Pekka Rinne ~ NAS

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He and your kids do something cute for you after a long day at work... (720+ words)


I was so done with work today. I've had it up to my mind with my boss and co-workers, treating me like I was an old Barbie doll... All I wanted to do now was go home to my husband, Pekka, our 6-year old son and 5-year old daughter; and just relax for the rest of the otherwise horrible night... 

"Mommy, you're home!" I heard my kids giggle and they ran up to me. 

Kneeling down to their heights, I kissed their foreheads and gave them a hug. "How are my little monsters doing today?" 

"School was good. But I don't like homework..." S/N pouted and I had a playful yet stern face. 

"But homework is good for you! It makes you smarter!" I pleaded with him before smirking. "If you guys do your homework and you finish it, I'll let you guys have 2 cookies for dessert tonight...."

S/N and D/N both clapped their hands before they kissed my cheeks and went up to their bedrooms to do their homework. 

As they walked upstairs, I saw my husband walk down the stairs from our bedroom. 

"Hey, kultaseni! How was work today?" Pekka walked up to me and gave me a bear hug, with a 'hello' kiss. 

"I don't even want to talk about it...." I mumbled, taking in his scent and closed my eyes. 

"Bad day today?" I heard Pekka sigh and I nodded my head. 

Opening my eyes, I saw Pekka carry me bridal style into the living room and I had a crazy look in my face. 

"Pekka, honey, what are you doing?" I chuckled as he continued to walk up to the couch and set me down. 

"You stay here, I'll be right back..." Pekka ordered me to stay on the couch and I nodded my head. 

Sighing, I looked down at my feet, finding our Australian Shepherd, Caramel licking my leg. 

"Hey, Caramel. Were you being a good girl today? Do you want a dog treat for being a good girl?" I smiled, picking her up and set her on my lap, stroking her fur. 

Caramel barked a few times and I started to chuckle. Setting her back down on the floor,  I whistled to her to follow me into the kitchen. 

When we got there, I walked over to the pantry with the dog treats and I opened a bag of them, handing one to her to eat. 

"You are such a good dog, Caramel!" I giggled as she started to lick my face before I heard a noise coming from upstairs. 

I ordered the dog to stay downstairs while I went upstairs to check up on what they were all doing...

Going to both S/N and D/N's rooms, I didn't find them there. I tried the bathroom and still, no success before I heard familiar giggles coming from Pekka and I's shared bedroom. 

Opening the door, I saw Pekka, D/N, and S/N in a pillow fight. Shaking my head, I chuckled to myself before I spoke up. 

"You guys are having a pillow fight and you didn't tell Mommy about it?" I fake pouted and I saw them pointing towards Pekka. 

"It was all Daddy's fault!" They giggled, playfully smacking him with their pillows. 

Getting a throw pillow from the bed, I jumped onto it and started to play-fight with my family, suddenly forgetting about my bad day. 

Eventually, the pillow fight went on for a while before we all just sat on the bed. 

"Do you guys want some pizza for dinner tonight?" I looked at them with my phone in hand, getting ready to dial the number. 

They nodded their heads and I chuckled to myself as they were huge pizza lovers. 


The kids were asleep in their rooms after their pizza dinner, Caramel was on our bed tonight as she laid on the other end of the bed. 

Pekka and I were spooning each other as he was the big spoon (obviously) and I was the little spoon. He was slowly rubbing my back and I was starting to fall asleep when I heard Pekka mumble into my ear, "Minä rakastan sinua, Y/N." (I love you, Y/N.)

"I love you too, Pekka..." I softly mumbled before sleep overtook my body for the night.... 

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