1 | the good-morrow

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"and now good-morrow to our waking souls, which watch not one another out of fear; for love, all love of other sights controls, and makes one little room an everywhere."
—John Donne

James hopped up on the wall and spread his arms out in front of him, "We're the Kings of this place!" Sirius hopped up and joined him, placing his arm over the boy's shoulders, "We made it Pads, one more year and we're free."

Remus rolled his eyes at the two, reaching up and tugging gently on the back of Sirius's jacket. "Get down, would you?" he requested. "If you two don't knock it off, we'll be late and miss the train. There's a reason your mom was reluctant to let you come without her dropping you off."

Sirius rolled his eyes but obeyed, "Always so level-headed, Moony. It's a wonder you put up with us."

James hopped down as well, turning to face the boys, "I'll have you know that I am perfectly capable of managing my time." Just then, the train let out a loud whistle, letting them know they had five minutes to board and Remus raised an eyebrow at this. "Oh, shut up. We still have five minutes."

"Peter is probably waiting for us in our compartment," Remus pointed out as they continued their trek to the train entrance. "We told him we'd be here thirty minutes ago."

"He should know better by now," Sirius pointed out. "When have we ever been on time?"

"You're only confirming my previous point, Pads."

The three boarded the train, searching for their usual compartment. Sirius stuck his hands out, preventing them from moving any further. The two looked up to see a group of Slytherin's standing outside their compartment. "Starting early, I see?" he mused and Remus was about to talk him out of acting but it was too late.

"We can't be Kings if we aren't willing to fight for the throne, Remus," James pointed out and Remus huffed, following after Sirius with his hand braced over his wand.

"Excuse me," James said rather loudly. "We'll give you-" he glanced down at his watch with a contemplative expression, "-say, thirty seconds to make a better decision?"

"That's quite generous of you, Prongs," Sirius added, "Get on with it, snakes. We have better things to occupy our time with." He looked over in the compartment, "Wormtail, are you in there?"

"Yes," he squeaked and they could hear him moving. "They took my wand."

"Confiscating a man of his only defense," Sirius chided. "That's cheap, even for you bloke."

Barty narrowed his eyes on the two, his arms crossed over his chest in what was supposed to be a menacing demeanor, "You're outnumbered."

"Maybe we are," James shrugged, clearly unbothered. "We'd still take you down in no time." He smirked slightly, "Wanna find out?"

Regulus stepped out of the compartment, joining Barty at his side and Sirius stiffened slightly. Outside of the movement, he didn't waver. "I wouldn't be so sure of yourself, Potter," Regulus tsked. "We've been practicing."

James gasped dramatically. "You hear that, Moony?" he turned to look at his friend, "They've been practicing. Isn't that just terrifying?"

"Absolutely chilling," Remus agreed, shivering for affect.

"You see, Regulus," James said, stepping closer to the boy. He looked up, the Slytherin having gained a few inches on him, "You don't, and will never scare us. No matter how much you practice, or how many more spells you learn, we'll always win. Every. Single. Time."

Regulus moved forward, "You-"

"James!" a voice called out and it was like the shout broke the tension between the two. They both took a step back as the red head appeared, Dorcas following behind her. "We have the Prefect meeting, remember? You can't be late. You too, Remus and Regulus."

"Right," James said, his gaze still on Regulus who hadn't looked away either. He shook his head slightly before turning to look at the girl, a smile replacing his scowl, "Let's go then."

Lily looked at the group warily but let it go, leading the three she had come to retrieve toward the Prefect compartment.

"Think about what we said," Barty suggested and James glanced back to see that he was talking to Peter. Sirius raised an eyebrow, catching James's eye. James frowned in confusion before turning forward again, and following the group.

Lily began talking to everyone and James stood at her side, surveying the group. They all seemed to be listening and engaged in what she was talking about. A blur zoomed past the window and James frowned slightly. Another blur followed as Lily concluded her speech and told them all to get to know each other.

"I'll be right back, I'm just gonna step out for a bit," James told Lily and she looked up at him in confusion but nodded for him to go. "I'll be just a moment."

James stepped out of the compartment, allowing the door to close behind him. He stood there for a moment, contemplating what exactly his plan was. He could have been seeing things. It could have just been a blur passing by but he needed to be sure.

