Chapter 35 - "You're still on to man the kissing booth, correct?"

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An excited buzzing made Haley's fingers tingle as she gripped the hacky sack and opened her balcony door. She threw the soft ball and it hit Jace's window. When she got no response, she was about to go looking for another projectile but Jace appeared. He was shirtless and a toothbrush was hanging out of his mouth, bits of white toothpaste dotting his lips.

"What?" he said.

"Hurry up, we have to get to the school," Haley said, an antsy feeling to get moving making her feel like she was going to jump out of her skin.

Jace removed the toothbrush.

"Why are you so eager to get going? You understand we'll be there all day, right?"

The reason was Isaac, but Haley had no plan on sharing that with Jace. The teasing smile Jace had given both of them when they had exited the closet the night before was enough to make her want to shove him.

"Rachel said that there would be breakfast and I don't want to miss free food."

Jace gave a nod of his head like she had a valid point.

"Wait, are you wearing that?"

At his question, Haley looked down, her outfit was meant to be cute and flirty, jean shorts with a sleeveless, loose top.


"We're working all day, that shirt is going to get ruined."

Haley put her hands on her hips. "I thought you didn't care about my choice of outfits."

"I don't, I just don't want you to complain to me when you make a hole in that flimsy material."

Haley scowled though he had a point. "Fine. But hurry up!"

Before she could go looking for a new but equalling cute outfit, Jace called to her.

"Since when was it decided I was even driving you?"

"Since I'm buying you a bag of M&Ms in payment."

"Fair enough."

He disappeared and Haley rushed to her closet. The search for the right shirt was maddening as she felt for the first time that she really cared about how she looked. Her hands stilled on a t-shirt that bore the Seven Ships logo. Deciding it wouldn't go unnoticed by Isaac, she exchanged it, adding a pair of yellow Converse to the mix, the cheery color matching with the band's symbol. Grinning at seeing Isaac again, Haley grabbed her purse and left her room.

Matt approached her from the other end of the hallway, still in his pajamas and rubbing his eyes. When he spotted Haley, he stopped, his brows inching together in curiosity. In return she frowned, puzzled.

"What?" she said, conscious of the smile she had been wearing.

He gave a sluggish shrug.

"You looked happy, I thought it surprising since it's early on a Saturday and you have to go to school to work."

"Well," Haley said, poking his shoulder. "I am very proud of how this fair is going to look. We've worked hard. You're going to be there right?"

The edge of Matt's lips curled up in a sleepy grin.

"And miss all your hard work, never. You'll have to tell me which booths you made."

Haley beamed. "I will. I'll see you later."

She skipped that the stairs, her ponytail bouncing along behind her. Before she reached the door, her mother called out.

"Where are you off to?" she asked.

"Setup for Senior Day."

Her mother looked tired, but she still offered an encouraging smile to Haley.

"I hope it goes well."


The word was trapped inside as Haley darted out the door. The smell of damp grass with hints of breakfast and coffee swam through the neighborhood. The pale blue sky promised a perfect day for the event. Haley was waiting by Jace's bike when he emerged from his house.

"You seem awfully eager to get moving," he said, throwing her a helmet.

Haley tugged it on, needing something to hide the smile that kept popping out.

"I don't want to miss the food," she said.

Jace raised a skeptical eyebrow but said nothing back. By the time they reached the school, Haley felt like she was going to burst. Part of her could still feel Isaac's hands in her hair, hear his breath tickling her ear, see the half disbelieving smile on his face. Her gaze drifted across the road to the street where his house was, but he wasn't there.

On the football field were set up two tents with tables laden with silver chafing dishes on them. Even from where they were in the parking lot, Haley could smell cheese, bacon, sausage mixed with the sweet scent of orange juice and coffee. As they made their way over, Haley felt a prick of dread. What if last night had only been a game? Though Isaac had asked her to prom, what if he had just been swept up in the moment? All the excitement that had been bubbling inside Haley popped.

The crowd under the tent was made up of more than the members of senior day project she had been working with for the past three weeks. It almost appeared as if the presence of free food had multiplied the group. She searched for the mop of blonde hair and glasses but found Isaac wasn't among the mob of students.

