I Saw You Kiss Him

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"You should be the last thing I would be think when I put the rope around my neck" -🌪

Jungkook pov

I dont want to go to school today! I just feel like something bad when I mean bad I mean BAD. Its been going off since last week. Hmm I should just talk to Y/n...I went to my phone and texted her "Hey make sure you dont do anything stupid, love your older and handsome oppa." At least shes younger than me by a month. "Got it! I might not be able to walk with after school I need to meet Taehyung in the piano room 😭" why would she meet him there "Just dont do ya know 👉👌"  I git worried what if shes going to do with him?! "I promise I wont 👍" what a relief.... will I ever get her to be mine?

Hoseok pov

I woke up looked at my face in the mirror I hate myself I wanna fucking end it (Hehe xxxtentaction) I looked at my antidepressants should I not take them-no I need to be happy. I took 1 pill as usual maybe one day I can come to my senses and take the whole bottle...

I went inside of school and saw another fight. Well time calls. I took out my phone and started to film. It was Taehyung again the fight ended so quickly since Yoongi  and Jin stopped it.

I went to the garden to get peace "Hey Hoseok!" I heard Y/n say she's pretty, I love her smile and her H/c hair. "OH hi" She ran to me "Just wanna say thanks for saving her life." Taehyung said looking to his side "YEAH TAehyung look at him in the eye" I heard Jin whisper to him loudly, "Thank you" he said looking at me this time "We owe you one how bout handing out with us after school at the ramen place down the street?" Namjoon asked I just nod my head. I walked with Namjoon to our class since we had the same schedule. He looked up out the large window "Hm. I just remembered that my mom used to tell me that every time it get gloomy or rains something bad might happen." I felt cautious about what will happen know, "Well we will see." I said with the tired smile.

Jungkook pov

I was in class with Y/n it was PE. The girls did the mile run, and it was Y/n's turn it was raining and her shirt got wet so I might of saw her bra...uh it was a black color, but the thing that stranded out the most is the most was the bandages on her arm probably just got hurt...once we were done all everyone had jackets and Y/n was the only one who didn't have one so when we were the only ones inside 
the gym I went up to her, "Hey use this." Handing her the jacket she put it on quickly "Uh thank you."she bowed at went off running.

"Ha" I giggled. As I was going to go off I felt a hand grab mine. "Hey oppa!" I heard an annoying voice say it was one of Nams friends. "Uh hello?" I said, "I was just wondering if you want to sit at out table for lunch!" She said enthusiastically. Of course I didn't want to go so just had to tell her the truth, "Sorry I have friends to sit with..." I told the annoying girl. "Okay if you say so~" she blew a kiss...I caught it and threw it into the trash bin on my way out.


Jimins pov

"Yo ChimChim gotta skip lunch again Nam asked if I could help her beat someone up." Taehyung said looking down on his phone, "Ash Taehyung maybe that person your gonna beat up might be Y/n remember last time, I was there off on the side." I told him with a concern look, "But-" I cut im off "But who cares of shes not gonna have sex with you *whispers*   I bet she put vinegar down there." I told him since they have benefits. "Oh...but that was once!! C'mon Chim!!" WAIT TAE TASTED HER PUSS- nvm "NAM PUT VINEGAR IN HER PUSS-" Tae put his hand over my mouth, "Shhh it was once." He let go "FINE but I'll be following you!" He shrugged and I went on going to the roof. 

I should just let it be *sigh* I went back down meeting the boys.

Y/n pov

I went up the roof since I usually do that  so i could get some peace. Until I felt someone push me to the ground. "OMG I am sooo sorry..." I heard Nams group say. "Hold on isnt that Jungkooks jacket?!" The girl with dyed pink hair I believe her names Kim "Uh! You better give that to me!" She pulled the jacket off my body leaving me with the buttoned white shirt we wear under our uniform jackes, and of course the cuts. "Ha! Oh my god she wants to end up like her mother!"  I saw Tae open the doors of the entrance of the roof. "Oh Taetae! Wanna help me beat her up?"  Nam asked stroking her hands on his chest.

Taehyung pov

I went up to the roof like what Nam said to do and I saw Y/n on the floor showing all her scars and cuts..."Look at how shes so pathetic!" I looked at Y/n seeing her get kicked and punched,"Let her be!" I yelled, "What?" I heard Nam said "I said 'let her be' she didn't do anything wrong and shes my friend." She looked shocked "Ugh your gonna regret this Kim Taehyung" she left flipping me off. I rushed down to on my knees to check on Y/n. "Wow thats...the first..." she said faintly, her nose was bleeding she had a a bruise on her cheek and her lip was bleeding again.

