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New Zealand,
Three Months Later...

Erika and I walked out of the small diner we had breakfast in.

   I took her hand in mine. "So, where to next?"

   She smiled, the slight breeze catching her hair. "Do we have to leave already?"

   I shrugged. "No... But, I heard Peru is pretty nice this time a year."

   She chuckled. "You can be very convincing when you want to be, Misses Conway."

I pulled her into a soft kiss. "As can you, Misses North."

She giggled before leading me down the street towards the dock.

As we approached our sail boat, I noticed a figure standing on one of the balcony's, brunette hair blowing in the breeze.

I stopped short of the boat, pulling my pistol.

"What is it?" Erika asked.

I pointed towards the figure. "Stay here, I'm gonna go check it out."

"Alright, be careful. I love you."

"I love you to." I replied before hesitantly stepping up onto the boat, heading for the stairs.

I opened the door, walking out onto the upper deck, seeing the figure leaned on the railing, her back to me.

"Lemme see your hands." I ordered.

She raised them before turning around.

I sighed, lowering my gun. "Jesus, April, you almost gave me a heart attack."

She smiled before pulling me into a quick hug. "Good, at least I haven't lost it."

I chuckled before looking down at Erika, who still stood on the dock. "C'mon up, it's just April."

She smiled before boarding the boat, joining us on the upper deck a minute later.

April pulled her into a quick hug as well.

"Hows the leg?" Erika asked.

April patted her thigh. "Not to bad."

"So, why'd you drop in?" I asked.

She smiled before sitting down. "We're officially in the clear."

Erika glanced at her "You mean... they're all dead?"

April nodded.

I sat down next to her. "Rain?"

"Well, she took up a permanent residence at the safe house... Which just so happened to catch fire one morning. Five unidentified bodies still inside."

"And the Russian?"

"Tracked her down a couple weeks ago in Taiwan. The authorities found her car a few miles out of town. Real nasty car wreck. They almost couldn't identify the remains. Luckily she remembered to brush daily."

Erika let out a happy laugh. "I can't believe it... We're actually free."

I stood up. "This calls for a celebratory round of drinks."

They followed me into the cabin and I poured out three glasses of champagne.

We all raised our glasses. "To freedom." I said.

"To freedom." They replied before we downed the drinks.

"So, hows Peggy?" I asked as I refilled the glasses.

"She's good... Believe it or not, she makes one hell of a plane mechanic." April replied.

"She works for you?" Erika asked.

April nodded. "Yep, we were thinking about going legit. Maybe give plane tours for some extra cash."

I clinked my glass with hers. "Sounds like a real plan."

She nodded before taking a sip. "By the way, we got your letter, congratulations on the wedding."

Erika took my hand. "Thanks."

I kissed her cheek. "It was one of the best decisions I've ever made."

April smiled, looking between the two of us. "Where are you guys headed next?"

"Peru." Erika replied.

April nodded. "Well, I'll let you get to it then. I just wanted to spread the good news."

We pulled her into quick hugs.

"Thank you, for everything." I said.

She nodded. "Don't mention it. And, next time you're in the states, drop by for a visit. Peggy misses you."

"You got it." I replied.

Then, she waved us off before heading out...

The ocean breeze blew over the deck as beautiful blue-green water surrounded us on every side.

I held the wheel, looking down at the map, when Erika walked up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

She rested her head on my shoulder. "Are you sure you know where you're going?"

I turned around in her arms, resting my forehead against hers. "As long as you're there, I'm in the right place."

She smiled. "You are so cheesy sometimes."

I planted a soft kiss on her lips. "You know you love it."

"Can't argue with that."

I giggled, kissing her again. "I'm so glad I met you... Even if it was under unusual circumstances."

"Me to... I love you so much, Carlie."

"I know exactly how you feel."

She chuckled, capturing my lips in a deep kiss.

The sounds of the ocean ringing out around us, the smell of freedom in the air...

The End

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