As Haley and Jace grabbed plates of food, Haley scanned the crowd, hoping that in her last pass she had somehow missed Isaac. He still wasn't there. When they took a spot on the field, Haley no longer had the stomach to eat. Doubts and uncertainty gnawed at her insides.

"Funny," Jace said, eyeing Haley over his breakfast burrito. "You mentioned free food being your incentive for pestering me to be here early but you're not eating."

To get Jace's attention off her, Haley forced a bite down. The tangle of eggs, sausage, cheese, and tortilla seemed to get caught in her throat. She swallowed hard and held up her burrito.

"See, I'm eating," she said.

Jace still eyed her, a teasing smirk hovering around his lips. They were joined by Ty and Josie. Upon seeing Haley's choice in T-shirts, Josie threw out her arms, displaying her own shirt with a red beanie on it. An alternative Seven Ships symbol from a previous era.

"Great minds!" she said.

Haley smiled. "I guess so."

When Jace asked why Josie's shirt had a beanie on it, she happily dived into a break down of what the symbol represented, aided by Ty. Haley half-listened, her focus drifting to the gates to the field, noting the newcomers. The crowd under the tents had thinned when Isaac came jogging up. His glasses bounced the sunlight back while his blonde hair absorbed it, making it turn a whitish gold. A giddy fluttering took up residence in Haley's chest and she had to take another bite of her food, to suppress her smile.

Plate in hand, Isaac moved toward their group. He took the place beside Haley, grinning. With that one look, all her worries were calmed.

"Hi," he said, only having eyes for her.

"Hey," she said, pleased her voice didn't betray the riot that was taking place in her chest.

Laughing, Isaac reached up and brushed a piece of egg from her mouth with his thumb. Haley reddened with embarrassment and swiped at the rest of her face, making sure nothing else was there.

"Good to know I'm not the only one who loves breakfast burritos," he said.

"Who doesn't love them?" Ty said.

When Haley looked over, it was to find that the three other members of their group were watching them. Though Ty and Josie gave off the appearance of casual ease, Jace was grinning, the smile too wide to be anything but mocking. Haley wanted to melt into a puddle and never come back. Isaac's next comment helped banish her want to disappear.

"I like your shirt," he said, noting the logo.


Haley decided to chance eating again to hide her pleasure at Isaac's attention. They moved onto new conversation topics and Haley and Isaac spent half the time listening and trying not to be aware of the other person. Once the majority of the crowd was finished eating, Rachel called everyone to attention. She stood in front of the tents, a clipboard in hand. Beside her were three teachers who had volunteered to help oversee the day's preparations.

"Hey, everyone," Rachel said. "It's great to have you here as well a few extra helping hands. I'm going to break down how today is going to go and then I'll split you into pairs. The fair is going to be set up on the football field," she motioned to where they were seated, then pointed off to the right of the field. "The lover's lane will be off to the right of the track - towards the school - and," she pointed back over her shoulder. "Food trucks will take over the teacher parking lot."

Haley hugged her knees, the sun tickling her neck. Rachel went step by step how the fair would be laid out. When she finished, she smiled, seeing the now worried faces of students who had instantly forgotten everything she said.

"Don't stress about remembering it all, that is what I'm here for as well as Mr. Swayer, Ms. Henley, and Mr. Scholar. We will help guide you. Now, here are the groups of pairs you will be working in."

Despite Haley's outward calm, she was buzzing, wanting to hear her name paired with Isaac's but trying not to get her hopes built up. Beside her, Isaac fidgeted and glanced at her, a nervous smile telling her that he felt the same way. The nerves doubled and Haley almost collapsed with relief when Isaac's name was immediately followed by her own. Beaming, Isaac raised his hand for a high five.

"Prison mates once again," he said.

She accepted it, trying to calm her heart that was cheering with delight.

"You now have your pairs or groups, get together and come to one of us and we'll tell you which booth to bring out."

The crowd began to stir, plates getting crushed, drinks getting finished off and the murmur of voices gathering as partners found each other.

"Come on JoJo," Jace said, holding out a hand. "Let's show all these idiots who is better at setting up a fair."

"That would be us," she said, letting him pull her to her feet.

Haley looked at Isaac. "Are you ready to prove them wrong?"

A mischievous glint entered his blue eyes and he offered her his open palm. She took it, trying not to notice the rush of heat at the contact. Discarding their trash, they joined the shortest line and received their assignment. As they walked to the gym, Haley noticed that the school felt strange mostly empty with the scattering of students.

