Chapter 28 - "Why didn't you invite me?"

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As the bell rang, Haley followed the storm of students out of the classroom. The day was hot but after an hour in the icy air conditioning, it felt refreshing. The pack Haley was locked in broke apart as students went to find friends and spots to spend the next thirty minutes. Haley headed toward her lone tree but paused, her gaze straying to the collection of tables.

Already most of them were filled with athletes and members of the student council. Not knowing why, Haley looked for Rachel. Part of her wondered what would happen if she actually took her up on her offer and sat with her. Another part couldn't imagine the occurrence and so she looked away.

In the shade of her tree, she plopped down. Sprinkled on the ground were fluttering shadows from the overhead leaves. A rare breeze skipped passed stirring up the smell of mowed grass. Settling her backpack on her crossed legs, Haley dug out her headphones. The noise of conversations vanished as the rhythmic pulse of a heavy beat and a piano filled her ears.

As her gaze wandered, it landed on a tangle of blonde hair. Haley watched as Isaac slipped out through the gates, headed towards Cal. There was a subtle bounce to his step that made the corners of Haley's mouth twitch at a smile. It took so little to make him cheery and part of her wanted to have that.

When she could no longer see him, she looked to her backpack. Before she could take out her lunch, Jace sank onto the grass in front of her. The sight of him startled Haley. Smiling, Jace leaned forward and gently tugged one earbud free.

"What are we listening to?" he asked, resting on his elbow and sticking the bud into his ear.

When the song hit the bridge and the main singer suddenly started half singing, half yelling, Jace backed away.

"Why do you like that?" he asked. "He's screaming at you."

"No," Haley said, holding up a corrective finger. "He's screaming for me."

Jace frowned then started laughing. "You understand that makes zero sense."

Haley shrugged at his lack of understanding. "It's a Seven Ships thing, you wouldn't get it."

"Hey," Jace said, raising his arms out in indignation. "I like Seven Ships, just not the screaming parts."

Two figures appeared, casting shadows over the two companions.

"Jace," Josie said, Ty right beside her. "To not appreciate the use of vocal intensity of Seven Ships is to not understand them at all."

Jace gesture to the headphone. "What is there to understand, he's screaming."

Sighing, Josie shared a look with Ty. The look said, 'what did we do to deserve living with such inferior people?'. The two girls sat down beside Jace, both wearing the look of lecturers.

"Seven Ships," Ty said, "uses screaming as a way to express emotions that are too intense to sing."

"If you don't see this," Josie added, "then you don't understand the pain that others might go through. Or have never faced that kind of torment yourself."

Haley found it strange to have her feelings about Seven Ships so eloquently put into words. It was also strange that the two girls had willingly decided to sit down.

"You know me, JoJo and you know that's not true," Jace said, all levity gone from his voice.

They held each others gaze and Haley could almost see the memory they were sharing. One that didn't need to be spoken about out loud, but tied them together.

"Fine," Josie said, "you simply don't like someone screaming at you."

"No, I don't," Jace agreed.

Ty turned from her best friend to Haley.

"Have you made your decision?" she asked.

"Decision?" both Haley and Jace said.

Josie perked up, knowing what Ty was talking about and eager as well to hear the answer.

"Yeah, about going to see Seven Ships," she clarified.

Understanding dawned on Haley and she realized she had completely forgotten the offer the girls had made the previous day. She had wondered afterward if it had been a joke, still unable to see why they would want her company. Under their expectant gazes, she shifted, not knowing what she wanted to say.

"I'm not sure yet," she said.

"Okay," Ty said.

Jace leaned forward, elbows planted on his knees. "What's this all about?"

Looking at him, Josie motioned between Ty and herself. "We're getting a group together to go see Seven Ships this summer."

"Why didn't you invite me?" Jace asked.

Ty sank back on her hands, shaking her head as Josie frowned at Jace.

"We just solidified the fact that you don't like people screaming at you," she said.

"So, I like Seven Ships. I would go to see them."