"Hey! I'll take you to the nurse just use my jacket!" Handing her the schools uniform jacket I rushed her to the nurse carrying her bridle style. "What happened to her this time?" The nurse asked with a tired tone "She got beat up again." I replied to her. "Ash this girl...I wish she could stop getting beat up by Nam and those girls...*sigh*" the nurse knows? "Uh you know too?" I asked her. "Well of course shes like a daughter to me and Im like her mother...she sometimes comes here to talk with me...I know every about her even her secrets, thats why she was wearing bandages when she was at PE." I looked shock hmm Y/n at least has a mother figure. She put and ice pack on her cheek "Im Ms. Chen by the way. If you want to know anything about her ask me now before she wakes up." She told me, "How long has she been cutting?" She almost choked on her coffee, "Ahem Im sorry for that shes been cutting since I believe hmm November of 2016...anymore questions?" I shook my head no.

It was 5 minutes later and Y/n woke up "Finally came to you senses." I told her with a smile, "Ha yah also hi Seulgi" huh thats the nurse's name, "Better be off to class Kook must be waiting impatiently." She took off ignoring fact that she was hurt and took me coat. I just remembered that class doesn't start until 10 minutes guess she goes in class early..."Hey Kim Taehyung have my number." The nurse said "Why?" She sighed again and grabbed her cigarette "If Y/n gets hurt or is in an emergency situation, etc then you have to call me. If your wondering why would I help since I only work in a school I work for a hospital." I just took the note and went to the place where we usually hang out for lunch.

Y/n pov

I went into the next class and saw that Jungkook was there I didn't expect him to be here. I went in here to get time alone so I could have time for myself. "Oh Hi Y/n!" He yelled at me. "H-hi." "Ah I wonder why Im the only one who cant help you in life...I-I wish t-that I-I c-could just one day be the special guy you h-have, but I dont see that happening." I didn't know or understand what were he talking about but if anything he started to cry a river. "Kookie what do you mean?" I asked him, "Dont Kookie me you know, Taehyung told me how every guy has done everything for you and theres me who doesn't know anything about you!" This is what hes sad about? "Oh and also remember that kiss wasn't that just a kiss of pity for me? Do you actually like me or love? I feel like I cant do or be any for you...even though Im in love with you you cant seem to understand how I feel for you." Jungkook exclaimed... he went off Im guessing I hurt him in a way...but why would he be ranting like that? Oh well 😔. I checked the time it was almost the end of school! Huh? I thought what? Nvm I need to meet Tae in the piano room.

I saw him in the room just waiting. I walked in and he noticed me right away "Ah Y/n there you are!" He come closer backing me up to a wall... and when I stopped at the wall, he swung his hand onto the wall and it was a hard slap...shouldn't that hurt...? "Y/n I want you to be mine..." he whispered in my ear I got cautious and got scared a little, "Wha-" I was about to asked what he was talking about but I was cut of with a kiss. I tried pushing him off put my hands grew weak...

Yoongi pov

I was about to go to the music room until I saw Y/n and Taehyung kissing each other...I couldn't feel anything but sadness, hurt, and anger. I paused to see them , tears rushed down my face I didn't know what to do so I just ran into the rain to the boba shop but outside where the benched were.

Y/n pov

Taehyung was still kissing me I saw Yoongi in the corner of the. As I saw him Taehyung grasped me ass...my eye grew wide his eyes opened and he winked. I tried pushing him off by attempting five time and he stopped the kiss "Are you okay? Why do you keep pushing me?" He asked "Because I don't want to do this! And I saw Yoongi see us kiss!" He looked confused, "So? What's wrong with that?" Tae asked again, "Yoongi has feelings for me dipshit!" His eyes grew with fear , "Oh I totally forgot to tell you...he suffers from anxiety and depression but he's been having suicidal thoughts. Let me come with!" He asked seeing me gathered my stuff "Fine! But stay low!" I told him.

I got into his car with him

"Where to?"

" Boba place down the street!" Knowing that was his favorite place to hang out.

"I'll leave you guys be Im going back home" Tae said once we got to the place I saw outside the on the bench. "Yoongi!" I rushed to him. "What do you want?!" I saw his tears. I hope he doesnt do anything that I would do...

Yoongi and I were under the rain...I didn't know he would feel such a way. "Y/n did you mean it" he asked me..."I-I dont know" I responded back "Then leave why didn't you hold back,huh?! You mean everything to me! I thought you actually meant the words you told me. But now Im just an awful piece of trash you throw away!" He said with anger and sadness to his tone. "Yoongi dont sa-" I was about to touch him but he slapped my hand away. "Y/n *trembles* just go away you're just like everyone else..." he cried.

I ran off with tears in my eyes saying Im not good enough I felt the sadness and the anxiety come back...I wanted to die...I ran through the street and I see a car..

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