Chapter 11

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I walked into the kitchen to find Peggy and Erika already awake, breakfast waiting for me on the counter.

Erika caught my eye as I entered, flashing me a warm smile.

I returned it as I set my plate, taking a seat across from her.

"Good morning." She greeted.

I nodded. "Good morning."

I started in on my food quietly as Peggy looked between us.

"Am I missing something here?" She asked.

Erika and I shared a quick glance. "What do you mean?" I replied.

"I thought you two weren't speaking to each other?" Peggy said.

I shrugged, giving Erika another small smile. "Well, we had a good talk last night and it made me realize some things."

Then, we quietly went back to our food once again.

Peggy set her fork down, studying us. "Is that code for sex or something?"

I rolled my eyes before glaring at her. "No, Peggy. We just talked."

She raised her hands in fake surrender while Erika chuckled to herself.

"It's a fair question." Peggy said in defense.

I shook my head before going back to my meal.

Then, I felt a foot lightly graze mine, I looked up to catch Erikas glance, a mischievous glint twinkling behind her eyes.

I smirked, slowly running my foot up her bare calf.

"Do you guys want me to leave? 'Cause I'm kinda getting a feeling between you two." Peggy said.

We smiled.

"No, you're fine." Erika said, running her foot all the way up my thigh.

I shifted in my seat, a slight blush forming on my cheeks. "Well... maybe give us a minute."

Peggy rolled her eyes as she stood, carrying her plate into the living room. "I cooked the damn breakfast and I'm the one who has to leave the table?" She muttered to herself.

Once she was out of sight, Erika and I stood, quickly pulling each other into a passionate kiss.

She slowly backed me up into the counter, running her hand through my hair. "God, I've missed this."

I smiled at her. "Look, before we get to carried away... I just wanted to thank you... what you said last night meant a lot to me."

She returned my smile, planting a soft kiss on my lips. "I meant every word..."

   I looked deep into her eyes, placing my hands gently on her cheeks. "You are so beautiful..."

   I felt her face warm beneath my hands as she leaned in, pressing her lips to mine once again.

   Then, she lifted me up, sitting me on the counter as she deepened the kiss.

   I wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling her tightly against me.

   Her tongue grazed my bottom lip, her hands tangling in my hair.

   I moved my hands down her shoulders, my fingernails lightly grazing her exposed skin.

   She released a breath through her nose as she moved one hand down to my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.

   Then, we heard someone clear their throat.

   We pulled apart and looked towards the doorway, seeing April leaning against the frame, arms folded over her chest.

   Erika quickly backed away, her cheeks turning a bright red.

   Mine matched hers as I hopped down from the counter. "Sorry, April..." I said.

   She shook her head, a slight chuckle escaping her. "Why don't you take this to your room so the rest of us can enjoy our breakfast in peace?"

   Erika and I exchanged a look and a giggle.

   She took my hand and led me past April, down the hallway to her room.

We walked in and I closed the door.

She turned to face me, a slight smirk lighting up her lips as she slowly pulled her tank top over her head.

My whole body started to heat up as I began undressing as well.

Once all those pesky clothes were out of the way, she started walking towards me, taking in my figure as she did.

Then, our lips collided once again.

I ran my hands down her back, grabbing the back of her thighs and hauling her up.

She wrapped her legs around my bare waist as I walked us over to the bed, lightly setting her down.

I slowly crawled on top of her, leading a trail of kisses over her chest to her collar bone.

She let out a light moan, running her fingers over my back.

I moved my kisses up to her neck as my hand traveled down to her waist.

Then lower...

She wrapped her arms around me, her eyes fluttering closed. "Carlie..."

Her breathing slowed as I pulled my hand away, looking down at her, a mischievous smirk tugging at my lips. "Yes..?

She let out a groan. "This is not the time for jokes..."

I chuckled. "I thought it was funny."

  Then, I leaned back down, capturing her lips with mine...

We laid curled up in each others arms, half of the blanket sprawled out on the floor while the other half barely covered us.

I traced circles into her shoulder with my thumb. "Erika?"

She looked up. "Yeah?"

"I was doing some thinking... and, when all this is done... I'd like you to come with me..."

A slight smile tugged at her lips. "Where?"

I looked up at the ceiling, a smile of my own forming. "Everywhere... anywhere... it doesn't matter. I just want to explore the world with you by my side."

She leaned up, planting a soft kiss to my lips. "I'd love to."

I kissed her back. "Good."

She laid her head back on my chest and I closed my eyes, letting out a contented sigh.

Then, we heard a loud bang come from somewhere in the house.

We shared a quick look before hopping out of bed and getting dressed.

I snuck up to the door and opened it a little, peaking down the hallway.

That's when we heard Peggy's scream.

"No! Get your hands off me!"

I closed the door and turned to Erika. "Stay here and lock the door, I'll be right back."

A look of fear crossed her features but, she nodded anyway.

I planted a quick kiss on her lips before quietly sneaking out the door and down the hallway.

Three masked figures suddenly stepped in front of me, blocking my path.


"Freeze!" One yelled, raising a pistol at me.

I slowly raised my hands. "How'd you find us?"

The figure just crept towards me, pulling a zip-tie from his vest, pistol still trained on me.

Before he could grab my hands, I quickly slapped the pistol out of his hand and planted a hard kick to his chest, sending him flying back into one of the other figures.

The third one charged me, knife in hand.

She swung it and I jumped back, avoiding the razor sharp blade.

With a grunt, she swung again, a little high this time.

I caught her wrist and hit the flat side of the blade, knocking it from her grasp, before planting an elbow into her nose.

She fell back, pulling her mask off as blood leaked down her chin.

With the three figures down, I took the opportunity and ran towards the kitchen, only to find April and Peggy tied to chairs, Blaze and the brunette from London standing behind them.

Then, I felt the cold steel of a pistol barrel pressed to the back of my neck.

"You are tough, I'll give you that."

I slowly turned around, coming face to face with Miss Rain.

"Well, well, it's good to see you again." I replied.

Then, I noticed the three figures carrying an unconscious Erika into the kitchen.

I clenched my teeth. "What'd you do to her!"

Rain smiled. "Relax, she's still alive."

I clenched my fists at my sides. "How'd you find us?"

She smiled, pulling a crumpled up piece of paper from her pocket. "Easy, we just followed you from Miss Allure's airstrip."

I took the paper from her hand, unfolding it to reveal the picture of Erika that was pinned to her file.

A slight laugh escaped me. "Smart."

Rain smiled. "I thought you'd like that... Now, why don't you be a dear and join your friends at the table, we have business to discuss..."

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