I'm officially Doomed™

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"Okay, spill," Mom said, as she poured tea into teacups. (A/N see what I did there???)

"Err..." I hesitated, and then decided to try and play the Captain Obvious Card. "Well, there was a Griffin."

"Uhm. Just like there had been for the past month circling the house? Along with eagles?" She asked, taking a sip of her tea. "And a few Cyclopi?" (A/N is that's how you spell cyclopi? Like the plural of cyclops? Help me here guys, I don't have my pjo books with me rn)

"Umm..." My throat was dry. I took a sip of tea and tapped my fingers on the cup, trying to think of what to say. "Well, uh, it seems like you already know-"

Mom huffed. "Of course I know! You aren't exactly quiet when you're battling monsters, right outside!"


Then my mom sighed. "Well perhaps I should explain some things too." She looked out the window as if expecting to see another Griffin. "But right now you need to pack. We'll talk in the car, get an extra outfit and the essentials of what you would need for a sleep over."

I furrowed my brow. "A sleepover? At who's house?"

"Not a house. A camp."

"What camp? Did you sign me up for a summer camp that I didn't know about?" I asked, terribly confused.

"Not exactly. Just get your stuff and I'll explain on the way there," she promised.

"Where is there?" I questioned, incredulously.

"Sole," she warned.

"Fine, fine." I looked longingly at my tea still on the table, then trudged upstairs.

If I'm being honest, I got packed a little slow on purpose, just to see if Mom would tell me what was happening, while we were still in the house. I had gotten ready faster, that's all I will say. I'd had a lot of practice getting ready fast, mostly because I tended to forget I had plans until 5 minutes to the plans, and had to get ready fast.

Rambling, sorry. Anyways, Mom didn't give in just because I was taking longer than needed. When I came down, she was sitting on the couch, with her keys in hand, casually sipping her tea.

"Ready?" She asked, getting up.

"Yep," I muttered, shouldering the bag I had stuffed all my stuff in.

Only then did I realize that there was a box on the couch next to her.

"What's that?" I asked, trying to grab it.

Francesca Santoro was too quick. My mother swiftly picked it up and held it away from my reach.

"I wouldn't give it to you if you just grab it like that," my mom scolded.

I sighed. "Fine. Can I have it, please?"

She handed it to me and added, "Don't open it until we get in the car." I could tell she was happy to make me wait. She had the same expression on as when Uncle Enzo gave me my first pocketknife; lIke she would rather me not have it but there was nothing she could do.

I frowned slightly, but nodded.

We walked out the front door and my mom locked it behind us.

We got into the car and we started to drive away from our house.

"So," I prompted.

Mom sighed. "Yes, you can open it, and yes, I'll explain."

I nodded and then started opening the box with my pocketknife.

"You explain, I'll open this box."

My mom sighed again and started explaining.

"So," she started. "You know how you don't know your father?"


"Well... That's because he's a Greek God."

I was so surprised, I accidentally cut my hand with my knife.

I ignored the warm blood now trickling down my arm. "A Greek God?" I asked.

She nodded.

I looked at her like she was insane. Then I remembered that I had fought Griffins, eagles, cyclopi and more monsters. "Oh... Well that explains a lot."

My mom nodded, but didn't keep her eyes off the road.

"Well which God then?" I asked.

She wasn't looking at me, but I was pretty sure her eyes twinkled with humor.

I knew what Miss. Santoro was going to say before she even opened her mouth.

"You're not going to tell me are you?" I asked glumly.

"Nope!" She said gleefully. "But open the package already."

I complied to her oh so nice, request, to open the box already.

I wiped the blood of my arm and hand, before constructing on opening the box, and not cutting myself again.

When I finally got the box open, whatever was in it glowed faintly.

I quickly pulled out the objects. A bow and quiver of arrows with glowing bronze tips.

"Whoa." I said. And then frowned. "But I don't know how to-" I waved at the bow and arrows.

"Do archery?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, that."

Mom shrugged. "Well neither do I but the place we're going to will help you with that."

"Wait. Where are we going?" I asked.

"Camp Half-blood. The camp for Greek demigods."

841 words y'all :))

Two chapters in one dayyy

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