The UnderGround

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Real Quick!!!
I am freaking out so much right now This is so amazing thank you all so much!
I'm going to go pass out now bye!!!

Pain, in my leg, I couldn't move it. My head hurt as well, but I forced my eyes open.

Light, just a circle of it. I sat up with a groan and held my head. Where was I? I looked around.

Black roots sprouted from the ground up to the light in the sky. But the roots didn't touch me, I was sitting in a field of flowers, blue flowers. I looked at them, they glowed like the moon when it's full. And whispers, whispers flurried through the petals of the flowers as if they were murmuring to each other. My eyes widened.

It was beautiful, being able to see again was so amazing.

I looked at the walls again and saw a hole on the roots, like a cave entrance. I gulped suddenly afraid when I heard a groan and a small curse.

I looked over seeing Papyrus sit up with petals in his eyes.

"(Y/n)!?" He asked sounding afraid and I reached out to him.

"I'm here Papyrus."

"I can't see! I can't see anything!" I tried to crawl over but I hissed. My leg was covered in flowers as well, like a cast. I frowned at the flowers and pulled at the vines around my leg.

"Papyrus these blue flowers! They've got my leg and they won't let go!" I cried trying to pull them off but they didn't budge.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) calm down, are the flowers glowing blue?" He asked and I paused before nodding.

"They are."

Papy sighed.

"It's ok, these are echo flowers, they have healing properties, when they sense a wound they crawl to the spot and root itself in the pain to try and get rid of it. Your leg is in a cast." I looked over at him.

"Papy, your eyes." I started and he nodded.

"Are no longer usable at the moment. You'll have to guide me through this place."

I grunted trying to get up.

"Only one problem, I can't walk."

"Then we'll have to stick together." He told me, crawling towards me.

"Where are you?" He asked and I reached over and grabbed his sleeve pulling him over, he was surprisingly light.

"Whoa, careful!" He cried before stumbling into me. He stood up slowly as if about to fall over and held out a hand. I grabbed it and let him help me up.

I tore up a few flowers in the process which I apologized for, though I don't know why, they were only flowers.

"Alright, let's go." He told me, my arm slung around his neck and we started forward into the dark. The glow of the flowers made it easier not to trip or run into a wall, but it was mostly like when I was blind.

I eventually just closed my eyes pretending I was still blind and limped at a normal pace until Papy told me to slow down.

"Right sorry." I sighed and helped him along.

"Golly, you two look a bit lost."

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