Margret Rambles. Thats all that happens.

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Just an update that I've changed the timeline, I was originally gonna have it be like a hundred years later or smth, but now its only about twenty years after toa :) SO PERCY AND ANNABETH AND EVERYONE ELSE (well mostly everyone) IS STILL ALIVEEEEEE and yes I may have Percy be in this at one point :0 BUT ANYWAYS

I walked out side to find Margret waiting for me on the steps of the big house.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, quickly jumping to her feet. "You ready for the tour?"

"Nope, but we're gonna go any ways," I said, trying to match her enthusiasm.

Margret laughed and grabbed my hand. "Well come on!"


As we passed each cabin Margret kept a running commentary on each cabin, the campers, the camp it's self, all that. I tried to listen, (I really did!) but my thoughts kept wandering to other topics. Like, which god was my godly parent? Who were each of these kids? Had anyone actually meet some of these gods? And more questions.

So fun. Love being ADHD.

I decided to try and listen to Margret again. She was currently rambling on about the Athena cabin, and that most of them were pretty nice and such. "Oh! And there's a new kid in the Athena cabin, her name is Amy, I think she's like eight? I'm not sure, but it's pretty young for someone to get claimed at. I would say that its odd for a kid to come to camp so young, but I mean, when I came to camp I was even younger!"

That caught my attention. I ignore the fact that my brain was now wondering why I wanted to know so much about this girl, and just blurted out, "What age did you come to camp?"

Margret continued her commentary while she answered my question. "I came when I was around four. And there's the Apollo cabin! I got claimed by Hermes less than a week in. The head counselor for the Apollo cabin is a girl named Rae (A/N bahaha I'm so sneakyyyyyy I'M EVERYWHERE PEOPLE!!!!), she's really nice, there's about six kids currently in the Apollo cabin, almost all of them are bi, but we're not gonna get into that."

"Huh," I said, because that was all I could say in the two seconds Margret needed to take a breath, before she started her endless ramble again.

I accidentally zoned out again, only catching snipets of what Margret was saying.

"Cabin for the hunters of Artemis, they haven't visited in a while... Hephaestus cabin, they're all lovely people if you can pull them away from their work long enough to have a conversation with them...Aphrodite cabin, most of them are terrible gossips but if you don't mind the snoody ones, there's some really nice people from there!... There's the cabin I stay in! Been there for 8 year!! I love all my siblings, though we do have a problem with pranking people and stealing from other campers.... Dionysus cabin! They're actually quite calm people, and wonderful cooks!!.... Hades cabin, most of them seem all scary and dark, but honestly most of them aren't...."

..... Yeah, I fully stopped listening after the Hades cabin. Hey, I got nothing wrong with any of the campers but this tour was taking forever!

Margret finally stopped walking at the Hypnos cabin.
"And here is the Hypnos cabin!! Now let's go wake up Astro, because as much as I respect that he needs to sleep, he doesn't need to sleep all day," she said before promptly dragging me up the steps of the cabin and opening the door.

Quite honestly, the cabin looked like one of the most comfortable places I've ever been in. There was no hard floor except for one pathway that cut through the middle and to the bathroom. Other than that, the entire floor was just a big mattress, with tons of pillows and blankets. The walls were lined with books cases full of books and  not a single slot was empty. There was hammocks strung from the ceiling, and everyone in the room was asleep.

As I awed over the cabin, Margret walked over to one of the sleeping figures and prodded him in the stomach.
Astro groaned and sat up. "You have five seconds to explain why you just woke me up," the boy mumbled groggily.

"Because it's after morning and you should be awake!" Margret exclaimed, trying to keep her voice down.

"Oh," Astro said, "that's interesting. I didn't know you wanted to die today!"

Margret sighed like this was a normal occurrence. "Astro, you can't kill me."

"To late, I've already decided how," he hissed before throwing a pillow at her and lying back down. (Yes, this is just gonna be a crack book with a semi-put together plot but that's what makes it fun :D I know someone else who had done the same thing but hp AND IT WAS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER READ)

"No," Margret said simply, and started dragging him by his foot.

Astro yelped and sat up again. "Fine, fine! I'll get up!" He screamed.

Margret smiled with satisfaction, and then helped Astro to his feet.

Oh and if you were wonder what I was doing while this whole thing was going on? I decided that Margret had it covered and just sat down on the end of the mattress to watch as the chaos unfolded. I'm so helpful, I know.

Once Margret and Astro had made their way over to me I was standing again.

"Well then," Margret said, taking out her phone to look at the time. "It'll be dinner soon, so we have just enough time to introduce you to some of the campers before we have to eat."

"Ah. Wonderful," I muttered.

"Why do I have to be here again?" Astro asked.

"Because I said so. Now come on, we only have about an hour!" She exclaimed before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the cabin, as Astro trudged behind us.

Mk 993 words!! Not bad! But I'm ending it there so that my headache doesn't get worse, bc I need to sleep :p anyways bye

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