No one Left Behind

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The teen's nails dug deep into the wood of the floor as his father assaulted him again. This wasn't an abnormal occurrence. He was a mean and angry drunk. And after his mother died it only got worse. It hurt, he felt disgusting, worthless, and he was mentally broken long ago. But when he looked at his baby brother. Only seven and so innocent. He prefers his innocence be shattered then it happen to his baby brother. He swore he'd never let that monster touch him and he didn't, he took all the pain to save him from it. Because all they had was each other, and he had to protect him. The teen felt a hand around his neck and the pace only picked up. The teen bit his lip hard. Already having been beaten and knowing him making any noise would piss him off more. Suddenly there was a loud explosion and the male looked up. "What the fuck?"


The teen looked as his little brother called his name and their father looked at him. "I told you to stay put!" He yelled and got off the teen. "Didn't I?" He grabbed the child's arm harshly. "Ha?!?"

The seven year old whimpered and started to cry as it hurt.

"Leave him alone!"

The teen smacked the male with the lamp that was on the end table. There was another loud explosion and he picked his baby brother up and ran outside. He coughed as there was smoke everywhere. The father followed him out and grabbed him, smacking him hard.

"You little shit...!"

Helena and Leon were running as fast as they could trying to hurry and make it to the chopper.

"Stop..! Daddy please stop!" The little one begged as he hit his older brother again. The small child was tossed away and his eyes widened as he saw a man attack his father biting a huge chunk out of his neck. Leon and Helena heard a scream. Helena was still running but Leon stopped.

"Leon! Come on!"

Leon looked at her and he heard the screams again.

"Leon!" She said, "Come on! We can't do anything for them!"

Leon was contemplating his options. "They sound normal and like children. What if they're not infected Helena?"

"Leon! Wait!"

"Go! I'll catch up!"

Leon ran to the sounds of the screams. The teen had his brother backed against the wall and he was swinging a pipe. "Stay back!"

Leon stopped at an alleyway. He saw 3 zombies and two children who clearly did not seem infected. Leon raised his gun and he shot the 3 zombies down and ran over. The teen held the pipe up. "Stay the fuck away!"

Leon raised his hands. "Listen to me. We don't have much time. There are more like them. Completely all over the town. I don't think there is anyone left outside of you two."

"Why should I trust you?!" He yelled.

Just as the teen said that the father lifted up and went to attack Leon. The agent grabbed the man by the shirt and the zombie forced him up against the wall. Fuck Leon was out of bullets. The teen took the pipe he had in his hand and he hit his father with him. Knocking him away from Leon. The teen hit him again. And again. And again. Before he even realized it he beat him to death with the pipe. When he got up his hand was trembling. Leon slowly came over and took the pipe from his hand. "It's okay.." He said softly as he tossed the pipe to the side. Another explosion came. Leon wasted no time as he picked up the small child and grabbed the teens hand. "Run."

Leon dragged them along and he saw the chopper. He made sure the children got up first and then himself. "Go! Go! Run!"

Both of them were running and Helena was shocked Leon made it in time. "Leon! Hurry!"

The child made it to the chopper first and Helena yanked him up, and then the teen. Leon barely made it as he jumped into the chopper and it quickly went into the air before the last explosion. All three of them were panting heavily. The teen's exhaustion was finally catching up to him. "Hey kid, you alright?"

Helena asked. But she didn't get a response as the teen passed out, Leon caught him in his arms.

"Mimi!" His brother got closer worriedly.

"He's alright." Helena said, reassuring him. "Just exhausted. C'mere. Come lay down." She helped the little one lay across one of the cots and she put a blanket over him. "Just rest."


When the teen came to he looked around and he was in a blanket white room. In different clothes a plain gray t-shirt and sweats with white socks. When he looked down his wrist was chained to the bed by a handcuff with a long chain. The teen got up and went to the door but it wouldn't open. He looked through the square window and he didn't see anyone. His little brother was across the hall from him, but he didn't know that. He saw a woman walk out and he backed up as she unlocked the door and walked inside, closing it behind herself.

