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an the streets of londom there was two people waiting

one was an boy who have an hooder coat on

{the hoode coat}

the boy is jason crowe,he is the son of ragna the bloodedge and velvet crowe the calamity,after give his life to the end of central fiction jason reicarnate an new world this world is about magic,lucky jason get use to it,olso best part was reunite with his family who aparenlty were know bounty hunters who hunted criminals and dark mages,jason was sure get along with the job but he was still young as an this new world jason was younger now as he wait look to the side to his company who is an familiar face

it is kokonoe a mercury from his odd world,but this version is kokonoe actually use magic istead of magic,he meet trough nine who olso is alive an this world,as both get along still this kokonoe have the personality like the original but she was more calm and not soo harsh as both get along...sometimes as kokonoe look back at jason

kokonoe:is done already?

jason:i don't know let me ask

he said while turn back to the carriage

jason:professor is anything ready?

from the carriage came out two women

the first one was konoe a mercy olso know as nine who is the one of the most strongest witch know,olso is kokonoe's mother,her attitude is the same as the one jason meet during the dark war events and olso..extreme agressive when comes to kokonoe safety,she remeber the time she burn an entire forest just to get rid an group of deadly big spider who was chase kokonoe,he actually feel bad for the spider an little,olso kokonoe was teach by nine about magic

the other girl is trinity glassfield who an this world she actually have an body as an the former her soul was trap inside an nox nictores,trinity was jason's mentor as she teach him anything about magic,he actually get along very well as she considere like an aunt for him since she always taking him her when he is an need even the point she give him one her odd coats to him,the one jason wear an this moment

both girls look the duo

nine:now now you two we just wait for one guest

jason:and it will arrive?

trinity:it will been,olso i proud both of you how far you become you even good with an second hand wands

nine:yeah more with my little daughter

nine smile while hug kokonoe as the later was embarrased

kokonoe:mom..stop not an front of jason and trinity is embarrsing

trinity and jason let out an chulke as nine stop hug kokonoe

nine:sorry but i can't help it and besides you two will get way better when you get you own wands

jason:is mine gonnad been like professor trinity?

he ask as he find her wand dispide her larger size cool

trinity:i not sure but maybe


kokonoe:anyways soo.

but she can continue an guy appear out the nowhere as the group notice him as the men turn aroud to see then and smile and walk toward then


trinity:george glad you find the meeting point dispide the cryptic code i send you

she say while she and nine shake his hand

george:i've apparated to more vaguely defined destinations than this

he said with an chuckle

george:trough i confess i may have miscalculated slighty on my first try.gave quite the fright to some threatre goers in the west

he said while let out another chuckle

nine:yeah is been long when we recieved you owl we..

she was cut off by george

george:is best not talk it here,konoe

nine and trinity nod an agreedment

trinity:how about we talk about it an hogwwarts we have an celemony to get to

george:wonderful idea as long as you young charges here don't mild tagged me along

he said while look jason and kokonoe

jason:i don't mild

he said with an smile

kokonoe:me either

she said with an neutra face

nine:well then let's go

the group enter the carriage

george:is been long since i been an hogwarts would be good to see the pile of rocks

he was about to get in before he stop and look one direction worried and then he enter the carriage as the later take out to the sky on the street an unknow figure watch the carriage before the figure dissapear


the carriage was an the sky flying as the group were inside jason was sit between konoe and trinity while kokonoe was sit an konoe lap much to kokonoe's embarrasent

george:glad i catch you up before you leave

nine:by an small second and i not the patient type

trinity:nine!,i sorry about her she is like that when comes to wait

george:is okay i know her long enough to know that

he said while look jason and kokonoe

george:soo who are you two companions

trinity:two new students

nine:one of then is my daughter

she said while pet kokonoe as the later blush of embarrasent

george was confuse


jason:yes sir we start as fifth years

george:how extraordinary

trinity:indeed,none of the faculty has ever heard of anyone admitted to hogwarts so late

george:neither did i

nine:of course other fifth years already have experience for four years now,soo the headmaster asked if i could get our new students up to speed a bit before terms begins

george smile

george:well you coudn't have ask for better mentors,miss trinity and nine are the best witchers we have know and olso trinity been an great teacher along with konoe

kokonoe:{yeah when she is not piss off}

she shiver remeber the times her mother was angry she could't walk or see for an week

trinity:you always flattery maybe that is the reason you get far at the ministry

an that moment george pull out an news papaers

george:have you see this

the group see the headline witch say

"ranrok's goblin rebelion truth? or gobbledegook?" while show the image of ranrok

nine:we hear about it..many are divine how bad the treat is

trinity:i hear whisper about ranrok posess an unique power and that is why he begin the rebellion..trough i undestand why..the methos i hear he does..are..wrong even goblin's are not safe either since if you don't join die

george:altrough i not convince my colleagues at the ministry i believe he is an great threat

as he said that kokonoe look outside and she look an the clouds and notice an stranger outline as she narrow her eyes

kokonoe:{what is that}

she trough

george:beside it was miriam who alerted me about his activities months ago

nine and trinity were suprise miriam were an friend they meet but she die months ago assinated 

nine:but how?