"Seriously?" Josie said, exasperated. Haley held back a laugh at Jace's grin and obvious delight in exasperating Josie. "You boy, are baffling."

Jace propped his chin on his fist, bringing himself closer to Josie.

"I like to think it adds to my charm."

"It doesn't," Josie said, swiping his arm out from under his chin, making him falter forward.

As Josie smirked, Haley and Ty laughed. Jace righted himself, scowling but not seeming that upset about it. The sound of footsteps snagged Haley's attention and she glanced over. Rachel was making her way towards them.

Halfway there, Nick crossed her path and the two of them hesitated. Nick looked like he hadn't slept at all, his clothes were disheveled and his hair was unkempt. To Haley, he had the look of a man lost in his own life. Before Rachel could speak, he mumbled something, ducked his head and walked in the opposite direction. Rachel's gaze traveled with him, concern in her eyes.

Haley watched as Rachel took in a breath and continued toward them. When she stopped before their group, everyone looked up at her. Josie squinted against the light and Jace shaded his eyes with his hand.

"Josie, Ty," Rachel said, voice controlled. "Did you get the flyers distributed?"

Both girls nodded. Rachel let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, prom is only two weeks away," she said.

"Are you running it?" Haley asked, trying to imagine how this girl managed to do everything.

Rachel shook her head. "No, simply helping the student council with prep. Hopefully, all the work will pay off and it will be perfect."

Ty scoffed, gaining everyone's attention.

"Prom is never perfect and stressing about it is worthless," Ty said.

Tilting her head, Rachel cocked an eyebrow. "Not to some, it isn't."

Ty waved Rachel down. "I'll explain. Rach, sit down, I'm going to break my neck looking up."

Hesitating for a second, Rachel settled down between Haley and Ty.

"Here's the thing," Ty said. "Prom has become this overblown event that can never actually meet the expectations that have been risen over it." Haley rested her chin in her hand, curious where this was going. "Because of movies, TV, and books, prom has become this once in a lifetime event. It's supposed to be magical. From what the world has made of it, it should be the best night of your entire life, but it won't be. Not even close by a long shot."

As Ty became more animated as she talked, Josie and Jace exchanged smiles, like Ty's passion was an old joke.

"The thing is, everyone remembers their prom," Ty continued, "because out of the four years of their high school years it's one night that can be captured and set apart from the rest of the mundane school days." She held up her hands before her and locked her fingers together. "This fact added with the dress stores' desire to sell overpriced gowns that will only be worn once has created this illusion. This idea that this one night could be everything in your life. It's not."

Ty let her hands fall back onto her lap. "If everyone understood this then there wouldn't be any disappointment. But they don't, so they have their parents spend hundreds of dollar on a dress, car, makeup, hair and then end up being let down."

"Are you saying my work is pointless?" Rachel asked.

"No, I'm saying that you shouldn't stress because perfection is an illusion. No matter how hard you work to make it perfect, it won't be. Cause the factors that bring about the disappointment are out of your control."

Haley just stared at Ty, trying to remember a time where she thought this girl was stupid. It was completely laughable now. Jace shook his head.

"I think you lost me," he said. "What are you trying to say, Ty."

Looking up at the sky, Ty let out a breath like she didn't understand how she was so misunderstood. When she focused on Jace, her eyes were intent.

"I'm saying this, if people went into prom with the simple expectation that they were going to hang out with friends, dance and drink some odd tasting punch, then they would be much happier."

"That's always been my expectation of prom," Jace said.

Moaning, Ty dropped her face into her hands and Haley couldn't help it, she laughed. Josie patted Ty's shoulder and even Rachel's face lightened a bit.

It was then Haley realized she wasn't alone. Though she had been staring at the people seated around for the last twenty minutes, she had always felt they were going to float away as easily as they had come, but they hadn't. They were still sitting under her tree with her. Besides knowing that this moment might not come again, she didn't dwell on it. Instead, she let herself laugh.

"Well, you should have a fun time then," Josie said.

"I know I will," Jace said, a cocky grin coming into play.

