Date Night

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Alright, so I've decided to do this chapter in (Y/n)'s P.O.V, not because you all wanted G's perspective, but you all wanted to 'see' how the date went and I think you all depend a little too much with your eyes. As you read I want you to picture yourself in (Y/n)'s shoes. You're sitting in complete darkness when you use your eyes.

So don't use your eyes, use your ears, use your fingers, use your tongue, use the sense buried deep inside you, and sense the scenery around you.

I slipped a short sleeved turtle neck over my head making sure it wasn't on back wards before slipping on some short shorts and boots that almost reached my knees.

I brushed through my hair to make it softer before feeling the braid behind my ear. It hadn't even shown any signs of coming out and I decided to leave it there, if it was really a different color, I wanted to keep it all in one place.

I came out of G's room tapping my feet against the ground as I walked.

G was sitting on the couch I didn't sense a difference in his outfit but just shrugged it off. He probably didn't want to change and that was perfectly fine with me, I didn't want him to change for me, or anyone else for that matter.

I heard a whistle from the couch, signaling that he'd turned and seen me.


I laughed a bit nervously scratching the back of my head.

"So the colors don't clash?"

"Nah, red and black's a good look for you." I stopped at that before raising a brow in his general direction.

"Red and black? I thought you weren't gonna dress me up like you."

I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Oops."

I suddenly felt one of his arms around my shoulder as he leaned on me slightly. "But again, it's a good look for you. It kinda highlights the braid behind your ear, speaking of which." He gently took my hair in his fingers placing my braid in front of my ear. "Perfect."

I sighed.

"Anything else you'd like to touch up?" I asked and there was a pause.

"Not what I meant." I frowned making him crack up.

"Wow (Y/n), dirty."

I sighed walking forward so his arm fell off my shoulder.

"You're the dirty minded creep."

A chuckle sounded from behind me before I felt his arm around my waist and sensed him close to me.

"You chose me, you're stuck with me." He whispered in my ear before the feeling of ground left my feet and for a moment we were weightless.

Once my feet hit the ground again, G braced me for it so I didn't stumble.

"Thanks." I said quietly to him and he whispered back.

"You're welcome, Babe."

I bit my cheek at the nickname. I'd never been called that before, but I'd heard other drunks calling the other waitresses it.

I'd hope to never be called that. But something about the way G said it, made it the best nickname in the world.

I instantly smelled French toast and paused. A warm atmosphere told me the color was also warm, maybe a brown or gold lighting decorated the place.

As we walked I felt a slight bend under my feet along with a small creek. Wood floor, this place was older than the usual restaurant.

G helped me up to a bar stool making me puzzled and even a bit tense, this was a bar.

"I know what your thinking, but this place ain't nothing like that bar the jack*** you call boss runs." I frowned at that. A bar was a bar, no matter where it was...right?

"Whatcha hungry for?" He asked once we were both settled and I hummed.

"They serve food here?" I asked in interest, hearing him shift beside me.

"Yeah, best burger and fries this side of town." This made me smile.

"I'll take a burger."

"Wanna shake with that, Babe?"

"Sure." I giggled lightly before I felt something warm across from me, the bartender probably, they gave off an extremely warm aura.

"Sup Grilb's?" G asked, but it was only met with silence.

"Heh, busy as usual I get it. Say, can ya squeeze in a couple a burgers and a shake?" He asked. Again, met with silence, but I heard the crackle of a fire from across the counter.

"Thanks pal, your the best." G chuckled and I heard a clamp as if he'd clasped hands with someone.

Once I felt the heat leave I frowned slightly before reaching over and tugging on G's jacket.


"I don't mean to be rude but.. is the bartender.." I hesitated wondering if it was insensitive.


"U-uh, mute."

"Ah same thing, but nah he ain't, he just prefers sign language." G explained and I nodded, that was why there was no reply.

"What's his name?" I asked making G chuckle.

"Grillby, this is his place, he's a monster incase you haven't guessed."

"I-I have!" I stuttered indignantly but just gained a snort.

"Oh really? What gave it away?" He asked and I thought fast, what had been different from when he was here or not?

"When he came over he was really warm." I pointed out carelessly and hoped that meant something, there was a pause.

"That's just his personality." He stated and I laughed.

"Really? It must be a physical trait, I'm not that sensitive to auras."

There was a chuckle.

"So your sensitive?" He asked shifting closer towards me but I didn't react.


"So, are you ticklish?"

I suddenly felt a bit of sweat on my brow at the question.

"Not really no." I said calmly but he didn't move away.

"You sure?" He asked when the warmth returned and I heard a bit of clattering. "Wow, guessed right off the bat huh?" G chuckled and I frowned confused.

"Yeah she is, we're goin on a date to try things out." He explained and I understood, Grillby had guessed that I was blind.

But wait, try things out? Sure it was sensible, but for some reason, the way he said it seemed as if I was a card he hadn't decided if he liked or not.

"Thanks man." He said after a little before nudging me.

"You wanna eat your burger now or later?" He asked and I felt the plate before picking it up and taking a bite without a word.

"Aw cmon she is not upset, right babe?"

He asked and I would've tasted the bile in my throat if it wasn't for the burger teasing my taste buds.

I sat there almost star struck over the food and pretending not to have heard him.

But then I heard something else, a soft noise through the bar chatter in the back ground. Like small coals cracking under a fire, the bartender was chuckling.

"I see she likes your food, I'll be sure to bring her more often, that ok (Y/n)?" He asked and I nodded, not really caring much about his seemingly one sided conversation.

I continuing eating as we fell into silence.

Once I finished my burger I heard a soft scraping off to the side of me and realized the bartender was pushing my shake towards me.

I smiled a little in the direction I thought he was in and grabbed the shake taking a sip.

"Hey ain't that MTT's recipe?" G asked but I barely heard him over my own mind buzzing from the sugar and delicious taste of (f/f).

There was a slight pause.

"Ah, I see. Good to see everyone's getting the lives they deserve." He chuckled before there was another pause which seemed to drag a bit.

"We all deserve the endings we got." He told him as if he didn't want to discuss the topic in front of me.

"You know if you wanted me to wander off a little, you could just ask." I whispered to G after finishing my shake. There was another pause, but I didn't let it linger. "I'm not dumb G. Grillby obviously wants to talk to you about a matter and if you can't talk to him in front of me, then I'll just excuse myself."

"But we're in the middle of a date. I can talk to Grilb's some other time." He started but I shook my head as I got off the stool.

"You're trying to avoid the topic. You need to open up more often G, and if I'm in the way of that then I can be temporarily removed."

Before he could objected any further, I hopped down getting a good survey of the area through the vibrations I sent through the old wood and walked away briskly.

"Well this is the weirdest date I've ever been on."

I told myself as I walked around on the other side of the room. Apparently there was a dance floor, but if I danced I'd make myself out to be a fool, stumbling into other people like a new born fawn.

So I just stood off to the side pretending to be watching some of the dancers or staring off into space.

Though when someone's arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me somewhere in a brisk fashion I grew tense, not knowing who it was.

"Let's go." G mumbled, he seemed offput.

"G?" I asked as I heard a door creek open.

"Hm?" He sounded a bit tired.

"Are you ok?" I asked as he let go of my waist only to take my hand and pull me onto something soft, a mattress with a few blankets, a bed.

"I'm fine. I wanted to take you to the movies, classic s*** like that you know? But you're blind, and I ain't gonna waste nothing on something you can't enjoy, so I'm doing this instead."

I felt something cover my ears but I could still hear his next words as he leaned me back and pulled me close.


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