george sight

george:she wrote me about ranrok before she die wondering what the ministry knew about his activities and there is more

george:before i could respond,i recieved this

he pull out an metal box

george:it was the last thing she send me

the group look an the box

george:it came via her owl but with no correnpondence..i can only assume

trinity grab the box

trinity:have to get rid of it before it fell to ranrok hands

nine:and send it soo we can keep it safe

george:that is right,i can't open it whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed

trinity look the box as the group look at it as well

trinity:the mental not douth is goblin metal ..and the symbol is

jason:what about the glow

trinity was confuse along with nine and george

trinity:i don't see an glow

nine:me either

george:nor do i

kokonoe:what you mean i can see the glow as well

the adults were suprise as trinity have an idea as she give the box to jason and kokonoe as bot hold as the box open to reveal an object inside as the adults were an shock

george:merlin's bear how did you...


kokonoe:an key?

kokonoe was about to grab it until nine stop her

nine:wait we don't know..


everyone look at kokonoe who have an look of horror on her eyes

nine:what is it!?


she can't even finish as the side of the carriage where is george was rip by an dragon


jason:what the!?

trinity:hang on!

the group see the dragon destroy the part of the wagon with is jaws as jason and kokonoe notice the collar was glow red

nine:trinity we have to do something or we end up been eaten!!

trinity:like what!?

nine was begin to think an plan

jason:oh god!

the adults look back to see the dragon about to unleash an fire breath


she scream as the group jump off the destroyed carriage just at time as the flames hit the carriage and the dragon destroy with is body as the group begin to make an free fall,as they were falling they see the box an front of it and the key came out

trinity:the key!

trinity yell while try to reach out but the group hear an roar and see the dragon make an dive toward then

kokonoe:is coming!!

trinity:everyone hold into me

jason,nine and kokonoe hold into trinity as she extend her hand


she yell as the key flew back to her hand as the key touch her hand the group dissapear just an time as the dragon close his jaws

unknow cave

the group appear as they pant

nine:that...was close..everyone all right

trinity:i.think soo

trinity and nine get up as they turn to see jason and kokonoe on the ground panting as nine goes to kokonoe and hold into her arms

nine:kokonoe you okay

kokonoe:i..i fine..give me

she try to get up but she fell pain on her hips as groan

kokonoe:okay..i not

trinity:jason can you stand

jason:let me try

he try soo but end up on his knees

jason:dammit..i think i got hurt

trinity pull out two green buttons and gave one to jason and kokonoe

trinity:here wiggenmed potion this should heal you up an seconds

the youngers nod as they drink it as they sight as with the help of the adults jason and kokonoe manage to stand on they feet

kokonoe:thanks trinity..

jason:yeah i feel better

he said while strench his arms and twist his neck to get some crack sounds as he sight

jason:now..where the heck are we?

kokonoe:better question is what the actual fuck happen back there?!


kokonoe look down


trinity:but you right..what happen back then..i mean george..

she sight knowing he is death

nine:nothing we can do,trinity

she reasure her friend

trinity:right but the question is why that dragon attack us..normal dragon's won't do that

nine:unless it was task to do soo

everyone look at nine

kokonoe:soo you mean someone want us death

nine:maybe..but one thing clear is it have to do with the key..witch is an portkey


nine:an item enchanted to bring the person who touch to an very specific place

trinity:but the question is..why,how and where are we exalty

kokonoe lookone direction and see light

kokonoe:hey i see an exit 

the group turn an that direction

jason:good maybe it reveal where we are

trinity:all right let's go

nine look at jason and kokonoe

nine:stay close with us we don't know where the portkey take us

jason and kokonoe nod as the group walk toward the light and finally exit the cave as they finally see where they are

the group were suprise

jason:woah what an view

kokonoe:where..are we

trinity:we're an the scottish highlands

nine:i see the ruins up ahead that should been the place the portkey should send us

trinity:but why miriam send the portkey to george

nine:one thing clear she and george die an pursuit or something..witch means what ever thoses ruins have will give the answer

trinity:only one way to find out

she look at jason and kokonoe

trinity:you two are ready

jason:i am professor

kokonoe:count me in

nine:okay let's go

she look to the right and see an path

nine:We can go from here

the begin to walk off trough the path

now what secrets will find an the thing the begining of something big

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