Final chapter: Back to the Sky

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Julia: Why does Raoh take his rage out on his own men ?

Soldier: ... Our lack of judgement provoked Lord Ken-Oh's anger. Uhn... He no longer thinks about being the master of the world like before !! Only... His battle against Kenshiro and the God of Death !

Julia: Against Ken...

Raoh: A man who knows sorrow is the victor. A man who doesn't know sorrow can never be victorious. Sorrow...

Raoh: This incandescent flame cannot consume my perfect body ! My body is invincible ! So that means that sorrow can surpass this body !

Julia: The sky is sad as well, to have lost its five shooting stars...

Raoh: Julia !

Julia: Raoh !

Raoh: I, Raoh... Since I've never known love, I don't feel sorrow. Love... Sorrow... There is only one way to understand ! Julia ! GIVE ME YOUR LIFE !!

Your POV:

Bat: Awesome, it finally stopped raining ! K- Ken, over there !

Kenshiro: ... Hm ?!

Lin: Ko... Kokuoh ! Ken, what does that mean ?

"That Raoh is calling for him... The confrontation of the two last brothers of Hokuto is imminent."

Kenshiro: You... What happened ?

"Kokuoh also went looking for me... But don't misjudge things, this fight... Is a fight of Hokuto. The star of Judgement has no right to intervene."

Kenshiro: Hm. Lin, Bat... You too will be witnesses to this final battle.

Lin: R... Right !

Kenshiro: the Hokuto training ground... I knew it...

Raoh: Kenshiro ! There is no better place to bury your bones and 2000 years of Hokuto history !!

Kenshiro: Raoh, you'll never dominate the world. You may rest here along with your ambition !

Raoh: I don't give a damn about the world anymore. Or perhaps, the world that I coveted was you all along ! And I only realized it by catching a glimpse of death against the Shinigami !

Lin: K- Ken is...

"Yes. What Raoh seeks is to become the strongest man in the world. And dominating the world means surpassing the strongest man of Hokuto, the true successor of Hokuto Shinken."

Raoh: Shinigami... You were a worthy foe, maybe the most formidable I've ever had... You instilled fear in me, and it allowed me to grow even stronger. But now, I finally realize it... You're out of this world.

Bat: Out... Out of this world... ?


Raoh: Hmph. Kenshiro !! The name of the one who will defeat the strongest man of Hokuto is Raoh ! And it will be with Raoh that the history of great men begins ! Kenshiro, I'll turn you into dust !!

Raoh: Gurg... As expected... if the Shinigami can, then the true successor too.

Kenshiro: In the face of Musô Tensei, ultimate secret technique of Hokuto Shinken, there is only death. This is the end !

"So that's why..."

Kenshiro: R... Raoh... You've mastered Musô Tensei as well !

Raoh: Pfff... You see, I too, with my heart tainted with blood, have ended up being able to understand sorrow.

Kenshiro: What's that ?!

Kenshiro: ... Ju... Julia !! Raoh, what did you do to her ?

Raoh: Take a look with your own eyes !


Kenshiro: Julia...

Raoh: This is the first time in my life that I've ever killed a woman... However ! It's Julia's death that instilled Musô Tensei within me !

Julia: You want my life ?

Raoh: yes. I still don't know what love is. By losing you, I'll be able to discover it, finally. Right now, all I see is Kenshiro. There is only him that I aim for in this world anymore !

Julia: Raoh...

Raoh: Julia, don't you despise me ?

Soldiers: Nn... You can't, Lord Ken-Oh ! She's the only person you absolutely can not kill ! S- Snap out of it ! You can do what you want to us, but let her live !

Raoh: ... You too have been touched by the compassionate mother star ! But it does not matter ! It does not matter who thinks I have gone mad, I need Julia's life !!

Soldiers: Ha?! No, lord Ken-Oh !!

Julia: This wound runs the risk of keeping you from having a fair fight with Kenshiro. The only thing I can do in a fight between two merciless men... Is to help them get ready for their departure. You'll have trouble dealing a fatal blow if you're looking at me, right ?

Julia: I too shall return to the sky.

Raoh: Uh ?! What ?! Tears ! I... I'm crying ! Ah !

Raoh: Toki, take a look. Julia will be mine, it's obvious ! She's also part of my ambition !