Intrigued, Josie raised an eyebrow at him. "You sound so sure. I'm guessing this will be in part because of your date."

"Definitely," Jace said.

Josie gave Ty an 'I told you so' look, before looking to Jace.

"Who is this marvelous date of yours then?" she asked, leaning in.

"Now why would you want to know that, JoJo?" he asked.

Haley felt another bubble of laughter watching the exchange. Josie settled back.

"I don't."

Bored of the flirting, Ty looked at Haley.

"Who are you going with?" she asked.

At the question, Rachel's lightness dimmed, even though she hadn't been asked for an answer. It didn't seem to matter, the thought alone was a hard one to swallow. Hoping to divert Rachel's thoughts, Haley replied.

"I hadn't planned on going," she said.

This got all three girls' attention.

"You're not going?" Rachel said.

"Why?" Ty asked.

Crossing her arms, Haley shrank back against the tree.

"I don't have a date."

Ty waved this excuse away. "So? I don't have a date and I'm still going. You should go."

Puzzled, Haley cocked her head. "I thought you just said that prom is a disappointment."

Ty tossed up her hands. "Does no one listen?" She pointed to Haley. "I said false expectations make prom a disappointment. And I also said that prom is a memory that can be easily captured and remembered. I never said it wasn't worth going. You should go to prom just know that it's not going to be a life-altering event, it will simply be fun."

"Oh," Haley said.

Not sure if that changed her mind or not, she started to wonder if it would be worth it to go after all. Before she could decide the bell rang. The group stood, brushing off grass and gathering up belongs. Rachel made to walk away, but Jace's voice stopped her.

"He's going to be okay," he said. "And he is still an idiot."

Rachel nodded in thanks then left. Josie lifted her shoulders then dropped them.

"That Nick is an idiot if I ever saw one," she said.

"He better get his act together," Ty said. "Or I'm going to gaslight him so hard."

"Gaslight?" Haley asked, not at all sure what that meant.

Ty waved a careless hand. "It's a simple thing where you manipulate a person until they are driven completely insane."

Uncertain whether she was joking or not, Haley glanced to Josie and Jace for help. Josie nodded and Jace was chuckling.

"I pity Nick then," Jace said.

"And any ex-boyfriends you might have," Haley added.

Both Josie and Jace laughed at this while Ty shrugged, like she had thought the same thing. As the group dispersed, Haley was still smiling to herself as she headed to the office. Halfway there, Haley crossed paths with Isaac. With a half smile still settled on her lips, she greeted him.


The cheery sound made Isaac pause, then broke out a grin that was so warm and genuine, Haley felt her stomach flip.

"Hi," he said, his smile covering half his face. "You're doing better."

"Better?" Haley said, cocking her head.

Ducking his head, Isaac shuffled his foot.

"Yeah, yesterday you seemed...I don't know...down or something."

"Oh, yeah. Definitely doing better."

Isaac raised his head, the grin returning. "Good. That's good you're doing better."

"Yup, it's good."

The second bell rang, reminding both of them they had places to be. Isaac took a step back.

"I guess I'll see you in the prison yard later," he said, walking backward.

Haley nodded, liking the way he didn't seem inclined to turn away. "I'll be there."


Сайн уу Jake and the Never Land Pirates

My oh my! Are those thoughts for me! 👉🕳👈

And the madness ensues! Haley isn't alone under her tree and prom is on the horizon...possibly. Nick needs a kick in the butt, but don't worry I think Ty is up for the job!

Now! I don't know if all of you have prom since I know it's hugely an American thing, so tell me about an event: wedding, party, graduation, you had and what it was like? (If you've gone to prom tell me about that then)

I didn't go to my prom mostly cause I wasn't going to conform to society's idea that one night could be worth spending a huge amount of money on. 🙄

Haha just kidding, I wish I was that cool. 🙃 Nope, I didn't go cause I was sick both times. But that's how life goes.

Okay! Your dream prom and outfit for the event go!

When you are done living out of your imagination vote, comment, follow.

Also my dream prom is simply living through the one I wrote for Carter.


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