Brett Howden ~ TBL

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Watching Star Trek Into Darkness... (682 words)


"Y/N?" I heard a voice calling my name out, but despite that, I continued to muffle my sobs into the pillow. "Y/N, where are you?" 

The stairs were making a creaking noise and it was obvious that they were walking up the stairs. Doors were being opened then slammed shut until they finally decided to open the bedroom door and find me laying on the bed with a pillow over my face. I slowly took the pillow out of my face to find my boyfriend, Brett, staring at me with a look of confusion on his face. 

"What the hell just happened?" He asked me while he was pointing his finger towards the unorganized bed and the mess of popcorn scattered across the blankets. 

"I-I was just watching a few movies while you were away...Nothing happened, geez." I put the bowl of popcorn on the bedside table and walked to the bathroom to wash my face since the little makeup I wore today was probably ruined. After I cleansed my face of the runny mascara and such, I returned back to the bedroom to find Brett under the covers. 

"Ok, you want to tell me what happened with you?" I smiled at him as he slowly uncovered his face out of the blanket. 

"I-uh-I...I was waiting for you to come back so that we can finish the movie together?" Brett said with a smile appearing on his face while he hugged the same pillow that I had cried into and where the mascara had run off into. 

"Brett, you might want to-" I stammered as his eyes widened in shock as soon as he made eye-contact  with the pillow.

"That's probably a good idea..." He nodded his head as he tossed the pillow to the other side of the bed. As soon as he did that, I slowly climbed back to bed, where he was waiting for me with his arms open. Resting my head on the crook of his neck on the right side of his body, my legs were intertwined with his legs, I urged him to continue the movie. 


"And here come the waterworks again." I laughed as I grabbed a few tissues from the bedside table and dabbed my eyes to get rid of the salty tears. 

"Can you hand me a few of them too?" Brett mumbled as he quietly sniffled at the emotional scene. After I handed him a few of the tissues, he blew his nose very loudly, if I must add. "Why does this scene always get to me?"

He was referring to the scene where Captain Kirk and Spock had an emotional moment as the captain was saying his goodbyes to his first officer as he was being  decontaminated from the radiation poisoning he had contracted. Overall, the first and second movies itself were emotional to me, after what had happened to one of the actors a few weeks ago. 

"If it was me in that position," Brett started to speak up as he quietly continued to sob, "I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye to you, Y/N...I love you so much that I don't want to let you go. My heart hurts so damn much when I have to be away from you for a long period of time." 

"I love you too, Brett. I don't want to let go of you either..." I muttered to him before pressing my lips on top of his lips, kissing him in a passionate way like it was our last one. 


It was quite emotional for me to write this imagine... I was absolutely devastated about what had happened a few weeks ago and he was truly one of my favorite actors. Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness are a few of my favorite movies and I wanted to write an imagine about Star Trek as my tribute to him... My emotions set aside....

 I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine. Have a great rest of your day or night, and I'll see you guys later!

- Priya 🖖🏽

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