Toki: ... That's not ambition. That's love, Raoh !

Raoh: What ?

Toki: You don't understand now. But one day, that feeling will transform into tears and move your heart.

Raoh: 'T... This is love... !! It... It was for love that I chased after Julia... ... ... However ! Now I can't hope to have both Julia and Kenshiro !'

Raoh: there is only one possible path for Raoh !! FORGIVE ME, JULIA !! BECOME THE SORROW THAT WILL LIVE WITHIN ME !!

Soldiers: Ooh... Lord Ken-Oh...

Raoh: Even in I, Raoh, there remained tears...

Raoh: And now... this shall all end in an instant !!

Kenshiro: This has gone on long enough...

Guard: Lord Rihaku, Ken-Oh's soldiers are burning their weapons...

Rihaku: Yes... Raoh, he killed the woman that he loved, with tears in his eyes... Seeing that, they must have understood the cruelty of battle... And the power of love ! And they chose the love of their families over the cruelty of battles.

Rihaku: ... We, the 5 shooting stars... We were unable to protect Lady Julia in the end. However, Lady Julia... The compassionate mother star, will live forever in the hearts of these men. Forever...

Raoh: Mph ! I remember that it was right there that we met Julia for the first time. Ever since that day... That was when our fight really started, Kenshiro ! Come !! I no longer need a name nor do I need light, all I desire is victory using my fist !

Raoh: This pain, it feels nice... Since we've been waiting for this day for so long... Since we have both assimilated Musô Tensei, Hokuto Shinken techniques are no longer weapons we can use. This is nothingness ! Return to square one !! And this fight is like two newborns going at it ! Here I come, Kenshiro !! MUUORRR !!

Raoh: Guuh... FUHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Since i'm the one who taught you your fist... It's like this newborn is a day older than you ! But;.. maybe I should be praising God... For giving me the opportunity to face such a powerful man !!

"They're fighting without any technique now... Nor hate. This is two brothers trading punches..."

Lin: trading punches... Aaah !!

Lin: I... I can see them both as children !

"If this keeps on escalating... They won't be any victor. They will both die, and they know it..."

Kenshiro: My next attack will finally separate us forever. Raoh, that incredible eldest brother that Toki and I aimed to be like ! The one that disappeared from my heart and will now be rewritten there once more !!

Lin: Ju... Julia. Watch. K... Ken is fighting on with your heart, Miss Julia.

"The moment is about to arrive... The moment that will see this long rivalry end... And the moment where these two souls will finally find peace."

Raoh: ... All right then. Since it's come down to this, I'll crush you by concentrating all my life energy into my fist !! Receive the fist that contains all of my soul !

Bat: R... Raoh's Ki disappeared !



"This is it... This fight... Has just ended."

Bat: He... HE WON !!

Raoh: U... Nwa... GUHA !! Im... Impossible... My fist, with all my life energy concentrated...

Kenshiro: Your heart is all alone. But within me, there still lives love for my eldest brother Raoh and for Julia. Even if your fist is powerful enough to crush the sky, it can't break that bond !

Raoh: Y... Your strength comes from the difference between a man who has thrown away love and a man who has engraved it in his heart... 'Toki...'

Toki: Raoh... You can admit it now... Why don't you just say it ? You didn't reject love, either ! You kept that love inside your heart !

Raoh: 'No ! Even if I die, I can't admit it ! It would be an embarrassment if my fist carried the mark of love !!' I'M THE ELDEST OF HOKUTO, I MUST HAVE PRIDE IN DEATH !! YOU'LL SEE HOW RAOH, CONQUEROR OF THIS POST-APOCALYPTIC WORLD, WILL DIE !! Kenshiro ! You see, Raoh isn't dead yet !!

Lin: That's... That's enough !!

Julia: ... ... ... ... Uhn...

"W- What ?! KEN !! J- Julia is... How... !"


Kenshiro: ... ... ...

Raoh: ... Hmph. You knew I already gave up... That there wasn't enough strength left in my fist to crush you...

Kenshiro: Raoh... !

Raoh: I understand now. You lived all this time because you understand death. In the course of your constant battles against great rivals, you came to understand the space between life and death.

Raoh: Great rivals... The only people I would have like that would be Toki... L... Let me see... the face of the man who defeated Raoh, little brother...

