(Y/n) Vs The Sanderson Sisters

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(Y/n), Max, Allison, Dani, and Binx walk into the house. "Mom? Dad?" Max asked. "We got a new cat! Mom?" Dani asked. "Well I guess they're still partying. Come on in." Max said to Allison. Dani and (Y/n) lay on Max's bed and watch Binx drink some milk. "You're our kittie now. You'll have milk and tuna fish every day, and you'll only hunt mice for fun." Dani said comfortingly. "You're gonna turn me into one of those fat, useless, contented house cats." He said. (Y/n) chuckles. "You betcha!" She said. "You know Binx, I'll always take care of you. And my children will take care of you too. And their children after than, and theirs' after that. Forever and ever, and ever..." Dani soon falls asleep, then (Y/n). The book opens it's eye. At that moment Allison wakes up and the book shuts it's eye. Max wakes up a moment later. Allison smiles at him. "Hi." Max said. "Hi." She replied. She stretches and then grabs the clock on the nearby shelf. "Oh my God. It's 5:00! My parents are gonna kill me." She starts to put her shoes on. "I should go." She said. "I wish you could stay." Max said. Allison looks at him and smiles, then looks at Binx. "Poor Binx." She said. Max looks at the cat as well. "Yeah, poor Binx. We owe him a lot." He said. "Yeah." Allison said. "Look, could we find some way to help him?" Max asked. "The book? The witches used it to put the spell on him, maybe there's a way in here to take it off." She suggested. "I don't know, Binx told us not to open it." Max reminded. "Well the witches are dead, what harm could it do?" She pointed out.

"Okay, just be careful." Max warned. "I will. Hold my hand." She said. The two of them hold hands and open the book. They don't see anything, but a magical light shoot up from the book. "Nothing weird so far." Allison said. "Oh, listen to this. Only a circle of salt can protect thy victims from my power." Allison read. Suddenly Binx jumps on the book and slams it shut. While the Sisters fly closer. "We were just trying to help you." Allison argued. "Well don't! Nothing good can come from this book. Got it?!" He snapped. The Sisters arrive outside. "Maybe we should go now." Max said. "Okay." Allison said. The two walk out of the room and into the hallway. Max goes over to his parent's room and looks in. "Mom? Dad?" He asked. Winnie cuts open one of the window screens with her fingernail. "They're still not home. That's weird. They must be having a great time." Max said. "I don't know, something's not right. I'd feel a lot safer walking home if we had some salt." Allison said. Max looks around in the cupboard for some salt. He finds some and gives it to Allison. "Salt." He said. Allison reads the side of the container. "Well, what's it say?" Max asked curiously. "Oh, it says to form a circle of salt to protect from zombies, witches, and old boyfriends." She joked. Max grins. "And what about new boyfriends?" They are about to kiss until they hear something from upstairs.

"Dani! (Y/n)!" Max said. They both run upstairs. They burst into the room. It appears that Dani is asleep under the covers. "Max, the book is gone! I'm telling you, something's weird." Allison said. "Girls, wake up!" Max said pulling the covers off. "Trick or treat!" Sarah shouted. Allison screams as Max jumps back. Winifred, Mary, (Y/n), and Dani come out of the closet. Mary is holding Dani and (Y/n) and Winifred holds the book. "Looking for this?" She asked. The book opens it's eye and looks at Max. Max jumps back with a yell. Mary roughly throws (Y/n) toward Max and Allison. "(Y/n)!" The trio shouted worriedly. Winifred opens the book and a ball of energy hits (Y/n) in the back and she falls down passing out. Sarah laughs. "Girl down." She giggles. "Leave her alone!" Max shouted. "Quiet you!" Winnie snapped. "And don't think I've forgotten what you did to me before you little brat! I'll make sure you pay for that!" Max's eyes widened, and Winnie grabs him, pulling him toward her. Allison quickly forms a circle of salt around herself. "Salt! What a clever little white witch. But it will not save thy friends. No. Come sisters, the candles magic is almost spent, a dawn approaches." Winnie said. "(Y/n)! Let us go!! Put us down!!" Dani shouted. The sisters burst from Max's room, and Allison is knocked back.

