4| A Very Familiar Stranger

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Raabia parked her car in the parking lot and climbed down. She removed her long black and brown furry coat exposing her sparkling metallic gold short evening dress. Raabia keeps just few of short dresses for inevitable nights like this. She adjusted her open toe Stiletto, ruffled her hair and walked in. At the entrance, she opened her clutch purse and showed her pass to the guards. They smiled at her giving a small nod. Raabia nodded and smiled little before entering.

The ambiance of the place made Raabia uncomfortable but she ignored the feeling. Taking out of her phone she called Sebastian.

'Hello! Where are you?' she yelled into the phone. She had to call him thrice before he picked up. He asked her to wait. Raabia sighed and dropped her phone back into her purse. She looked around, her gaze fell on the people dancing together. All looked carefree and drunk. But her gaze fell on a young tall and well-built man and she couldn't avert her gaze. Dressed in an electric blue half-sleeved shirt and black denim he looked stunning. Raabia noted he is Indian. She couldn't make out much of his features as he danced a distance away from her.

For some reason, she wanted to talk to him. Probably because he is Indian, she sensed something familiar. As she took a step someone held her hand and she turned. Sebastian smiled at her.

'Come let us go, everyone is waiting.' He said tugging her hand. Raabia nodded and let him lead her where everyone else is.


Raabia felt out of place as her colleagues drank, danced and enjoyed the night. She simply sat in a corner sipping her cold drink. Sebastian's girlfriend, Rosy had also joined them and so he was busy with her. Raabia looked around searching for her friend but he seemed to be missing. She smiled shaking her head.

Couples, Raabia doesn't understand why they can't keep their hands off each other. Raabia feels pukish seeing their PDA. Her friend is the latest victim of the cupid- Raabia inwardly chuckled.

'Hey, beautiful.' Raabia heard a drunk voice and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She felt a man stand beside her, and then few other men. Raabia ignored them but they began touching her arms and thigh inappropriately. Raabia quickly stood up.

She slammed her drink and was about to leave but the men blocked her way. She looked up at them and frowned. She tried keeping a stern face but in reality, she was intimidated, very intimidated.

'Excuse me.' She said asking them to give her some space but they didn't move. Raabia looked around. Her colleagues too drunk to care and her friend Sebastian is missing. She looked at the men, they grinned at her menacingly. She requested them again but they simply chuckled. Raabia gulped.

'Hey, darling.' Raabia froze feeling a man's arm wrap around her waist. She looked to her side and found the Indian man she had seen on the dance floor. He winked at her.

'Yes? Any problem guys?' The man asked the other men. They passed glances at each other and then at the couple.

'Are you guys, by any chance, troubling my girlfriend?' He asked the men. They shook their heads and looked disappointedly at Raabia, she smirked at them folding her arms.

Murmuring something they disappeared into the crowd. As soon as they left, the stranger moved his arm and took a step away.

'Sorry about that. I saw those men troubling you and I couldn't stop interfering.' The man apologized sincerely.

Raabia felt touched with his gesture, it is very rare. She smiled at him gratefully, - 'Thank you.'

Her gaze fell on his wristwatch and she gasped noting the time, 10 pm, she should be home. The stranger looked at her amusedly as she slapped her forehead. She looked at him and bid her goodbye. The stranger insisted he drops her but Raabia turned him down stating she has her own car. But the man insisted he dropped her till the car. Raabia couldn't refuse, he has helped her and what if those men show up again? She nodded. He smiled gesturing her to walk ahead. They smiled at each other and walked together.

They stopped in front of the car, Raabia turned her head and looked at him.

'Good night and thank you once again.' She said. The stranger smiled. Raabia felt something oddly familiar about his smile and the twinkle in his eyes.

'Good night.' He said. Raabia then sat into the car and rolled down the window pane, she asked him if she should drop him but the man refused, he was going to go back to join his friends. Raabia nodded and then rolled up the window, she then drove away.

As her car exited the driveway she sighed shaking her head- she forgot to ask the stranger's name. How silly of her?

But there is one thing that she felt with the stranger. He seemed very familiar. Maybe because he is Indian? But she as met so many Indians and never felt this way. She wondered if she knew him. Perhaps, he is a distinct memory.


The Mystery intensifies *Dramatic music playing in the background* Who is the stranger? He seems familiar. Hmmm..... 

I am so curious and excited to know more about him. Are you? Also, what are your thoughts about the Stranger? He seems Hot

Thanks so much for reading, my lovelies:* :* Please drop in your thoughts on the Chapter and pretty please don't forget to vote before you leave.

*Muaaah* *Muaaah*

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