Derick Brassard ~ NYR

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AU: He asks you out to prom (590+ words)


"What do you mean you don't have a date for prom, Y/N!? It's senior year and you're not going?" B/F/N groaned, slightly banging her hand against the locker door. 

"Nobody's asked me yet, B/F/N...So as of right now, no I'm not going to prom." I sighed, grabbing my Physics textbook and closed the locker. "Doesn't your test in Economics start probably right now?" 

"Oh crap, I gotta go! Talk to you later, Y/N!" 

I chuckled to myself, lifting the heavy textbook in my dominant arm and I started to run to class until I ran into someone's chest. My homework and papers flew all over the place, causing me to start picking them up and randomly stuff them into my binder. 

"I'm so sorry, here let me help you!" A familiar voice spoke, bending down to his knees and helped me get all the things. "Y/N?" 

I looked up to his eyes and found Derick Brassard, captain of the high school hockey team, helping me get my stuff organized.

"Oh my god, thank you so much for helping me, but I don't have time to talk...I got a really important test in Physics I've got to get to..." I sheepishly smiled, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek. 

"At least let me walk you there, it's the least I could do..." 

"If you insist, Brassy." 

He smiled, grabbing my textbook from my arms and started to quiz me on the material we were getting tested on in a few minutes. We got to Mrs. Smith's class and she had her arms crossed, tapping her foot impatiently. 

"Ms. L/N, Mr. Brassard; care to explain to the class why you were almost late to class?" She gritted her teeth, almost snapping the chalk into two pieces. 

"I accidentally bumped into Y/N and I was helping her get her stuff organized, Mrs. Smith..." Derick walked to the table that he shared with me. 

"You both are excused, now please get seated so we can get the test going...." She sighed, letting us take our seats and we sat down, letting her hand out the tests and such. 

After the test, I left the Physics room to go to AP Political Science when I heard Derick shout. 

"Y/N, wait!" 

I turned around, finding Derick to catch up to me and catching his breath, slightly panting. 

"Yes, Derick?" 

"Come with me, I gotta show you something!" 

Without a warning, he grabbed my arm, running outside to the football field. Before I was about to protest, I saw Derick covering my eyes and he told me to open them on the count of 3. 

"One...Two...." Derick started to say out loud, slowly uncovering my eyes and I found the entire hockey team and B/F/N holding a sign that read 'Y/N, will you go to senior prom with him?' with B/F/N holding a sign that had an arrow pointing to Derick. 

"So what do you say? Will you be my date to prom?" He got down on one knee, as if he was proposing. 

"Of course I'd love to go to prom with you, Derick." I smiled, causing him to smile back and he stood up, wrapping his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss. 

"Derick, your teammates are watching us..." I mumbled into the kiss and he shrugged his shoulders. 

"I don't care, I feel like I'm the king of the world with you by my side." 

"You are such a cheeseball!" 

"That I am for you." 

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