Oh my...

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"Goggles I would advise you to tell Rider what's going on, honestly I think he can help you," Eging Jr. concludes what he was rambling on about. "No no no, it would make matters worse, he'll blame himself and... other things..." I shutter a little. "If you won't tell him, perhaps I could?" He suggests. "Oh please don't! Just never mention this to Rider, it's the last thing I want," I pleaded and he understood. "Alright fine, but you need anything at all you know where to find us, me especially," Eging Jr. pats my head. "Why don't you stay for the evening? We haven't had visitors in a long while." "Sure... I guess," I shrug. "Coolio~" he winks. I tried getting myself up to my feet, but he then pushes me back down. "Please rest, trust me it helps," he also gave me a blanket and left the living room. It so surprising that a strict and strong group could be so... caring. My mind drifted afar as my eyes closed and was pulled into sleep.

~Few Hours Later~

How can it be that this couch could actually take anyone away, it was so comfy that it was slowly pulling me in. And to top it all off this really soft weighted blanket hugging me. My eyes slowly open to see Prince sitting next to me reading. He notices my sudden movements of getting up and turns his head towards my direction. "Oh, you're up... hello," he awkwardly waves. "Hi..." I reply. "Dinner is almost done... would you like some?" "Sure," I my eyes kept viewing what's around me. "Surprising enough, my big brother is actually cooking phõ... do you like phõ?" He sparks a conversation. "Yes... very flavorful..." I nod. "Mmm I see," Prince also nods and already we were in awkward silence.

Moments later we sat at their table and ate phõ that apparently Emperor made, which he's surprisingly good cook. He exclusively added the basil to it for the boost of flavor and some bean sprouts too. I honestly thought he would of made N-Pacer or possibly anyone else besides him. "Amazing..." accidentally I say aloud, the entire Emperor team just stared at me for a moment. "Mmm? You're a fan of my cooking?" Emperor looked first concern, then sneers. "Well duh you would like it, I made it." "Yes... never knew you could make food..." I need to shut up. "Proved you wrong didn't I?" As he said that I basically inhaled the rest of the phõ. "Eat slow, you eat like you haven't ate in days," N-Pacer quietly adds. "Well I haven't... actually," it's true, nothing in the pantry, fridge, etc. "Oh... uh... sorry..." N-Pacer's face reddens with embarrassment. "Don't apologize... you just didn't know," I smiled at her direction, she gives me a small timid nod.

"Wowie, look at the time! I need to head home," I did a quick check on my phone to see the time. "Mm? Already? A pity," Emperor sighs. "Would you like us to escort you home?" Eging Jr. suggests. "Actually, that would be great, yes thank you," I nod happily, I usually get the worst anxiety at night. "Alright, shall we go?" "I feel rather tired, my apologies," N-Pacer then. "As do I, but Goggles? If you do find out who your bullies are let us know and we will make them into pulp~" Emperor smirks. "Thank you, but, I need to fight my own battles," I nod, so me, Eging Jr., and Prince all left the house and walked to mine.

When there's no one with me in the dark streets of town, everywhere is pitched black and maybe a pack of wolves are stealthily stalking me for prey, just like my bullies at noon. I can't imagine who I want to be beaten up by more, rather my noon bullies or packs of wolves. Maybe wolves, they can eat me to survive and live on with me inside them. But now since I'm with a few people, I felt safer. "Shit, which street did you say again?" Eging Jr had us stop into our tracks. I had to retell like I was some broken record, but we suddenly hear a glass bottle break. "What was that," Prince jumps a little. Then I also heard, the cracklings of familiar voices. Like the... bullies. "Guys... this is really random, but, I hear them," I stutter. "Eh? Hear who?" Eging Jr. and Prince both look at me. "My bullies... towards that crash of a glass bottle... it's them," I explain. "Nows our chance to see who they are and end them~" Eging Jr., now who was starting to creep me out sneers.

We went towards the voices, which their neighborhood looked so familiar. The three of us crouched behind a bush. "Shit, now I have to piss," Eging Jr. curses under his breath. "Pee in another bush!" Prince shooed him. Me and Prince stayed behind the bush. Suddenly the voices once again came back, and they were in front of us. Prince and I stared at them... holy shit.

They... they are my bullies?!

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