Chapter 8

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   "You're bugged!?" Peggy asked angrily.

I stared at her, a look of shock on my face. "Y-you knew..?

She averted my gaze. "Yes... I thought I disabled it... but, after what happened in London and now this, clearly I was wrong."

"How?" I asked.

She sighed, rubbing her forearm. "That's what I wanted to tell you... those chips we were working on weren't for missiles... they were for people..."

I angrily got to my feet. "Jesus, I'm so stupid... of course you've been lying to me. I wouldn't have saved your ass otherwise."

She got to her feet now. "Hey, I never lied to anyone. You guys were the ones who assumed they were for missiles... I just didn't correct you."

   "That's still fucking lying." Peggy said.

   "Even so, I never asked for your help nor did I want it. And, last time I checked, you were there to kill me, remember?"

I spun on her. "Yeah, well, I didn't and now we're all stuck in this shit show."

She looked down, averting my gaze.

"I thought, maybe just once, I could trust someone other than myself. But, I guess I was wrong." Then, I turned on my heel and started to walk off.

"Wait." Erika called out, coming up behind me.

"What?" I asked, refusing to turn around.

"About what happened in the garage. I wasn't lying about that, the things I said... the things I did..."

I lowered my head, a few tears welling up in my eyes. "Yeah, well, clearly I made a mistake."

She walked around me, staring deep into my eyes. "Now that's a lie and you know it."

I shook my head. "Don't pretend like you know me. I'm stuck with you for the time being, but don't think for a second that I'm happy about it."

A hurt look crossed her features, like my words cut right through her.


"As soon as I get these people off our asses, you and me are through. Got it?"

She lowered her head, giving me a small nod.

I brushed past her, heading for my room.

   I closed the door behind me and locked it, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

   Tears flowed freely from my eyes. 'Stupid. You let yourself slip up and look what happened... you got attached and it backfired on you... to think, someone like me could really have a normal life, that I could trust people.'

I wiped at my eyes. "You're all alone in this world. Always have been, always will be. Never forget that." I whispered.

With a deep breath, I got to my feet, quickly getting changed before walking back into the main room.

Erika and Peggy looked up as I entered. "Load up, we're outta here in twenty."

I heard them get to their feet and start to grab the computers while I made my way to the equipment room.

I filled a few bags with guns and other things we'd need before making my way to the elevator.

"If you're not in the car in ten I'm leaving without you." Then, the elevator doors slid shut, carrying me down to the garage.

I walked over to the GTO and put the bags in the trunk before sitting in the drivers seat.

Peggy and Erika threw their things in the trunk before joining me in the car, Erika taking a seat in the back.

I started the car and hit the garage door opener.

"Where are we going?" Peggy asked.

"April's, maybe she can find a way to get that chip out." I replied.

Then, we were off, heading for April's...

"I told you I wanted no part in this." April said, staring the three of us down.

"I know, but she's bugged. She led them right to us."

April shook her head. "And now you're gonna lead them right to me!"

"Not if we can get the chip out." Erika said.

April looked between us before sighing. "Fine, let's make this quick."

We followed her inside and down a flight of stairs.

   She sat Erika down in a chair. "Where is it?"

   Erika looked down before pointing at the back of her neck.

   April walked behind her and scanned the area before facing us. "You guys might wanna wait upstairs, this could get messy."

   I just nodded before heading back up the stairs, Peggy following close behind.

   I grabbed a beer from the fridge and took a seat at the kitchen table.

   Peggy sat down across from me. "How're you feeling?"

   I took a long sip of my beer. "Angry, betrayed... hurt."

   She looked down. "What did you guys talk about in the garage?"

   I shook my head, downing the rest of my beer. "Nothing..."

   She lowered her head. "Are you sure? It seemed to hit you pretty hard when she mentioned it."

   I stood up. "Trust me, it's nothing important."

   Then, I headed back outside, taking a seat in my car.

   I rubbed my forehead before opening the glove compartment.

   Erikas file was still inside.

   I pulled it out and opened it, looking at her picture. Anger and betrayal filled my gut as I stared at it.

   With a shake of my head and a sigh, I crumpled the picture and threw it out the window.

Then, I heard footsteps. I looked over, seeing April approaching.

"Everything ok?" She asked.

I sighed and nodded before stepping out of the car. "How'd it go?"

"Good, I was able to get the chip out."

"I guess that means we're in the clear?"

She nodded, pulling the small chip from her jacket pocket. "For now... But, this is some seriously high-tech shit. It's virtually un-traceable and Rain could track it anywhere in the world without ever having to leave her office."

   "That's great and all but, it still doesn't explain why she's willing to kill innocent people just for knowing of it's existence. Tracking chips are a dime-a-dozen, what makes this one so special?"

   April shrugged, dropping the chip on the ground before stepping on it. "Beats me. But, if we don't find out soon, we're all as good as dead..."

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