Hat Trick and A Gift- Sebastian Aho

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"Aho goes in, he shoots, he SCORES!!!!!!"
"I can't believe it"
"He's actually done it"
"Sebastian Aho has gotten a hat trick!"
"And in the first period too!"
"The Carolina Hurricanes are up 3-0 with 3:26 left in the first"

Aurelia screamed at the top of her lungs for her boyfriend. Sebastian had just scored a hat trick in the first period against the Canucks, the team her abusive ex boyfriend Tyler Myers, and her three favourite people, Elias, Quinn, and Brock, played for. She had front row tickets, so she jumped up and down with the rest of the crowd. Sebastian skated over to where she was and pointed at her. Blushing, she sent him an air kiss, which he gladly accepted, then skated back to the bench. Aurelia sat back down, and rummaged through her bag for some gum. Finding it, she came across the gift she was going to give Sebastian after the game.

After the Game

The Carolina Hurricanes beat the Caucks 3-2, thanks to Sebastian's hat trick. Making her way down to the locker rooms, she came face to face with what she assumed was a puck bunny.

"Ew, who are you," the blonde girl said disgustingly to Aurelia.

"I'm Aurelia Boeser. I'm here for my brother and my boyfriend," she replied, trying to be polite. As she tried to slip by, the blonde girl pushed her down.

"Well I don't know who your boyfriend is, but the cute Swedish player that got the hat trick today is mine," she shouted at Aurelia, who was on the ground, face down.

       "Well, that Finnish player who got the hat trick tonight is my boyfriend," Aurelia quietly snapped back, before hearing someone running towards them

"Hey, what are you doing to my sister?!" Brock shouted, having thrown his hockey bag down and was now running down the hall to help his sister up.

"Shes trying to take my boyfriend away from me," the puck bunny exclaimed. "She said that I wasn't good for you Tyler Myers."

"I'm not Tyler Myers," Brock responded through his gritted teeth. "Aurelia's my sister, and she's in a relationship with someone, so why would she try and steal your boyfriend?" Brock interrogated.

"You must be the one Tyler talks about so much. I'm his girlfriend, Jessica Simpson," Aurelia struggled not to snort. Brock hid his face, so he could snigger, causing Aurelia to burst out laughing.

"Well, if you must know, Tyler Myers is my ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me the whole relationship, and was really abusive. So kudos to you Jessica," Aurelia stated, then turned on her heel and walked towards the locker rooms.

"Ari, you never told me he was abusive," Brock whispered into his ear.

"Brock, it's not a big deal. Plus, knowing you, Elias, and Quinn, you three would beat the living shit out of him." Aurelia remembered telling Quinn everything. Quinn was always there for her, even when she suffered from depression and anxiety from her toxic relationship with Tyler. He was like an older brother to her, and same with the whole team. That was until she broke up with Tyler, with Tyler claiming that they had broken up because it just wouldn't work out with the distance. Quinn and Elias knew something was up, so they visited Aurelia, and she told them both the whole story. She remembered Quinn and Elias had stayed over that night, watching movies, eating ice cream, and getting drunk. Those were the good old days.

      "Well I'm your brother. I care about you so much. I don't want anything bad happening to you Ari," Brock replied, on the verge of tears. Aurelia took one look at him, then burst into tears. Hugging him as tight as possible, soaking up every childhood memory that they had.

      "You know, this baby is gonna have one hell of an uncle," she whispered into Brock's shoulder. Brock pulled away and looked at her in shock.

     "Y-You're pregnant?" he whispered. She nodded, and Brock engulfed her into another hug.

     "What's this Boeser group hug?" Sebastian spoke up. Aurelia looked up, running to her boyfriend, and jumping into his open arms.

     "Congratulations on your hat trick babe," she whispered excitedly into his ear, causing him to chuckle. He carefully set her down.
    "I'll leave you two alone. Aurelia, I'll see you at home," Brock spoke up, picking up his duffle bag, and walking out to let the two have a minute together.

     "Seb, I have something for you," Aurelia piped up, digging into her bag. Sebastian looked at her with quizzical eyes as she pulled out a small box. Handing it to him, he carefully opened it.

      "Aurelia, y-you're pregnant?" He asked, shaking. Aurelia nodded, holding her breath, and waiting for Sebastian to answer.
     "I know it's not what we expected to happened this early, but I thought I needed to tell you n-" she was cut off by Sebastian kissing her.
     "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" He basically shouted, rubbing through the hallway like a little kid.

     "Woah, Aho, what's got you so happy?" One of his teammates, Jacob Slavin asked, accompanied by Jordan Stall, Andrei Svenchnikov, and Frederick Anderson.

      "IM GOING TO BE A DAD GUYS," he repeated with the same energy he had before.

      "Aurelia, you're pregnant?" Andrei asked. Once again, she nodded, and the guys went to go hug her. She knew that the guys would always be there for her, as they had promised that since the first day.

This was her family. Both the Carolina team and the Vancouver team, except for Tyler of course.


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