Sam Bennett ~ CF

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You move in together... (490+ words)



"What, Sam?" 

"Do you know how to read Swedish by any chance?" 

"What? Why on Earth would you ask me that, Sam?" 

"Because the instructions for putting together the bed are in Swedish..." 

I walked out of the en-suite and to where Sam sat with the tools and the makings of the bed. "Honey..."

"Yeah, Y/N?"

I flipped the instruction booklet and on the other side was the same instructions but in English. "There you are, Sam. I'll be in the bathroom, putting away my stuff if you want any more help..." 

Sam rolled his eyes before he leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Geez, I love you too." 

Now, it was my turn to roll my eyes before I went back into the master bathroom and started to put away my personal hygiene stuff before I heard Sam call for me, yet again...



"I need a little help with the bed..." 

I walked back into the bedroom and immediately, I started to crack up. 

"What happened to the bed?" My breathing was a bit ragged after laughing for a few minutes. 

"The instructions were just confusing me so much..." Sam huffed, trying to connect the bed posts. 

"Then why don't you call Colborne, Gaudreau, and Monahan over to help you?" 

"They're on their way..." 

"Okay, well, I'll be in the closets now if you need me, yet again...." 

I grabbed the box labeled 'clothes' and I started to put them away on my side of the closet, which was 75% of it. 


"I think this calls for a celebratory pizza dinner, what about you guys?" I grabbed my phone, getting ready to dial the pizza place's number. 

"Yeah, I think it's okay with us..." Joe looked at the group and nodded his head. "Unless Johnny Hockey wants to go get some pizza for us..." 

"Oh yeah, where do you want it from?" Johnny glared at Joe, having to look up at him since Joe was 6'5 and Johnny was 5'9. 

"I'd like pizza from Chicago and I'm sure Sean would like some from New York..." 

"I am not going to fly to Chicago and New York for pizza! How about pizza right here in Calgary?" 

The bickering went back and forth between Joe and Johnny for an hour and by the time I got back from the pizza place, they were still at it!

"Boys, I'm back home with the pizzas!" I shouted and they came running into the kitchen like a herd of cows during feeding time. 


"I'm really excited for our future..." I mumbled into Sam's chest while we were laying down on the new bed. 

"And I'm excited to be with you for the rest of my life, Y/N." Sam smiled as he gently lifted my left hand and softly kissed it. 

"Damn I love you so much, Samuel Bennett." 

"I love you too, Y/F/N... I love you too..." 

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