Chapter 25 - "No, I'm fine."

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Haley looked up as the office door opened and Ty and Josie entered. Their faces were excited and their voices had an eager ring to them. When they looked at Haley, their eyes brightened. Despite the weariness hovering over her, Haley couldn't help the tinge of curiosity at their looks.

"Did you hear?" Josie jumped right in.

Puzzled, Haley gave a vague shake of her head.

"Seven Ships announced their tour dates and tickets go up this Friday, are you in?" Josie asked.

"In for what?"

"To go with us," Ty explained. "We're getting a whole group together. We already ran into Isaac and he said he was down to go. So what do you say, Haley Day, you in?"

An answer didn't come to Haley as she was trying to grasp the fact that these two girls were openly inviting her to hang out with them. Josie waved a hand in front of Haley's face.

"You still there?" she asked, with a laugh. "Or has the shock that you get the chance to see Seven Ships live left you speechless?"

Embarrassed, Haley leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

"Umm...yeah that could be fun," she said. "I might have to figure some things out before I let you know."

It felt as if Haley barely knew these girls, but before her was an opportunity to change that. The problem was she wasn't sure she wanted to. Was it worth it?

"Well," Ty said, "you have until Thursday. Now can we get a hundred copies of these?"

Ty handed over a flyer reminding people to get their prom tickets. Accepting the stack, Haley moved to the copier and set the machine running.

"I didn't realize Prom was only two weeks away," she said, facing the two girls.

Josie leaned against the counter. "I know, time flies when you're obsessing over Seven Ships. Do you have a date?"

Haley shook her head, not mentioning that the likelihood that she would ever get a date was very slim.

"Same, though Jace asked me and I said no."

"Why?" Haley blurted out.

Josie gave a shrug.

"It's Jace. I think he asked me cause we were sitting next to each other when Prom was being talked about. I was simply the closest option. By now he's probably asked someone else." Josie focused on Ty. "Do you think Nick and Rachel will have solved their problem and go together?"

Haley frowned in surprise as Ty cocked her head, thoughtful.

"I'm not sure, Nick really needs to make up for what he did and Rachel isn't one to back down."

"How did you know about them?" Haley asked.

Both girls looked to her as if the answer was obvious.

"Rachel had her strained smile on," Ty said. "Talked very little and ate nothing."

"She also left the lunch table for fifteen minutes," Josie said, "and when she reappeared her makeup was changed. After two minutes Nick also showed back up and looked like someone had kicked his dog."

"Oh," Haley said.

She leaned back against the copier, the machine humming against her.

"No one probably noticed except us," Ty said. "But then again we've known Rachel since elementary school. She wears a good mask but a mask is still all it is. It hides her face, not her body language."

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Haley asked, unable to help herself.

"Most likely," Josie said. "They've been together for ages and are truly compatible. Nick just needs to get his head out of his-"

"I'm sure they'll be fine," Ty cut in. "Relationships are hard and they take work. Work I have known both of them to be willing to do."

The copier beeped and Haley collected the warm stack of papers.

"I hope so, she just looked sad when I saw her," she said, handing over the flyers.

"Don't worry about Rachel," Josie said. "She's tough as nails and has a heart that's not easily broken."

The two girls made for the door.

"Let us know what you decide," Ty said. "I'm skipping class so I'm able to buy tickets."

"I will."

As the door swung shut, Haley sank down into her chair, mulling over an offer she never thought she would get.


The sound of voices reached Haley even before she rounded the gym. Spread out across the lawn and concrete were groups already taking out their booths and working. The music hadn't started yet but she could already see someone setting up a set of speakers. Before the pulsing rhythm could take over, Rachel grabbed a chair and climbed up on it.

"Can I get everyone's attention?" she called out.

When the group didn't instantly listen, a sharp whistle cut off the conversations. Rachel looked at Nick, giving a slight nod of thanks. He returned the gesture, his eyes lost and pained. In contrast, Rachel kept a pleasant smile on her face, though it never touched the sadness in her eyes. Haley felt for her, knowing she wouldn't have that kind of determination to smile when everything hurt inside.

"I'm happy to see everyone eager to get going so I will keep this short," she said. "As you know this is our final week of prep. This Saturday is Senior Day so we need to buckle down and stay focused." She gestured to the row of already completed booths. "You can see we are in great shape but still have a lot to do with painting and the last few booths to assemble. So let's get to work!"

Jace led the group it a loud round of applause and cheers. As the group dispersed to their jobs, he caught Haley's eye across the way. In his quiet look was a question as to whether she was okay. Not able to sort out her own emotions, Haley walked to Rachel avoiding his prying eyes.

"Hey," she said, gaining Rachel's attention. "What do you want me to do?"

Before Rachel could answer, Nick stepped up.

"Where do you want me?" he asked. His voice was controlled but even Haley could see all the things he truly wanted to say but didn't.

"Why don't you help Sammy and Mikki," Rachel said. "Ben said he couldn't make it and they will need help finishing up their booth." Without waiting for his response, she focused on Haley. "You can help me finish my booth."