He made his way to the end of the train and stared out the emergency exit door. He placed his hand on top of the handle and was about to pop it open when someone spoke up behind him.

"What are you doing?" they asked and James jumped at the sudden arrival of someone. James turned to look at Regulus in surprise but the Slytherin just had his eyebrow raised, expecting an answer.

"I was just trying to get some fresh air," he said simply but it was clear that Regulus didn't buy that for a second. "Sometimes I get...claustrophobic. Yeah, claustrophobic. The train can be a bit stuffy, you know. Very claustrophobic."

"You've been taking the train for the past six years, Potter," Regulus reminded him. "You expect me to believe that you just suddenly developed claustrophobia?"

James narrowed his eyes, "How do you know that I haven't been doing this for the past six years?"

"Because I do," Regulus replied simply, raising his hand. "Don't try to turn this around on me, it won't work." He gestured to the door, "Go on then, get your fresh air." James hesitated, looking outside and then back at the boy whose arms were crossed over his chest, as though he knew the Gryffindor wouldn't open the door. "Are you scared, Potter?"

"No," he said quickly. Too quickly. "I - I'm not scared." James cleared his throat, "Of course I'm not scared. There's nothing to be scared of." There was a thud on the roof above them and Regulus looked up in surprise. James's eyes widened slightly and this time he didn't hesitate to open the door. He went to shut the door but Regulus beat him to it, sliding out before James could seal the door. "Are you insane?"

"It's highly probable, given my family history," Regulus pointed out with a shrug before looking up at the boy. "What's your excuse?" James narrowed his eyes but ignored him, starting his way up the ladder. "What are you doing?"

"Would you stop talking?" James requested. "Here I was thinking you were all brooding and mysterious. Now, all of the sudden, you can't stop talking."

"I talk a lot when I'm nervous," Regulus admitted and James looked down at him in surprise. The Slytherin was also surprised that he said that, "I didn't say that."

James was about to respond when there was another thud from the top of the train. Then came the voices.

"We have to be smart about this, Lucius," a voice spoke and James recognized it as Sirius's cousin Narcissa. It hadn't occurred to him until this moment that maybe Regulus was in on whatever this plan was. And that he was incredibly stupid to open the door and leave the train.

"What is it?" Regulus asked and James looked down at the boy but didn't say anything.

"I'm not stupid, Narcissa," he replied and James looked back up. "He gave us pretty clear instructions."

"Yes, but-"

"There's no 'but'," he replied. "It's an easy job. I'm not going to screw up my chance because you're scared."

Lucius knelt down to open the roof hatch on the train and James realized he had to do something. He pulled his wand out despite Regulus's questions and protesting. He was careful and quiet as he muttered, "Petrificus Totalus."

Lucius locked up and fell on his back. Narcissa and the other person with them looked over in James's direction and he ducked. "Shit," he muttered. He contemplated his options and realized there really weren't any good ones. He could scramble back into the train and lead them in the easy way, risking other people's lives. Or he could try to fight. "Shit," he said again before he finished his way up the ladder.

"Potter," Regulus hissed but James was already on the top of the train.

James balanced himself on top of the train and he looked down, immediately regretting that decision. "Hi," he greeted. "Er, sorry about that," he apologized, gesturing to Lucius. "I've never had the opportunity to use that spell before. It felt a bit odd, I'm sure it takes some getting used to."

"You're that Potter boy, aren't you," the other girl concluded and James frowned. "You don't know me. I'm her sister, Bellatrix. I was homeschooled."

"As a witch?" he asked. "I didn't know they did that."

"Special case."

"Right," he said hesitantly. "Potentially stupid question..." he began. "What exactly are you doing up here?"

"It's James, right?" Narcissa asked and James nodded. "Listen, you should just go back on the train and pretend you never saw us. We don't want to hurt you."

"Yes, we do," Bellatrix countered. "Aunt Walburga would be so grateful."

"I'm sure she would," James replied. "I appreciate the word of advice but I can't in good conscience let you do this. Whatever it is that you're planning on doing."

"You can't stop us," Narcissa pointed out.

"But I can sure as hell try."

Bellatrix was the first to pull out her wand, shooting a spell in his direction that James dodged. His eyes widened as he pulled his wand out, forming a shield before she could hit him with another spell.

"Bella, be careful," Narcissa warned, "No one is supposed to die today."

"He won't be missed."