Kenshiro: Big brother...


Kenshiro: WHAT ?! ... ...

Raoh: Go to her !

Kenshiro: Julia...

Julia: K... Ken...

"I feel remnants of Raoh's Ki... He must have put her in a state of 'False death'..."

Lin: But why... ?

"These pressure points... Toki taught me that... They can prolong one's lifetime at the expense of your own energy..."

Raoh: Julia ! You'll live on for a few more years ! Live in peace and be happy with Kenshiro for the rest of your days.

Kenshiro: Raoh...

Raoh: Goodbye, Kenshiro. I too shall return to the sky, along with Toki. And Raoh doesn't need any help returning to the sky ! HAAAAAAAAA !!

Lin: A... Aah, what's this... His body is turning white !


"... The giant star has fallen... And by doing so, it allowed light to shine down upon this world again."

Raoh: 'Shinigami... It is a shame we had to meet under these circumstances... You would have made an excellent successor too. Now, go back... let the sun set down on this world, and bring more light to yours...'

"Raoh... This world, shall be governed by the North Star."

Kenshiro: Raoh, for me you were the greatest of my great rivals.

Julia: ... terror was the only way to govern this savage and violent land. But terror can never bring true peace. I believe that Raoh, after being reunited, wished to be defeated by the one who he entrusted his love to. I can't help but think that way.

Kenshiro: ... Raoh, rest in peace with Toki... I shall live on as a successor to Hokuto Shinken, with your path in life engraved into my heart.

Bat: ... K... Ken !!

Lin: N- No, Bat !! No... You promised not to run after them. Please, let them live together in peace... Together...

Bat: Lin...

Lin: But... One day... One day, I'm sure Ken will come back... I'm sure of it...

"... Go on your way, kids... Follow the path that you deem to be good. And don't look back with regrets, look forward with hope. And, perhaps one last thing..."

Lin: Ah ?!

Bat: Gh- Hey, what the hell ? What did you hit... ... Hey... Where did that thing on your hand come from... ? That white gauntlet...

"Don't worry... I'm sure that your [Hopes and dreams] will [save the World]... This is... My requiem."


"I can hide that all I want... But this doesn't answer my question... Why the emptiness... I feel as if I'm missing something... What could it be..."

???: How... You... ! How I you here ?! How did you ?!

"Hm ? Excuse me, do I know you ? I feel like I've already met you somewhere... Long ago..."

???: You...

"No don't tell me, I'll remember... Uhh... Vunny Falentine !"

Valentine: ... Funny Valentine.


Valentine: If you really recognized me, after all that happened, how did you manage to come back ?!

"Many things can change in twenty years. Such as my resentment for you."

Valentine: That is good. Hate merely only grows more hate. Sadly... It appears that I must once again dirty my own hands ! [DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP] !!

"I remember like it was yesterday... The Stand that sent me away all those years ago... I don't know what kind of trick from fate allowed to cross your path once again, but there won't be any third time ! I'm not the same, and I'll prove it !! Hokuto... Musô Tensei !!"

Valentine: W- What ?! Where... That's not what his stand is supposed to do... Where did he go ?!

"Your next line will be: 'It does not mater. My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are those of justice. I will finish what I started !' isn't it ?!"

Valentine: It does not mater. My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are those of justice. I will finish what I started ! HUH ?!

"Brought forth by the arrow, power to govern all souls... Activate, [DARKEST REQUIEM] !! NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL !!"

Valentin: BUGUAAAAAH !! It... It can't be !! Power and speed to outclass D4C... Impossible !!

"Do not worry. You can go without regrets now. Your stand is no more."

Valentine: Huh ?! H- How ?!

"Like I said... You don't have to worry."

Valentine: And why's that ?!

"Simple. Because you... Are already dead."

So, at this point, and if i did my job as an author correctly (Big assumtions), there should be 4 major questions left to be answered properly. In order of appearance:

-Dio's flashback at the end of Part 3

-What happened with [Rolling Stones]'s statues at the end of part 5

-How he saw the Harbinger of Death, and yet didn't die.

-The presence of Funny Valentine.

All of these will be answered. The final part of this story is coming, get ready...

The Phantom Blood that flows through his veins shall end this.

"Hey, so will you do Stone Ocean once you're done with the rest ?"


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