Leaving For A While- Ethan MacKinnon

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      This was it

     The last time I would be skating with this team, well, at least for a little while. Honestly, it was a rough and stressful decision to make, but it had to be done. Since I had some concussion related symptoms from a previous injury, I didn't want to risk it and get hurt again. Plus my health needs it anyways.
      "Hey Ethan, did you want to go to Florida or something? It would probably help, since we can relax," Eliana, my girlfriend of 2 years said, grabbing my hands, and looking at me. She knows how hard it is to step away from something you love. She knows since she had to do it herself, and she knows what helps take your mind off of it and helps your health.
      "Elles, that's a great idea. Let me book the tickets first," I replied, opening up my phone.
      "Oh, I already did that. We'll be there for about a month. Oh, and I also packed your bag since we have to be at the airport in a couple of hours," she casually mentioned. I stared at her in shock.
       "Eliana, you know me too well," I said, kissing the top of her head.

Time skip

As we boarded the plane, we got to our seats. Sitting down, I looked at Eliana, and smiled. She was everything to me, and to see her spend her own hard earned money on me, there was something about it that just drew me into her more. Then that's when it hit me.
I was in love with her
Well yes, she's my girlfriend and all, but I loved her for her selflessness and acts of kindness for other people. Her mother raised her to be like that, since her dad was never a part of her life. I knew how much it affected her and her life. She used to tell me that growing up, she always fell out of place, which isn't true, but I couldn't blame her. She was the only one in her class without father figure in her life. So I did what I could best and welcomed her into my family with loving arms. My parents love her like a daughter, and my mother asks me when I'm gonna propose, and I keep telling her when the time is right. We're only 18, and I don't want to rush her into anything quite yet. But maybe, soon, I'll propose.

WC: 412

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