Sidney Crosby ft. Jake Virtanen ~ PP and VC

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Yes, I am including Jake Virtanen in this imagine (in my eyes, he is one of my baes) and I know he plays for Vancouver and Sid plays for the Penguins... They both play for Team Canada, so they connect on that level 😕. And you can pretend that Jake is around 25-26 instead of being 19 😉 And I know that I was in the Evgeni Malkin imagine, but I'm sort of in this imagine too, but not like a major character.... The next time I'll come back is for the Tanner Pearson imagine ;) (Which will be after Beau Bennett and Zach Fucale ;) ) And watch out for a special Author's Note about a NEW hockey fanfic coming soon tonight..! - Priya 😀




"Oh you have gotta be kidding me!" I screeched, looking at the Christmas tree mess that my husband had made.

The tinsel looked like a big blob around the tree, lights were tangled up, and the ornaments were either on one side or the other.

"Y/N? I heard you screaming, what's wron- OH..." Sid came down the stairs with a serious look on his face before he remained silent.

"Anything you'd like to tell me, SIDNEY PATRICK CROSBY!?" I glared at him, crossing my arms while looking at the tree.

"I-uh-I.... Beau, Flower, and Geno helped me with the tree!" Sid raised his hands up in the air, acting as if he was innocent.

"Sid! You know that my brother and his family are coming over!" I slapped my hand on my forehead, shaking my head at the sight of the "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree".

Sid again remained silent, mumbling, "Oh crap, I forgot..."

I groaned, frustratingly rubbing my temple. "It's a good thing they're not coming until 5:30... And it's 11:30 right now, we have 5 hours to do this!"




There were a whole lot of arguments and playful banter in those 5 hours, but we got the job done easily.

Sid and I were currently in the kitchen, cooking the dinner when the doorbell rang.

"Sid, can you get Y/D/N from her nap while I go greet Jake?" I wiped my hands on the dish towel, kissing Sid's cheek.

"Sure thing, princess. I'll be down in a few!" Sid returned the gesture before he ran upstairs to Y/D/N's room.

I speed-walked to the door, taking a deep breath before I opened the door. Outside at the entrance stood my brother, Jake and his wife, Priya, and son, Jaxon; with Jake juggling a bunch of luggage in his arms.

"Hey big sis! I missed you so much..." Jake came inside the house with the luggage and the rest followed suit.

"Jake, it's so nice to see you!" I hugged him back, before I played with Jaxon. I heard footsteps padding and I looked up.

Sidney carefully ran down the stairs, giving Y/D/N a piggyback ride and came up to where we were. He let Y/D/N on the ground, before facing Jake.


"Crosby!" Jake and Sid bro hugged, almost squeezing the stuffing out of each other.

"They see each other on the ice and that isn't even enough!" Priya joked, chuckling as she let Jaxon play with Y/D/N.

"Tell me about it! Y/D/N is always asking me when her aunt and uncle were coming back to Pittsburgh..." I laughed, making Jake smile.

"That means I'm Y/D/N's favorite uncle, right?" Jake's blue eyes shone before Sidney and I  jokingly teased him.

"I don't know Jake, she does get excited when Stefan visits them..." Sid lowly chuckled, before I piggybacked on her idea.

"Yeah, Stefan does get Y/D/N gifts whenever he's in town for something!" I high fived with him, making Jake glaring at us.

"Whatever, can we eat dinner now?"Jake mumbled, looking down at his phone in embarrassment.

"Sure, Jake... Would you like some mashed potatoes with a side of revenge?" I joked, pinching his cheek.

"You know what? I'd actually like that!" Jake evilly grinned, before he grabbed Jaxon and sat down on one side of the table while we sat on the other side.




"Anyone up for a game of HeadsUp, NHL edition?" Sidney got his phone out, having the usual Team Crosby vs. Team Virtanen competition. We just put the kids to sleep, so it was parent game time.

It was Team Crosby's turn and their first card was ironically Jake...

"Uhh, he's nerdy; has blue eyes; plays along with Sutter?" Priya sputtered out, trying not to reveal the name.

"Olli Määttä?" Sidney tried to guess, before I spoke up.

"It's Jake, isn't it?"

They both nodded and we cheered. Eventually, we had Malkin, Gallagher, Toews, Karlsson, and Duchene before time ran out.

"Alright, we got 6! Virtanen, you think you can beat that?" I playfully glared, before Jake smirked.

"Bring it on, sis, bring it on!"




The game ended up to be a tie and we were just telling old Christmas stories.

"One time when Y/N was about 5 and I was 3, we were eating the fruitcake that our aunt had made..." Jake started to tell the story and I gasped.

"Jake Virtanen, don't you dare!"

"She ate the cake and she 'accidentally' threw up on Stefan..."

I blushed, making Sidney burst out laughing.

"Seriously Y/N!? You threw up on your own brother?" Sidney started to laugh before I glared at him.

I turned to Jake, whispering in his ear, "Just wait until tomorrow when Mom, Dad, and Stefan come here..."

Let's just say, Jake was afraid for the rest of the visit to Pittsburgh....

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