"Max! Dani!! (Y/n)! Are you okay? Come on, get up!" Allison said, helping her up. The sisters are flying back to their cottage. "Use thy voice Sarah, fill the sky. Bring the little brats to die." Winnie said. Sarah begins to sing. "Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of magic." (Y/n) and Allison listen as Sarah sings. All the children begin to head towards the sisters cottage. "Dani! Max!" The two girls shouted. "Hey! Hey you guys! Don't listen to her!" (Y/n) shouted frantically. But the children continued walking forward. "(Y/n), I figured it out." Allison said. "Figured out what?" She asked. "Winifred said "The candle's magic will soon be spent, a dawn approaches." The black flame candle only brought them back for this one Halloween night. And unless they can steal the lives of children, when the sun comes up, they're dust." She explained. "Yeah, but how can we make the sun come up? They've got Max and Dani. We need a miracle." (Y/n) said. Sarah lands outside and then runs into the cottage. "Well done, sister Sarah." Winnie said. "Let go of me!" Max shouted, struggling in her grasp. Dani is also struggling to escape, while Binx is in a sack that hangs near the fireplace. "Let me out of here!" He shouted.

(Y/n) pulls her parent's car out of the garage and tries to make her way around the children who are walking slowly. "Hurry, okay. Oh, watch out!" Allison said. "Come on! Get out of the way! Move it!" (Y/n) said honking. Sarah and Mary are picking on Jay and Ice. Sarah is spinning Jay's cage while Mary is force feeding Ice. "I'm gonna ralph." Ice said. "Open up!" Mary said. "No more candy, please!!" Jay begged. "Soon the lives off all thy little friends will be mine. And I shall be young and beautiful again forever." Winnie said to Max and Dani. "It doesn't matter how young or old you are! You sold your soul! You're the ugliest thing that's ever lived, and you know it!" She shouted. "Ah...you die first! Well, this little brat does. Then you!" Winnie said to Dani. "Don't hurt him!" Dani shouted. Winnie takes a bite of her tongue and spits it into the cauldron. (Y/n) and Allison pull up outside. "Tis ready. Now open your mouth!" Winnie said to Max as she tried to open it. "No!" Dani shouted. "Max, don't drink it!" Binx shouted. "Shut up you!" Winnie shouted. "Don't drink it!" Dani shouted. "Open your mouth, boy!" Winnie ordered. Suddenly (Y/n) ran in. "Prepare to die! Again." She said. "You, you have no powers here, you fool." Winnie snapped. "(Y/n)!" Jay said. "Maybe not, but there's a power greater than your magic, and that's knowledge." (Y/n) said. "Come on, girl." Ice said. "And there's one thing that I know that you don't." (Y/n) continued. "And what is that, dude?" Winnie mocked. Mary and Sarah laugh.

"Daylight savings time." She said proudly. "Daylight savings time." Mary said mockingly. A pink light begins to shine behind (Y/n). The sisters panic, and try to run from the light. Max is finally able to free himself from Winnie. "(Y/n)! Get me out of here!" Dani cried. (Y/n) quickly runs over and frees Dani. "The sun!" Winnie shouted. "It hurts!" Sarah shouted. The sisters all collapse to the floor. "Get Binx." Dani said. (Y/n) grabs the bag that Binx is in and they head for the door. Max dumps the cauldron over spilling the potion. "Hot! Hot cat! Hot cat!" Binx said. "Hey, let me outta here." Jay said. "Help! Hey, Hollywoods. Help us out here." Ice said. Max reaches up and takes his shoes off of Ice's feet. "Tubular." Ice begins to cry. (Y/n), Dani and Max run outside, but Dani stops outside the door. "(Y/n), I wanna see her turn to dust." Dani sneered. The three turn when they hear Allison whistling. "Let's go!" Max shouted. (Y/n), Dani and Max run to the car. "Allison!" Dani and Allison hug. They all get in the car. "Come on! Move it!" (Y/n) urged. "Step on it, (Y/n)!" Dani said impatiently. "Are they following us?" (Y/n) asked as she looked behind them. Allison also looks behind. "No!" She replied. "Good." She said. Then Winnie flies next to them near the window. "Pull over! Let me see your driver's permit." She laughs then tries to pull (Y/n) out of the car, but the girls and Max hold onto her. "Resisting arrest?" (Y/n) is able to pull free. She flings out her hand to fend of another attack and Winnie is knocked into some bushes. The kids cheer in celebration.

