File update on a Technically: MotU Revolution

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Ovalsan's log: The Official declassified Toybox Republic document code name MotU: Revolution is let's say a decent send off even if it does look like to meet at first thought that it technically being the third season of Revelation as excuse even if there will be another half that will be revealed at a later date.

Now what Motherboard is a viral type like the name States it controls those that touches now if you're thinking of the Borg from the TNG era well the Tellanrain don't Mark all Races and cultures as villains like then to stereotypical but Baron Dark on the other hand is the first official viral type but can't turn everyone into his minions those that are already evil at heart and can only be undone if the heart stone is destroyed but one by one would take so long even if the solution is theoretical with his file being over 20 years old.

The theory is like this if Baron Dark's hearthstone it could cause a chain reaction they'll destroy every other Hearthstone that's in every skeleton Warrior unless they've been one for more than a year that's only me for now.

One small thing the any of the first half made me think of the DC era He-Man series with a certain someone's hard look at the end won't say who even if you know which one I'm talking about that is but the Comic government does have some acquaintancy we have the toy box Republic and may hide some truths in one fiction or another but that for you to decide.

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