Music Box

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"The happiest person could also be the most hurt" -💿

Jungkook pov

I was in my bed looking out the window when I heard a knock on my door "Who would that even be?" I went to the door and saw Y/n "Huh I thought you didn't like me being with you?" I scoffed "Yeah sorry about that, I wasn't in a good mood, so here's a gift" she gave me a sorry gift so cute haha "Wait how'd you get my address?" I asked curiously "Oh I asked the office why and I said you forgot your keys" I just laughed and gave her a hug "Dude I think your hugging the wrong girl" I saw she was shocked "Nah I'm hugging the right girl shes my friend" I said "I'll walk you to your house so you'll be safe" she just nod and walked outside.

As we were outside we saw a group of guys and noticed that they looked scary so I just held her hand "Wheres your house?" I asked not know where to go "oh I live in an apartment I have to take the bus" she point at the bus stop "can we exchange numbers first" she nods again I looked at her phone and saw only 3 numbers her mom, work, and Namjoon? I ignored it and put in my number. We went into the bus, and after 10 mins she slept on to my shoulder, and WE WERE STILL HOLDING HANDS! I noticed that her lips looked soft all most like they would be kissable....

She woke up when it was our stop. It took 20 mins...meh. "Just want to say thanks" she stepped onto her tippy toes and put her arms around my neck and hugged me. I felt my heart skipped a beat once she did that. I went back to my place and felt my heart still skip...what is this feeling? I saw the gift box and opened was a music box and a note
"Sorry for being a bitch, I was in a bad mood. The song is married life like the one from up."
I turned the handle and it was so calming

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I woke up and got ready for school put on my smile and uniform. As I was riding my bike I saw that some random guy was sleeping on a bench with the same uniform I let it go and went on. I came to school and saw Y/n hopefully Im her friend.

"Hey!" I waved to her
"Oh hi" she said awkwardly
"Lighten up Im your friend" She looked shocked
"Okay wanna eat together for lunch i want you to meet my friend Joon well Namjoon" she asked and I nodded .


Namjoon pov

"You gonna eat that" I said pointing to her un-touched pork, " have at it I dont care" she shrugged "By the way that Jungkook guy is he that new kid that ALL the girls are go on about" I asked with food in my mouth "yeah but like-"
She got interrupted by a guy who seemed to be him. "But like what huh.??" He said with a smirk "You must be Jeon Jungkook" I said with a nice smile "Yep thats me and your Kim Namjoon" not bad not bad.

After school

Y/n pov

I reached for my keys to see if I had them in my pockets when I was out the gates...shit I forgot. I held my head high and needed a place to sleep but where. Suddenly Jungkook came "Hey whats wrong?" "I forgot my keys in my locker" I sighed "now I cant go home" "You can stay at my place!" "You sure..?" I asked "of course anything for a friend" my heart skipped a little.

We got to his place and I felt tired so I slept on the couch.

Jungkook pov

I saw Y/n asleep so I left her alone. I was looking at her again she looked calm her phone rang and It was a text? "Hi bitch" "Parentless whore" "No wonder you mom committed suicide she was tired of you" all of them read that I feel so bad the only thing that came to mind was that I have to make her the happiest person I could know! Yet I cant even do that with myself...

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