The car pulls up to the gate and the kids get out. "Hurry! Hurry!" Binx shouted. They quickly head for the gate so that they can get on hallowed ground. "Go go go! Run!" (Y/n) urged. They get inside the gate, but Billy catches up and grabs (Y/n). "(Y/n)!" Dani and Max shouted with worry, and begin to run toward her and Billy. "Max, Dani, wait!" Binx warned. (Y/n) pulls out a switch blade. "Run, Dani and Max run!!" She shouted. Max, the girls and Binx run off. Winifred, Sarah, and Mary arrive. They fly over the cemetery. Billy managed to grab (Y/n) "Billy! Kill her if you must, just bring me those children! Dani and Max! And put some wiggle in it you putrid festering sore." She ordered. Billy takes (Y/n)'s knife and cuts the strings that hold his mouth shut. "Don't dawdle, come along now!" She snapped. Billy takes a very deep breath. "Come along now! Kill her! Do it now!" She demanded. "Wench!" He insulted. Winifred looks surprised. "Trollop! You buck tooth, mouth rind, firefly from Hell!!" He raged. "I've waited centuries to say that." He said to (Y/n). "Say what you want, just don't breath on me." She replied. "Billy! I killed you once. I shall kill you again you maggotly mouth peasant. Hang on to your head!" Winnie and her sisters fly away. (Y/n) catches up with her friend and siblings, with Billy following her. "(Y/n), come on!" Dani shouted. "(Y/n), come on, move out of the way!" Allison said. "Move! Move!" Max shouted. The trio quickly run toward Billy in attack mode. (Y/n) quickly steps in front of him.

"No, no wait! Wait! No! No. He's a good zombie." She confirmed. Dani and Max dropped their weapons. "Come on. We'll have to hold them off until dawn. It's our only hope." Binx said. "Hi, Billy." Dani said. "Sorry about that." Max apologized. Allison pours a circle of salt around the open grave. (Y/n) takes a few practice swings with a tree branch. "You'll be safe in here." Billy said to Dani. "Thank you." She said. "You okay Dani?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah. Fine." She said. "Max?" She asked. Max nodded. "All right then. In we go." Billy said, helping Dani into the grave. "Here they come! Billy, guard Dani! Max, Allison, spread out!" (Y/n) shouted. "For the last time, prepare to meet thy doom!" Winnie said to (Y/n). (Y/n) swings at her and she laughs. "You little pest, I've had enough of you." Winnie grabs her stick and tosses it, causing (Y/n) to fall. Sarah and Mary have gone off to fight Max and Allison. They fight with Billy, who is guarding Dani. "Go to hell!" Billy shouted. "Oh, I've been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely." She said. Winnie takes a nose dive and aims right for Billy, then she curves her broom up and knocks off Billy's head. Dani shrieks then crawls out of her safe haven to get his head. "Billy, I think you dropped this." She said. (Y/n), Max and Allison reach the grave only to find it empty. "Oh God." (Y/n) said. Winnie sees Dani and she flies toward her. "(Y/n)!" She screamed. Winnie grabs her and flies off. "Dani!" Max and (Y/n) shouted. "Mary!" Winnie said. Mary then flies down and grabs Max. "Max!" (Y/n) shouted, as he struggled in her grasp.

