die, please?!"

A few people looked at me oddly. I didn't know what they saw, but I'd found that most people couldn't see the monsters. Or at least they saw something else.

The lion bird seemed to glare back at me. It shook it's wings and a few feathers fell.

I'd had enough with this thing. It kept coming back even after it turned into dust.

I threw the stick at it with surprising accuracy and strength.

The stick hit the winged lion thing in the stomach and made it fall backwards and into the closest building.

As it turned into dust, I remember it's name. Griffin.

I pursed my lips and said under my breath, "Okay then." Then walked briskly to my house.

I saw the second car parked in the driveway beside my mom's SUV.

My eyes went wide and I quickly ran inside.

"Mamma?" I called out.

"I'm in the kitchen, love," my mother called out.

Francesca Santoro, was her name, and she was the nicest adult I'd ever met.

Aunt Elena was sitting in the kitchen talking to my mom.

"Francesca-" Elena cut herself off when she saw me. "Sole, dear come here!"

My mom laughed, as she put the lid on a pot that was on the stove.

I walked over to my aunt and she kissed my cheeks.

"How are you, dear?" She asked in her thick Italian accent.

"I'm good, how are you?" I responded politely.

"I am very well. Also the girl and Enzo are going to be coming over for dinner," said Elena.

I smiled. "Wonderful!"

"Sole, how 'bout you go to your room and get ready for dinner," my mom suggested

"'Kay," I replied and then opened the fridge to retrieve an apple before walking out of the kitchen.

One thing to know about my mom Francesca Santoro, she's a  single mom. Now you're probably asking, "Then how did she have you?" I'm not adopted or anything like that. My mom had never told me about my biological father. All she had ever said about him was that she had never actually falling in love with him or anything.

I was willing to bet they met at a party or something. I didn't care that I didn't have a father though. I'd never needed one.

But back to the story.

I walked out of the kitchen. [You already said that] [Margret, hush, let me tell the story without any commentary.]

My cousins we're twins are at 8 years old, we're very energetic. I would really like to have a normal- actually let's not finish that thought.

I jogged up the stairs and into my room.

I went to the window and was about to open it when I saw an eagle on top of the building next to my house. Just an fyi, both eagles and griffins hate me. I don't know why, they just do. At least eagles do. Griffins, believe it or not, don't ever actually do anything, but they are very annoying, flying at me and all that.

The eagle just stared at me unblinking.

"Okay then. Not opening the window I guess," I muttered and closed the curtains.

I turned on the AC instead, and walked up to the mirror.
My dirty blonde hair was a mess. I muttered a curse under my breath and proceeded to try and find my hair brush.

Yep, so that's the first chapter- Also if anyone has any tips on writing a bilingual character, that would be very helpful!!

Also I rewrote some of this chapter.

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