Max Domi ~ ARI

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He meets your famous brother who kinda looks like him... (769 words)


"I don't know about this, Y/N... I've never met him before." Max was going on and on about how he was nervous to meet my brother. 

"Oh, will you shut up! He is not going to hate you, Max!" I groaned as I continued to mix the cookie dough for my brother who was visiting for a few days. 

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang; causing me to stop what I was doing and walked up to the door to find my brother there with a few bags in his hand. 

"Sebastian! Tu ești aici, mi-ai lipsit atât de mult! Te rog, intra." (Sebastian! You're here, I missed you so much! Please, come in.) I opened the door to see my brother, Sebastian smiling. I got out of the way for him to enter and which he did. 

He gave me a hug, "Mi-ai lipsit prea, Y/N. Cum e colegiu în Arizona?" (I missed you too, Y/N. How's college in Arizona?) 

"I'm doing well! How was filming for Captain America: Civil War?" I asked as I went back to the kitchen and scooped out the cookie dough onto the cookie sheet and put them in the oven to bake. 

"Well, we just finished filming, so I'd say it's in post-production...But, it's coming out in May!" He said with a gleeful tone as he sat in one of the stools that were situated by the countertop bar. "I heard you got a boyfriend since the last time I saw you..." 

"Oh yeah, he's here and you can meet him right now! Max, can you come here in the kitchen for a second, please?" 

Max immediately ran into the kitchen from the living room, looking at what I was doing before I nodded towards Sebastian's direction. 

I turned around and smiled, "Max, this is my brother, Sebastian. Sebastian, this is my boyfriend, Max Domi." 

"It's nice to meet you, Max." Sebastian smiled as he stood up and shook hands with Max.

"It's really nice to finally meet you, Sebastian. Y/N has told me a lot about you..." Max smiled as he gave him a hug. "You look like someone I know..."

"I agree, but I don't know who..." Sebastian chuckled as I got the chocolate-chip cookies from the oven. 

"Glumești nu? Voi baieti arata ca unul pe altul!" (You're kidding me right? You guys look like each other!) I exclaimed in Romanian as I rested the cookie sheet on the wire tray. 

They both looked at each other for a second before it clicked to them, "Oh yeah! That's who!" 

"Ecxept Max plays hockey for the Coyotes and Sebastian is an actor..." 

"Wait a minute..." Max pondered for a second before a thought came to him, "aren't you the Winter Soldier or Bucky Barnes?"

Sebastian nodded his head while he took a sip of his drink, "you are correct! I am the Winter Soldier from Captain America." 

"That is so cool! I love to watch the Marvel movies in my free-time when I have some." 

"Oh really? Are you going to see the new one that's coming out in a few more months?"

"Oh, the Civil War one?"

"Yeah, that one with the 'war' between IronMan and Captain America. Which by the way, are you Team IronMan or Team Cap?" 

I rolled my eyes as soon as he made the comment as I walked over to one of the stools and took a seat.

"I'd say Team Cap, most likely..." 

"Well, it is the better team..." Sebastian smirked and that made Max chuckle. 

"It's nice to see you guys get along! Sebastian, would you like to put your stuff away in the guest room?" I waved my hand to get their attention and he nodded his head. 

"I'll see you guys later." Sebastian waved goodbye and grabbed his stuff before he speed-walked to the guest room to get settled. 

Max sat down next to me and smiled from end-to-end. I turned around to find him staring at me and I chuckled. 

"Now, that wasn't so bad, was it, Maxi?" I softly laughed as I played with his hair and he shook his head.

"To be honest, I don't even know why I was so nervous! He seems like a good brother!" His dark-blue eyes looked into my E/C eyes. "I love you so much, Y/N."

"I love you too, Max." I giggled before I leaned in and kissed his lips. 

I heard Sebastian groan from the other room, "Oh, get a room you two!" 

We pulled away and giggled at his comment before we kissed once more...

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