"Bye bye, big sister." Winnie laughs. "All right, you little trollymall." She takes out the vial. Dani screams and closes her mouth. "Hold on, Dani!" Binx shouted. "This'll teach you to call people ugly. Open your mouth. Open your mouth, I say!" Winnie said as she tries to open her mouth. Binx takes a running leap up a tree and lands right on Winnie. He knocks the vial out of her hand. She tosses him to the ground. (Y/n) manages to catch it before it hits the ground. "Give me that vial! " Winnie demanded. "Put them down or I'll smash it." (Y/n) shouted. "Smash it and they die!" Winnie said. "(Y/n)!" Allison shouted, and tried to stop her but Billy grabbed her. "No!" (Y/n) quickly drinks the potion. "(Y/n)!" Max and Dani shouted. (Y/n) throws the bottle on the ground. "Now you have no choice. You have to take me." She said. Winnie lowers herself to her level. "You are a fool to give up thy life for thy siblings." She throws Dani down and grabs (Y/n) by the front of her shirt. At the same time, Mary drops Max roughly. "(Y/N)!" Dani shouted worriedly. "Dani!" Max and Allison quickly run over to her, then watch (Y/n) worriedly. "Put her down!" Max shouted. "Billy!" Dani said. "Girl!" Sarah said. (Y/n) struggles in Winnie's grip. "Sisters! Sisters!" Winnie calls for their assistance. "Winnie, I'm coming!" Mary shouted. Mary flies right by Max, Allison, Billy, and Dani and they grab the extension cord from the vacuum and hang onto it. "Hold! Harder! Come on!" Allison said. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget!" Winnie said to (Y/n).

"Sarah!" Mary called. Sarah flies over and tries to help Mary. Meanwhile, Winifred is trying to take (Y/n)'s life. "Let go, now!" Max shouted. They let go and Sarah and Mary fly in the air. (Y/n) knocks Winnie's hands from her and they fall. Winnie landing face first into the grass. She gets up and crawls to (Y/n). She picks her up and tries to suck away her life. She continues to struggle. Meanwhile, the sun begins to rise. Winnie looks down and realizes she's on hallowed ground and begins to turn to stone. "Book!!" She turns to stone. (Y/n) frees herself and falls from the statue. "Winnie! Good-bye!" Sarah said. With a flash of purple, Sarah disappears. "Uh-oh. Bye-bye!" Then with a flash of red, Mary disappears. Winnie's statue explodes in a flash of green and the kids quickly turn away and shield their eyes. The kids, not realizing Binx is gone, look at the sunrise. "(Y/n)!" Max shouted, running over to her. "(Y/n)! are you okay?" Dani asked, also approaching her. "Yeah, I think so." She said. "You saved our lives." Dani said. "Well, I had to, I'm your sister." She smiles at them. They smile back. "We love you, (Y/n)." Max said. "I love you both too." (Y/n) said. Then the three siblings hug, then Dani helps her stand. "Come on." Dani said. Billy crawls into his grave with a sigh. "Bye Billy, have a nice sleep." Dani said.

"Hey, Billy." Max said. Billy turns to him. "Thanks." He said. Billy nods, then gives a huge yawn and collapses into his grave. Dani begins to look around. "Where's Binx? Binx? Binx?" She sees him on the ground. "Binx." "He's gone. He's gone, Dani." Allison said. "But he can't die remember. Wake up, Binx. Binx, wake up. It's like last time." Dani cried, laying on his body. "Dani, come on, please don't be sad for me." Binx said. They all look up and see Thackary Binx standing there as a ghost. "Binx?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah. The witches are dead, my soul's finally free." He said. Dani continues to cry. "You freed me Dani, thank you. Hey Max, thanks for lighting the candle." Max smiles and nods. "Thackary, Thackary Binx." Emily called. They all turn and see the ghost of Emily Binx looking for her brother. "It's Emily!" He said happily. He leans in close to Dani. "I shall always be with you." She nods and he kisses her cheek. Thackary turns and walks towards his sister, but he pauses for one last look at his new friends. Max and (Y/n) give him a wave. "Thackary Binx, what took thee so long?" Emily asked her brother. "I'm sorry, Emily. I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light the candle." He apologized. Emily and Thackary walk through the gates into heaven. (Y/n), Max and Dani watch with a smile.

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