With one last glance at Rachel, Nick walked away. When he did, Rachel's face crumbled for a second.

"I would love to help you on your booth," Haley said.

Rachel's pleasant countenance quickly returned.

"It's just me," Haley said. "You don't have to smile if you don't want to."

Rachel's expression softened and she gave Haley a grateful smile.

"Let's get to it then."

They collected Rachel's booth and went to work. Rachel did everything with determined efficiency. By the time Haley was done connecting two of her sections, Rachel had already put together four others. It was like every task was a distraction and the faster she went the more it helped her not think. Even if someone asked her a question about something, she handled it swiftly and went back to hammering, barely losing the rhythm of her task.

Haley appreciated the quiet company, her own jumbled thoughts hard to talk over. After leaving the bathroom, she had found she felt less chaotic, but still, there was a weight on her that she couldn't lift. The booth was finished halfway through the normal allotted time. With a sigh, Rachel looked it over.

"Good," she said. "We can add it to the others."

They carried their booth to the wall side collection. The group was loud with chatter as they talked through their work and around the music. Jace was smiling at a comment his fellow booth maker said and even Isaac looked as if nothing could dampen his mood. Part of Haley wanted to join them, be connected to something that had nothing to do with her own problem. Maybe even steal some of their happiness.

"If you're still up for working," Rachel said, breaking into Haley's thoughts. "You can help Isaac finish up with his group."

"Yeah, sure."


With a quick smile, Rachel moved on to help someone else. Gathering her nerves, Haley headed for Isaac's current group. When she stopped before them, he glanced up, a smile breaking across his face.

"Hey," he said.

Even in Haley's muddled state she was able to appreciate how good his new haircut looked. It was slightly disheveled but with the shorter length, it looked intentional instead of a mistake.

"I'm here to help you," she said.

"Awesome, well grab a piece and jump in."

Haley did as he said and quietly went to work. The conversation she had paused started again but she didn't join. As time passed, she caught Isaac tossing her glances, like he was trying to puzzle out her silence. Each time this happened, Haley concentrated harder on her task. Just as Rachel called an end to the day, the group finished the final piece of their booth.

"Teamwork!" Isaac said, smiling and offering up high fives.

When he gave one to Haley, his look intensified. The two other members crated the booth off, leaving Isaac and Haley alone. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he leaned forward.

"You alright?" he asked, his voice low. "You seemed kind of quiet."

Haley gave a small shake of her head. "No, I'm fine."

Isaac's expression that said he wanted to question this, but he said nothing.

"Okay," he said, taking a step back.

There was something about the physical distance made that Haley wish she could tell him, that she could say everything that was weighing her down. Like he would understand and help. But she knew there wasn't anything he could. No one could change what was going on in her world, least of all her.

"I'll see you later," he said.

"Yeah, okay."

As he walked away, Haley felt as if she had missed a chance at something but wasn't sure what. Before she could get caught up in what it could have been Jace appeared, helmet at the ready.

"Want to go home?" he asked.

She nodded, taking the offered helmet. As they drove, Haley felt herself crumbling. What waited for her was an empty house crowded with unspoken things. Worn out with it all, she rested her head on Jace's back and tightened her hold around him. There was something comforting about the solidity of him. He didn't startle at her actions, seeming to understand.

The sun burned in the sky but the heat of it ran away with the wind that whipped around them. Beneath her, Haley felt the hum of the bike and the grooves of the road. A road that raced on for endless miles. Right then all Haley wanted to do was never leave that place. She wanted Jace to continue driving until even her problems and emotions were left behind.

But he didn't and eventually Haley had to let go of the illusion that her reality could be forgotten.

When the engine fell to a low purr, she raised her head. There was her house, waiting for her. The driveway was empty and the unlit windows looked like dead eyes. Wearily, she climbed off the bike and handed Jace the helmet. As she was crossing over his lawn, Jace stopped her, his hand reaching for hers. At the touch, she paused and faced him.

"I need your help," he said.

She frowned in confusion.

"I'm stuck on some stupid level of that game and figured you would know how to get me out of it."

He gave her an encouraging smile and playfully bumped the helmet against her arm.

"So how about it, Haley Day? You want to come up to my room?"


Pẹlẹ o Mulan!

Guys! What is this madness! Jace asked Josie to prom first! And he just asked Haley to come up to his room! OH MY GOSH!! Where are our heads about all of this? 👉🕳👈

Also come on Haley girl! Isaac was right there asking you what's wrong and you went and missed having a moment! GAAHHH!!! Girl you may literally kill me! 🤦🏽‍♀️

Whatever, I'm TeamCal so it doesn't even matter! I will stick with this team until the end of time cause my heart will never be in danger with that little cutie! 🐶

Tell me something strange, wonderful or wild cause I am so befuddled that I don't have much to offer expect this smile! ☺️

Vote, comment, follow and join TeamCal it is the best Team to be a part of!

You know, you do you boo boo!

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