Chapter 1

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One week away

Beep... Beep... Beep

'My stupid alarm..'

I roll over onto my side, reaching for my phone that sat on my bedside table, littered with cups from my unstable ice addiction.

'I really should clean once in a while.'

I inplug the cord connected to my phone and turn off my alarm that had been continuing to beep.

"Oh shit."

It was Saturday. Work starts in an hour. I quickly jump up out of my bed and run to the bathroom, turning on the water. I look in the mirror.

'What is my hair..'

Strands of hair stuck to my red face. I shrug it off and strip off my pajamas. I grab my phone and get into the shower, turning on music. I set the phone on the window ledge atop of my shower, making sure it was at full volume before hand. Cold water struck my body, making me quickly turn the knob to the hottest setting.

I'm takin over my body
Back in control
No more shotty

Shampoo was added to my hair as I sang to the song, my body bouncing to the beat.

I bet a lot of my was lost "T's" uncrossed
And "I's" undotted

The soapy water ran down my back as I rinsed my hair. The water was hot now, almost unbearable. I push the knob to the right, cooling it down to a tolerable temperature.

You are surrounding
All my surroundings
Sounding down the mountain range
Of my left-side brain

A few minutes pass, eleven, to be exact. I turn off the water and get out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel from under my sink.

"Oh yeah."

I step back into the shower, grabbing the phone I left on the ledge.

It was silent until I heard my doorbell ring.

"Just a second!" I shout.

Quickly, I dry off and dress myself.

Opening the front door I see my friend, Melissa, dressed in black skinny jeans and an old Fall Out Boy shirt. Merch from the album From Under the Cork Tree.

"Girl, your hair is soaked!"

"I know, I know, I just got out of the shower."

Melissa comes in and shuts the door behind her.

"Not to mention, you're fifteen minutes earlier than your usual time."

She rolls her eyes, her arms crossed. "You seriously forgot that we planned on having a breakfast date before our shift?"

I return the eyeroll to which I receive a smirk.

"Go dry off!" She shoos me, making me dart off to the bedroom.

I take my now dampened towel and start stripping any water left from my hair.

"Took you long enough, come on!"

My hair was still wet, but brushed which was better than normal these days. She lead the way outside, leaving me to lock my door. We walk to her car and get in.

"Are you excited?"

I look up, confused as to what she's talking about.

"For work?"

She starts the car and looks over at me.

"No dummy, when are you ever excited for work?"

I blink at her, still not able to recall what she was talking about.

"The concert!"

"Oh yeah, the concert."

It was a week away. Just a week. I'd be able to see my favorite band again, Twenty One Pilots. They meant everything to me. Absolutely everything.

Josh was the definition of eye candy. Ripped and tatted, hair longer than my hopes and dreams.

Melissa had a huge crush on him since when she first introduced me to the band. She could talk about him for hours. If you wrote a trivia on Josh Dun, and Josh Dun only, she'd have every answer to it.

I didn't mind Josh, however. Tyler was the one who always caught my attention. From voice, to personality, to looks. He just seemed innocent and something about that was attractive.

"I can't wait for it, honestly. It's been too long since we've seen them."

We pass the third gas station.

'Just a few minutes longer..'

I hate car rides. I got into a crash when I was little. Parents planned a camping trip to the mountains. We were seven miles from the destination whenever we got hit by a drunk driver going 80 around the curves. Killed our mutt, Joey, who was only two. I've been scarred since.

Melissa turns into the parking lot of an old 80s themed diner called 'The Early Bird'. Such an original name.

She stops the car and turns it off. Quickly, I leave the car, getting the memory of Joey out of my brain. We both walk in, sitting down in our spot.

The diner had the usual metal walls and crappy red booths. Like a glorified Waffle House. The only thing that lacked was the lame Jukebox. This place only played music from Am/fm radio. So exciting.

Melissa orders the usual, which doesn't surprise me. She's obsessed with pancakes and whipped cream.

"I would like some hashbrowns and scrambled eggs." I say.

I usually only order coffee from here, so I receive a questionable look from my friend.

I gaze out of the window as we wait, looking at the cloudy sky.

Entertain my faith.....

Entertain my faith.....

I sigh softly, looking at my friend. We were the only people on this piece of junk diner. It smelled of Folgers coffee and frozen biscuits, so I didn't really feel bad for giving it the name.

It took five minutes for us to get out food and ten minutes to eat. Luckily, work was only two miles from where we were and traffic is never bad this early.

We finish eating. It's taking her longer than I expected.

"Melissa, come on."

Entertain my faith...

Entertain my faith...

I'm first to the car, cold from the fall air. It was starting to drizzle. I hate rain. The way it made my hair press to my face and made my toes cold always bothered me.

My head was hurting.

'I think I forgot something at home.'

I bite my lip, trying to remember what I forgot.


Melissa had unlocked the car. We both get in, avoiding the now steady stream of rain. We had thirteen minutes before our shift started.

Eight minutes.

It took eight minutes to get there.

"Text me when you're on break, let's meet up at the cookie place."

Melissa left me alone.

We both worked at the mall, I worked in Claire's which was extremely depressing. Melissa worked on the other side of the mall, over at Hot Topic. I applied there, but I didn't seem too messed up enough to be an employee. I've held a grudge ever since.

Hours pass. The store was dead.

'How has this place not gone out of business.'

I was leaning over the counter, checking my phone. Someone comes in, familiar looking to me. I raise a brow as I look at him, but nothing came to mind. He walks to the back of the store and I watch as he grabs two flower crowns, one light pink and the other a light blue.

'What could this guy possibly need two flower crowns for..'

The man has short dark hair and looked a whole lot like someone I know. He sounded familiar as well..

Entertain my faith..
Entertain my faith..

He comes up.

"I'd like to get these please."

And sets them on the counter.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes ma'am."

He pays and leaves without saying another word.
It takes me a moment.

Then one name leaves my mouth.


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