Max Domi ~ AC

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Suffers an injury and you're worried about him. Flashback to the Coyotes vs. Wild game btw! I've included the video for both the faceplant to the knee and shot to the nose from Connor Murphy. And I know the gif is from the Yotes vs. Maple Leafs when Max fought with Peter Holland, but please bear with me!   (990+ words)


"And would you look at that, folks! Max Domi was the victim of a faceplant into Marco Scandella's knee! Domi's currently skating back to the bench to get fixed up a little..." The announcer's voice trembled with fear and as soon his words boomed, that caused me to stand up and watch what was going on. 

"Y/N, it's just a cut right below his right eye that's bleeding a bit but the cut by his left eye seems to have clotted up a bit..." Andrea, Shane Doan's wife, reassured me and calmed me down. 

"It's just he's a rookie this year and I don't want anything bad happening to him..." I sighed, sitting back down in my seat before I swiftly got my phone out and texted Max, asking if he was okay. 

He replied back that he was feeling fine and that he was going to play the rest of the game. I sighed in relief, knowing that he was going to be okay. Luckily, it was only 8 minutes and 20 seconds until the game was either over or was heading into overtime. 

With relief by my side, I continued to watch the game, watching Max once in awhile and making sure he didn't get anymore injured. 

However, with 4 minutes and 15 seconds remaining, Connor Murphy took a shot...But the shot accidentally got deflected and it hit Max right in the nose, causing him to go down onto the ice. Now this time, I was really worried about him. 

"For the second time in tonight's match folks, Max Domi has taken another one, but this time; it was a shot to the face from his teammate, Connor Murphy...He's skating back to the bench to be evaluated, but this time, he's got a bloody nose!" The announcer's voice once boomed again and my face lost all of its color. 

"I saw him look up where we're seated, Y/N...I think he wants you to see him..." Andrea smiled, playfully shooing me out so I could go down to the locker room. 

As soon as I got there, I saw one of the trainers plugging a nose plug-sort of thing into both of Max's nostrils to prevent more blood flowing out his nose. 

"So, will he be back in the game or is he out for the rest of it?" I politely asked the trainer, quietly walking into the locker room and sat down by Max. 

"Well, good news is that it's not broken like it might've seen...It probably is just a bruised nose, so I'll leave up to you and Max to decide about his status... I'll leave you guys alone and Max can tell me his decision on his playing status and I'll report it to Coach Tippett..." The trainer smiled, packing up his things and quietly left the locker room to wait outside. 

"What do you think, Max? Can you handle 4 more minutes or do you just want to go home and rest?" I gently rubbed his cheek, looking into his dark blue eyes. 

"Honestly, part of me wants to stay and play on the ice...But another part of me just wants to call it a night....I just don't know what to do, Y/N." Max sighed, resting his head on my neck and I started to play with his curly hair that I loved. 

"Max, you're a tough player like your father. If he was in the stands tonight, I'm sure that he'd like to see you persevere through tonight...Don't let some bloody cuts near your eyes and a bloody nose stop you from doing the things you love to do. I want you to go out there and give it all that you got, even if you feel like giving up; but you got me," I pointed to his heart, "in here, Maxi. And I'm also in the stands and I will be there for you whether you won or lost tonight's game, Max. Just remember that I love you, Max Domi."

"I really needed that, Y/N. Thank you for the speech...I love you." He rasped out, giving me a rough kiss before I heard footsteps coming in. 

"Hey Y/N, hey Max...Did you decide if you're coming back or if you're going to be out for the rest of the night?" I heard OEL's voice and looked up at him, smiling. 

"Yeah, I'm coming back, Oli...Can you give me like 5 minutes? I have to check my blood glucose level, it's been about 10-15 minutes..." Max smiled and Oliver laughed. 

"Of course, Max. I'll go tell Tippett that you're coming back. Have a nice night, Y/N, it was nice to see you again!" 

Oliver left the room and must've told the trainer as he came back. "Oliver mentioned that you have to check your glucose level?" 

"Yeah, it's been more than 10 minutes..." Max told the trainer, grabbing his blood glucose meter from his game bag and pricked his skin, making a tiny drop of blood appear and quickly slid it onto the test strip. 

"Ok, you're at around 101 for your blood glucose level, so you are good to go for right now..."  The trainer patted his back and gave him a smile. "I'll see you later." 

After he left the room, I grabbed my stuff and got ready to leave the room when I heard Max saying wait. 

I turned around and he gave me a cheeky smile. "Aren't you gonna give me a good luck kiss, Ms. L/N?" 

"If you say, Mr. Domi!" I reached on my tiptoes and kissed his lips passionately. "Now, do your best and win the game!"

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