They were some of the first pairs to arrive at the gym. It took work, but they were able to finagle their booth out of the hoard of others without causing too much damage. Isaac took the lead and they began their wobbling trek back to the field.

"It kind of feels strange to almost have this be done," Haley said, eyeing the kissing booth that they had put together in their first week.

Isaac nodded as if following her train of thought back to their first meeting.

"Soon our prison sentence will be done," he said. "We'll taste the sweet air of freedom!"

The joke hit Haley in an odd way. After this, it would all be over, hours spent with or nearby Isaac would be done. Their paths had barely crossed the previous years of high school and this year they didn't share a single class together. A touch of disappointment mingled with her current mood.

"You know," she said, "how they say some prisoners get so used to being on the inside that when they get out they almost immediately get back in?"

Isaac peered at her from around one of the panels, his face scrunched together.


She shrugged, the gesture awkward with the booth in hand.

"I don't know," she said. "I've gotten used to this prison sentence. It doesn't seem so bad anymore."

Isaac grinned in understanding.

"I guess we'll have to figure out a way for us to get back in," he said. "Need a partner in crime?"

A happy glow washed over Haley, not only at his words but the optimism in them.

"Why? You up for the job?"

"You saw me take down those prison guards, didn't you? So you know I can get the job done. And I stuck with you through the riot so you know I'll be with you through thick or thin."

Haley couldn't help the smile that took over her face or the rush of hope that invaded her.

"Then the job is all yours."


By the time the fair was set up Haley was hot, tired, sweaty, and grinning. The football field had been completely transformed. Circling the track was a line of booths, all looking cheery with their bright colors. On the field, itself were two rows of booths standing back to back. Over the entire space, a lattice of connecting poles had been constructed. Wrapped around the poles were hundreds of old fashion white Christmas lights. At night the strands would light up the field, giving the whole place a cozy, festive feel.

A feeling of immense satisfaction and pride-filled Haley as she surveyed the scene. Next to her, Jace draped an arm around her shoulders, his smile just as big. Tearing his gaze away from the finished product of their three weeks, he jostled Haley's shoulders.

"Would you look at that," he said, laughter sneaking into his tone. "Haley Day is smiling. Are you proud?"

Though she wanted to knock his arm off her shoulders and deny it all, she couldn't.

"Yeah, I am," she said. "It's cool to see what we accomplished together."

A sly, teasing grin overtook Jace's face.

"So what you're saying is..."He threw his fists into the air. "Teamwork!"

Unable to help it, Haley laughed and mimicked him. "Teamwork!"

When he brought his hands down for high fives, she happily accepted.

Overhead the sun was plodding its way towards the horizon, tossing back long shadows as it went. The day was still hot, but the retreating light promised a perfect evening. Scattered throughout the grounds were students picking up bits of trash and collecting tools.

Piece by piece the day's work was drawing to a close. Isaac was over towards the other end of the field, a trash bag in hand, scanning the ground for scraps that had been missed. As if pulled by some invisible force, Haley's eyes found him. Jace nudged her arm, nodding towards Isaac.

"I see you two are friendly," he said.

"I guess that's what happens after spending time together on a project, people become friends. Who knew?"

Jace gave her a look that said that was no what he meant, and Haley opted for an unconcerned expression. Before Jace could challenge the feigned indifference, Rachel strode forward.

"Last minutes details," she said, "then you are free to head home to clean up and return."

Haley let out a sigh, she knew she had to smell and wanted desperately to take a shower.

"Sounds good to me, what's up?" she asked.

Rachel pointed to Jace. "You're still on to man the kissing booth, correct?"

Nodding, Jace gave a stretch. "Yup."

"Now Haley I was hoping I could get you to be part of the kissing booth as well."

Panic spiked through Haley and her eyes widened as he looked from Rachel to Jace.

"Me...No...Kissing...I don't think...That would be..."

With a reassuring smile, Rachel raised her hand halting Haley's fear.

"Don't worry," she said. "I don't mean I actually want you in the booth, I want you on stand by to help take photos for the people in it."

A surge of relief nearly made Haley sink to the ground.