The second he heard his cousin's voices, Regulus froze. James was in way over his head with this one and he couldn't help him. It would make things a million times worse.

Regulus banged the emergency exit door when he saw Remus exit the compartment. Remus looked up at the noise and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The second he opened the door, Regulus spoke quickly, "James is on the roof. My cousins are there too. He needs help."

"Go find Sirius and Peter," Remus said quickly and he nodded before he ran down the hall. He slowed next to the Slytherin's compartments to avoid drawing attention to himself and eventually arrived at the one with his brother in it.

He slid the door open, "James is in trouble."

Sirius looked up in confusion, "What?"

"James, he needs your help," Regulus explained, "I don't have time to explain, just come."

Sirius and Peter were quick to follow after Regulus as he sprinted back down the train and stopped at the emergency door. "He's on the roof."

"Hang on," Sirius said before Peter ran out, "How do I know this isn't some trick?"

"It's not!" Regulus exclaimed. "Look, it's just Remus and James against Narcissa and Bellatrix. They have a slight chance until Lucius is up again but-"

"Bellatrix?" Sirius asked in confusion. "This is very creative but-" There was a thud above them and Sirius didn't hesitate to push past his brother and out the door, Peter right behind him.

"Glacius," Regulus muttered on the open door so the door didn't close. Just as he was about to walk away, he saw someone dangling off the side of the train. He squinted and then realized it was James.

Regulus contemplated his options for a moment before he joined the group on the roof. He stared at the scene for a moment, Sirius and Peter were helping Remus fend off Narcissa and Bellatrix. But Lucius had woken up and was taunting James at the edge of the train.

The Slytherin moved towards Lucius and kneed him in the back of his legs, causing him to stumble backwards. "Sorry," he apologized. He looked down at James and he was about to kneel down to help him up when Lucius pulled him back. "You can't kill him yet, Lucius. You know this."

"I don't care about his life," Lucius spat, reaching for his wand that had rolled across the train. Regulus stepped on his wrist, pointing his wand at the man, "Think this through. You're making a mistake."

"No, I'm not," he countered. "When he gives you instructions, you follow them, even if you disagree. Incarcerous." Ropes flowed from his wand, tying around Lucius and binding him together.

Regulus tucked his wand back in his pocket before going back over to James who was attempting to pull himself onto the train. The Slytherin knelt down and grabbed the Gryffindor's arms. "Hold my arms," Regulus suggested and he hesitated but ultimately did as suggested. He pulled him up slowly, and on the last pull, Regulus fell back and James landed on top of him. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," James said as he got off the boy and straightened out his clothes. He turned immediately and ran to help his friends.

Regulus laid there for a moment staring at the sky in disbelief before he eventually got up as well. He gulped as he looked down, the height of the train adding to the fall from the bridge. He let out a shaky breath before turning to where his brother and his friends were fighting his cousins. And they were winning.

"Take Lucius and leave, Narcissa," Sirius suggested. "Better luck next time."

Narcissa watched him for a moment but ultimately dropped her arm. She turned to look at James, "Bravery and stupidity can be very similar, Potter. You got lucky."

James turned and watched as she and a reluctant Bellatrix walked towards Lucius before disappearing. Regulus stood there in both confusion and awe. "What are you still doing here?" James demanded as he tucked his wand away. "What's your angle?"

"What?" Regulus asked in confusion.

"Did you know they were coming?" he asked as he made his way over to him. "Is that why you came out here with me? Because you were going to help them but I was already here?"

"No, that's not- I wasn't-"

"Then what is it?" James demanded. "What's your purpose here?"

Regulus narrowed his eyes, "I saved your life."

"That easily could have been guilt," James countered. "Who is 'he'?"

Regulus paled slightly, "Who?"

"Oh, you know who," James said, "Don't play coy with me. The man you were talking to Lucius about. Who is he?"

Regulus looked back at the other three and saw that they were expecting an answer too. He deflated, "I don't know. I've never actually met him."

"I don't believe you," James said, "You have a lot to explain."

"I don't have to explain anything to you."

"You do if you don't want me to ruin your life," James pointed out. "Because there are so many ways I can do just that, so I suggest you tread very carefully."

"What's going on up here?" Lily asked as she peered her head up and over the ladder. She let out a gasp as she took in the state of the boys, "Oh, my god. What happened?"

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