Chapter 1: Europe, North America from half over of the 16th century to 17th [1]

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Lesson 1: Bourgeois revolutions in Europe and North America English bourgeois revolution
a) Cause

By the 15th and 16th centuries, the British economy transitioned to a period of capitalist development. British society has undergone major changes. Farmers lost their land and were poor, moving to the cities to work as laborers, dissatisfied with the feudal state. The majority of landowners switched to capitalist business, a new aristocracy was born, had great economic power, played an important role in Parliament, and wanted to gain political rights.

However, the political tradition of compromise between king and Parliament established in the 13th century was not maintained. King Charles I (1600 - 1649) did not convene Parliament for 11 years. That authoritarian rule created political instability.

In 1640, needing money to suppress the rebellion in Scotland, Charles I convened Parliament to impose new taxes but was refused. The conflict between the king and Parliament deepened. Parliament passed the law itself, limit the king's power. Angry, on January 4, 1642, Charles I led his army into Parliament to arrest a number of political opponents. Neither side is willing to compromise. In August 1642, the king declared war on Parliament. Revolution broke out.

     b) Results, meaning, properties and characteristics

The revolution overthrew the absolute monarchy and established a constitutional monarchy. In a constitutional monarchy, the king's power is limited and the role of Parliament is recognized. This revolution paved the way for capitalism to develop strongly in England. However, the results of the revolution did not meet the interests of the majority of people at that time.

The English Revolution was a bourgeois revolution led by a new bourgeois-aristocratic alliance, taking place in the form of civil war.

          2. War of independence of 13 British colonies in North America

By 1760, British colonists had 13 colonies in North America with a population of more than 1.5 million people. A capitalist economy developed in all 13 colonies.

British colonialists issued many harsh laws such as: Sugar Act, Stamp Tax Act, prohibition of land reclamation to the West,... These laws violated freedom and hindered economic development. , causing relations between the home country and the colonies to become increasingly tense. The colonists rebelled against the British king.

While the movement against colonial laws and taxes was fierce, the British Government allowed the East India Company to monopolize the tea trade in North America, seriously affecting profits of colonial traders.

On the night of December 16, 1773, at Boston Harbor, a group of people dressed as Red Skin people broke into a British ship and dumped bales of tea into the sea. The British Parliament immediately ordered the port to close and enacted additional laws to prevent colonial economic development. This event sparked the outbreak of war.

     b) Results, meaning, properties and characteristics

The war ended, the people of 13 British colonies in North America gained independence. The laws that hindered the development of the economy imposed by the British government were removed, paving the way for the capitalist economy to develop in North America. A new nation was born: the United States of America. In 1789, G. Washington was elected, becoming the first President of the United States.

This victory also gave colonial people all over the world hope for liberation and independence.

The war for independence of the 13 British colonies in North America led by the bourgeoisie and slave owners was essentially a bourgeois revolution taking place in the form of a war of national liberation.

          3. French bourgeois revolution

     a) Cause

In the 18th century, France was still a backward absolute monarchy in Europe. Since Louis XVI ascended the throne in 1774, the economic crisis has become increasingly serious. Agriculture is backward, crop failures and famine often occur. Industry and commerce developed but were hindered by the king's tax policy; Furthermore, the currency and measurement units are not consistent, and the budget is in deficit. Meanwhile, the three-class order increasingly deepens conflicts in society. The third estate was dissatisfied with the king's policies and the two upper estates.

In that situation, the progressive ideas of freedom, democracy, and a rule-of-law society of Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, etc. were widely accepted in French society, motivating the French people to revolutionize. .

On May 5, 1789, King Louis XVI convened the Three Estates Conference with the hope of reaching consensus on increasing old taxes and setting new taxes. However, fierce arguments between representatives of different castes occurred. The delegates of the Third Estate declared the formation of a Constituent Assembly. King Louis XVI used the army to dissolve the Constituent Assembly.

On July 14, 1789, the masses attacked the Bastille prison. The revolution broke out and spread throughout France.

     b) Results, meaning, properties and characteristics

The French bourgeois revolution abolished the monarchy, established a republic, affirmed the freedom and democratic rights of citizens, and paved the way for capitalist economic development. This revolution not only created profound changes within France but also left a profound mark on the course of European history throughout the 19th century.

The bourgeois revolution was led by the bourgeoisie and took place in the form of civil war and war to defend the fatherland.

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