"Yeah, I can do that," she said, relaxing. "I would probably not be anyone's top pick to be in there anyway for someone to kiss."

Rachel shook her head. "Don't worry, there's not going to be a lot of kissing involved. Mainly on the cheek."

Puzzled, Haley titled her head. "But it's a kissing booth."

"True, but think about it, that's kind of gross and cruel to force two people to have to make out with everyone. I don't even want to think about the germs. Also, I don't plan on having the school sued because some sickness was passed around. No, what the kissing booth is for is a photo opportunity."

Rachel waved a hand around the whole fair.

"This entire night is about social media. People will come here and take hundreds of pictures, posting about how it was such a fun night. They will document the whole thing, sealing memories for them to scroll back through later on. Whether they actually make good memories is beside the point, they will have the photos and years from now if they look back on them, they will make up stories of how fun it was."

Haley blinked at Rachel. "Wow, you understand that's brilliant, right?"

"Thanks," Rachel said with an appreciative smile. "So, you will be over helping take photos for the kissing booth. You two can head home now, be back at seven-thirty, the fair will officially open at eight."

Jace saluted and Haley nodded. When Rachel walked away, Jace burst out laughing. Confused, Haley just stared at him.

"What?" she said, shoving his shoulder.

He pointed to her face, trying to catching his breath.

"You're being an idiot again," she said.

"Haley Day, your face was priceless when Rachel asked you to work the booth."

Flushing with embarrassment, Haley shoved him again.

"Stop laughing, how was I suppose to know that it was going to be more innocent than it sounded."

"Oh, so you thought I would be fine kissing every girl that came by?"

"Isn't that what most guys would be okay with?"

Jace poked her nose and she swatted his hand away.

"Not as much as you would think. Besides spending the entire night making out with random people is weird."

"What's weird?"

Jace and Haley swiveled around to see Ty and Josie heading over to them.

"Spending the night kissing random people," Haley said.

"That sounds highly unsanitary and a little disturbing," Ty said.

"It's why I won't be doing it," Jace said. "Instead I shall be acting as arm candy to any girl who wants a good photo."

Josie laughed. "Makes sense Rachel would ask you. It appears I will be your other half tonight."

"You're working the kissing booth as well?" Jace asked a note of glee in his voice.

"Yup, I know how to handle myself and my smile naturally makes people believe we're best friends. Or that's how Rachel described it."

Haley laughed, as Josie flashed a wide, cheerful grin. "She's not wrong."

The group began wandering towards the parking lot as Ty said she would be working one of the games. As they were heading out the gate to the field, Isaac joined up with them. His hair was a mess and though his shirt was dirty from the hours of work, Haley couldn't help finding him impossibly cute. He sent her a smile which she readily returned. Ty spun around and walked backward before the group.

"We have to be back at seven-thirty but do you guys want to meet up a little early and grab some food at the food trucks?" she asked.

The group exchanged inquisitive looks followed by around of agreement.

"Great, I'll see you losers at seven!" Ty said.

Ty and Josie broke off to the road where their cars were parked and Isaac diverted toward his house. Before he was out of sight, he waved to Haley that same happy grin on his face.

"See you both later," he called out.

Though the farewell combined both of them, Isaac never took his eyes off her. A giddy sense of excitement filled Haley's chest. It was going to be a good night.


Salve, Moana!

Alright, things are going well and you've had time to process the kiss from the chapter before, what are you thinking about everything? 👉🕳👈

I think it's time to take a poll. Which one are you?

Jaley Shippers! (Who are probably pissed at me)

Isley Shippers! (Who are probably really happy right now)

Random fact time! So my family has an addiction to bananas that rivals that of my addiction to ice cream. I'm not going to lie, we inhale bananas, eating at least two a day. 🍌

Once my sister (JoymomentsSISTER) bought three bunches on a Friday night, by Sunday evening they were all gone. So I guess you could say on the weekends we go bananas! 😁

I'm sorry okay! I had to do it! The pun was right there! There was no way I was going to let it go. But I can see how you would peel about this, but I'm guessing some of you are split between laughing and rolling your eyes.

(Again, I couldn't resist the pun! 🙈)

Haha okay, you can ignore me from now on. Before you do answer this: what is your favorite fruit?

Also vote, comment, follow but only is you're feeling like it!

Yeah, I know how you feel

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