"Hi, I'm the doctor here, Rebecca Chambers."

"Where am I? Where's my brother?" He said, a bit snappy.

"You're in an observation room at the B.S.A.A. headquarters." She said taking a seat in a rollie chair. "And your brother is in the room across from you. He's okay."

"Where's the man that brought me here?"

"In medical. Getting checked out and also being observed."

The teen recoiled. "Did you change my clothes?"

"I didn't. Leon did."

Leon? So that was the man's name.

"Looks like you took one hell of a beating, mind telling me how that happened?"

"It's none of your business."

Feisty little thing Rebecca thought.

"True, maybe not but it'll help me better examine you and also to know if you were infected or not."

"I wasn't bitten! Neither was my brother!"

Rebecca met in the middle. "Then tell you what, you don't have to tell me what happened as long as I can do a cheek swab and draw some blood, fair?"

The teen weighed his options. "Fine.. he stuck his arm out."

"What's your name?"

The teen promptly ignored her. "Seems like your brother calls you Mimi-"

"Don't call me that." He said sternly. "You're not my fucking family."

Rebecca sighed. "Fair, but that's all I know you by. Is there another name you prefer?"

Again he shut down and ignored her. "Not budging huh? That's alright."

Rebecca stuck him with the needle in a vein and the teen winced and he gripped the bed tightly. Rebecca noticed this and she made it quick and swabbed his cheek. "I'm going to take these to the lab and then have someone come around with some food. Any allergies?"

"Nothing with nuts... my brother can't have it."

Rebecca nodded. "Okay, no nuts." She stepped out leaving the teen inside. And headed back to her office where Chris, Jill, Helena, and Leon were waiting. Leon was nursing a black cup of coffee and he looked up as Rebecca came back in with the samples.

"How long do they have to stay in observation?"

"Well Bec said given everything comes back clean 72 hours." Chris said.

What a shitty fucking night both for Chris and Leon, Chris and Leon were close enough if you asked either of them but because of their jobs, their losses, Leon's alcoholism. It never went further than that. But if you were to ask either one they'd put their life on the line to protect one another.

"I am going to run the samples now. Chris and Leon mind getting them some food? Chris no nuts for the little one. He's allergic. I think you'll have better luck with the younger one the older kid might bite your fucking head off. That's more up Leon's alley." Leon rolled his eyes and they both stood up. "Oh..." Rebecca handed Chris some coloring books and crayons. "The little one asked for some. Take it with his food."

"You've got it doc."

Chris and Leon got them some food. Leon and Chris picked up some Italian food because what kid doesn't love pasta and bread they thought and it was nut free. Leon got the smaller child spaghetti and meatballs and he got the older one chicken alfredo. The teen heard the door open and he leaned up looking at Leon. This was the first time Leon was truly seeing his face. He was so young and small, he had mid length black hair. It looked curly as it was wavy in some parts, and he had a face full of freckles they covered over his nose and cheeks, and his eyes were a starry night blue. The poor kid had a busted lip and black eye, and he was hit hard because some blood vessels popped in his eye. Turning the white part of his eye half of it dark red.

"You're the man from earlier..."

"I am, I got you some food. Hope you like chicken alfredo."

He just nodded and Leon extended it out to him and he took it.


"Welcome. I'm Leon. Leon S Kennedy. What's your name?"


"Misako... more progress than the doc made."

"She didn't save me and my brother's life."

"Fair." Leon said, sitting down. Leon noticed he wasn't eating. "What's wrong? Food not to your liking?"

Misako didn't wanna say the wrong thing. He didn't wanna make him mad. "I... at home I'm not allowed to eat before being told.."

Leon looked at him sadly. "You don't need my permission to eat. If you're hungry you eat." The older male stood up and he softly opened the container and handed Misako the fork. Misako looked at him and he gently dug into the pasta. Once he started he was scarfing his food down. Leon had never seen someone eat so damn fast. Misako was done within 10 minutes.

"Do you want some more?" Leon asked.

Misako shook his head. He should be grateful he even got that.

"Who was that man that you hit? It seemed personal."

