Jamie Oleksiak ~ DS

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"Hey Y/N, are you feeling alright? You've been acting kinda weird the past days..." Tyler, my older brother had asked me, looking at me as if I was scared by a ghost. 

"Of course, I'm feeling fine! Why would I feel fine?" I nervously laughed, twirling my hair around as that was my nervous habit. 

"Uhh, I don't know, maybe you keep avoiding eye-contact with me when we're talking?" He placed his finger on my chin, tilting my head to look at him. "Are you hiding something from me?" 

I shook my head and he looked at me sternly, almost about to chide at me when Jamie Benn dragged him out of the conversation; citing something about powerplay strategies. 

Pulling out my phone, I started texting B/F/N when I heard a voice boom. "Hey babe, what're you doing?" 

Looking up from my phone, I found my 6'7 defenseman boyfriend, Jamie Oleksiak standing in front of me with a cheeky grin. 

"Hey Jamie, how was practice?" I smiled, standing up from the bench and walked up to the door entrance for when the players enter and exit the ice during shifts. 

"It was good considering you were here. I missed you." He chuckled, leaning in to kiss me but I pushed him away. "What was that for?" 

I directed my head towards Tyler's direction, putting my finger against my lips. 

"He can't know about this, Jamie..." I sadly sighed, looking down at my shoes. "He could potentially split us apart!" 

Jamie stared at me like if I was crazy. He burst out laughing, shaking his head. He grabbed my hands in his and looked into my eyes.

"I don't care what he or anyone thinks about...The important thing is that I am in love with you..." Jamie murmured, rubbing my knuckles while kissing them softly. 

My eyes widened all of a sudden. 

Did Jamie Oleksiak just tell me that he was in love with me? I must be in fantasy land all over again....

"Y/N, are you okay?" Jamie nervously giggled, unsure of what he could do. 

"Oh, I'm sor-sorry. I was just nervous to tell you that I also love you...." I chuckled, pulling him down to my height and kissed him. 

His arms snaked around my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck, but the kiss was slow and steady. 

"Woah, what's going on-Y/N!? Oleksiak? Man, I am so thrown off the loop..." Tyler skated past us, looking at us with a crazy face. 

"Oh, hey, Segsy..." Jamie pulled away from the kiss, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "How're you doing?" 

"I'm doing well...I just want to know one thing..."

"And that'd be?" 

"How long have you guys been dating?" 

I looked up at Jamie, who was pleading me to confess to him before I sighed and stared at Tyler. 

"We might've been dating for the past 3 months?" I nervously chuckled, unsure of Tyler's reaction. 

At first, Tyler was unemotional before he cracked a smile and hugged us. 

"I approve of you guys dating each other, but on one condition..." Tyler smirked, pulling away from the hug. 

"And what would that be, Ty?" I looked at him in a confused manner, not knowing what he had to say. 

"Oleksiak, you break my little sister's heart, I swear-" Tyler started off serious and that made Jamie a little nervous before he butt in. 

"I'd never break Y/N's heart! I love her too damn much to let her go." Jamie smiled, kissing my cheek. 

"Good to know, hey Y/N..." Tyler looked over at me for something.

"Yes, Tyler?"

"At Dallas Stars games, if Jamie and I were playing in the same game together, would you wear a Seguin jersey or an Oleksiak one?" 

"Too soon, Tyler Paul Seguin, too soon..."

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