30| The Giant Reptile

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Raabia looked worriedly towards the bathroom. Saad looked up. With her body twisted little Saad got a glimpse of her back and found his gaze fixed there. He took her time staring at her and quickly looked away when she turned.

Raabia noticed his gaze and frowned, - 'What are you looking at?' She pressed the towel tightly against her chest.

Saad shook his head and stood up. Raabia eyed him suspiciously before standing up. Saad secretly looked at her as she pulled up her towel, turned around and re-tied it.

Saad watched as she tied her hair in a proper bun again. She then turned to look at him and Saad quickly fixed his expressions. He pretended to think something. Raabia eyed him from top to bottom.

'You go into the bathroom and change, I will change here.' Raabia said with her chin raised little. Saad wondered why? And why did she run out from the bathroom in fear? He asked her but she kept making excuses. The way her eyes darted and how she didn't meet his gaze gave him a hint something is wrong.

She confessed only when he threatened he will start undressing right in front of her, - 'Okay, okay I will tell you.' Raabia panicked closing her eyes, - 'There is a lizard in there.' She frowned when she heard Saad's chuckles. She opened her eyes and scowled harder on seeing Saad laughing wholeheartedly.

'Wow! The great Raabia Kaif fears a lizard?' He taunted her.

'Ugly lizard.' Raabia corrected him. She placed her palms on her hips and pressed her lips tightly as Saad began chuckling again.

Raabia folded her arms and tapped her feet irritated as Saad continued to chuckle taking out his towel and casuals for the night.


Saad entered the bathroom shaking his head and still chuckling softly. He closed the door, placed his clothes on the hanger. Saad sighed happily as he got rid of the outrageous Shervani. He stripped to his boxers. He picked up his towel and wiped the sweat off his arms, chest, and back of his neck. He then tossed his towel on his shoulder and turned around.

His eyes widened on seeing a lizard just above the washbasin mirror. He stumbled back amazed by the size of the reptile.

Lizard? It looked more like a baby alligator.

Saad gulped the lump that formed in his throat.

Raabia dropped her towel and quickly wore her inners, she picked up her Tee when the bathroom door opened. Raabia didn't get time to react as Saad ran out of the bathroom and hugged her tightly from behind. Everything happened in lighting speed.

Raabia gasped. Saad jumped apart realizing Raabia is half naked.

'AHHHHH.....' Both screamed in unison. Raabia grabbed the towel and quickly covered herself.

Saad covered his eyes tightly and profusely apologized.

'Pervert.' Raabia fumed.

Saad moved his palm and glared at her, Raabia clenched the towel tightly against her chest.

'Excuse me, enough okay. Every time you are accusing me of being a pervert.' Saad said sternly.

Raabia eyed him suspiciously, she then realized Saad is half naked too. Her eyes widened for few seconds before turning around and clasping her palms over her eyes. Saad sighed not bothering to cover himself even after Raabia had pointed it out.

'I am a guy, I can roam around like that.' He shrugged. Raabia's mouth dropped open. A feminazi inside her woke up. She dropped her towel and looked positively at him, - 'So can I, even though I am a woman. I am no less than you.' She said confidently.

Saad's eyes widened looking at her purple and black inners. Raabia felt uncomfortable with his gaze but she didn't want him to have an upper hand.

Saad looked away, his cheeks burned. A small smile appeared on his lips.

'Not bad.' He whispered to himself.

Confidently, Raabia walked towards the bed, she eyed him before slipping into the blanket. She turned to her side and closed her eyes.

Raabia's heart raced as she felt his weight rest beside her on the bed. Swiftly, she moved her hand and grabbed a glass from the bedside table. She felt his weight shift and she clenched the glass tightly. If he tries anything she will smash it on his head. She thought determinedly.

Soon, Raabia felt him breathing steadily. Slowly, she turned around and found him sleeping. She noted he is fully clothed.

Raabia let out a sigh of relieve. Cautiously, she climbed down the bed. She repeatedly glanced at Saad as she quickly changed into her casuals and slipped back into the blanket. Once in the bed, she placed her palm on her chest and exhaled loudly.

Since the whole Walima Hullabaloo exhausted her, Raabia soon fell asleep. 


*Eyes wide* *blinking* *mouth half open* Raabia? 

How was their scene, guys? *smirks* Our leads have one thing in common, both are scared of lizard. I am guilty of being scared of lizard too *hides face* But one good thing the lizard did is give us their scene *naughty smile*

And Oh My Gosh! Saad shirtless *hotness* Uff....

What are your thoughts on the Chapter, guys? Drop them in the comments :*

Thanks so much for reading, my lovelies :* Ur love and support means a lot to me *flying kiss* Please, don't forget to vote and comment *_*

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