" father." He murmured.

"Is that who did this to you?" Leon said as he moved his hair back and Misako pulled away from his hand.

Leon would take that as a yes. "How old are you?"


He was still a baby, how could someone be this cruel to a child? Especially their own... Leon never understood it. Leon would never be able to have children of his own. Despite being an omega, when he was infected with las plagas at the ripe age of 28. When he purged it he also lost his ability to reproduce. He was infertile and it sucked because he had always wanted at least a child one day with someone he loved dearly. Especially since when he had to give up the only child he ever had at eighteen because he couldn't care for them. He was too broke to provide and if he had kept the child he would have been selfish. He did what was best at that time.

"Are you chinese?"

"No.. we just lived there. My father is Japanese and my mother is European.

"I see... I'm sorry you had to make that tough choice of killing him."

Misako wasn't. He wasn't sorry at all. He dreamed many times of him just dying if not, Misako killing him himself. He hated him. Hated how he made him feel. What he did to him. He was glad that the bastard was dead. They didn't get to talk longer as there was a knock on the door before a very tall and muscular man entered.

"Bec wants us back." Chris said, looking at him.

"Right." Leon sighed. "He picked up the empty pasta container and gave Misako a bottle of water.

"Get some rest. I'll check on you in a bit."

Misako just nodded as he watched Leon leave with the man. Leon and Chris met her back down stairs. "Good news. They're not infected." Rebecca smiled.

"Also good news, the older kid's name is Misako."

"Wow, you got a name out of him. More progress than I got."

Leon chuckled. "His reasoning was you didn't save his life."

She laughed. "I prefer Daisuke, little kids are always easier to please. Once they're done with their 72 hour observation I'll call CPS to come get them."

Leon was not at all thrilled with that. "Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"Well considering their family is dead and their home is destroyed what other option do we have?"

Leon knew CPS was shitty as hell. With his parents dying at a young age he was subject to being in shitty foster care and he had no other family. It sucked.

"I'll take them."

Everyone was shocked. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Helena asked him.

"Why not? They're already a bit comfortable with me and I don't think Misako would handle it well. And they may split them up. They're all they have and I have room. I can take them." Leon said determined and leaving no room for doubt he wanted to take them.

"Then okay, I'll get them released into your care then. But do understand I still have to report it to CPS and you have to go through the proper adoption process like everyone else. Meaning there will be house and court visits."

"I understand."

After the 72 hour hold both of them could finally be released into Leon's care. Leon was outside leaning against Chris's jeep waiting for them.

"Hey thanks for this. I appreciate it."

"Of course. I don't mind." Chris smiled.

Misako was waiting in the main hall with Jill and Helena was bringing little Daisuke down. When the seven year old saw his brother his little blue eyes brightened. "Mimi!!!" Daisuke dropped his things and ran to his brother and Misako kneeled down and he scooped him up into his arms and held him so tight and kissed his little face.

Daisuke groaned and laughed lightly. "Mimi you're c-crushing me.."

Misako put him down and looked him over as he laughed a bit and wiped his tears. "I'm sorry. I'm just really happy to see you."

"Daisuke smiled. "I'm happy to see you too!" He said happily. Daisuke also had dark black hair and freckles only on his nose.

Helena smiled. "Come on, I'll walk you out."

Misako nodded and he took Daisuke's hand in his and they walked outside. Misako looked up and was surprised as he saw Leon waving.

"What's going on?" He asked Helena.

"Leon decided to take you guys in to keep you out of foster care. He didn't want you guys being split up or put in a bad home. So you'll be going with him."

Misako was surprised. They were strangers. Why did he care so much for their well being?

Leon opened the door. "Come on you two! There are nice greasy burgers, fries, and a milkshake calling your name!"

Misako felt as Daisuke let go of his hand to run to Leon. Helena gently patted Misako's back and he jumped. "Go on." She smiled.

Misako was a bit hesitant. He had been burned all his life. Could they really trust him? He didn't know... but he also would suck it up if it was a bad situation. It wasn't the first sacrifice he had to make. It won't be the last.

To Be Continued...

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