Chapter 4,Take over

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The bell rung and it was now time for all of the middle school students to go in. The students that were scattered about the playground had now formed a nice line and had pushed open the doors and started to walk into the school building.

"This day is going to be so fun...I can hardly wait for it to begin!" "Hehehehehe!!!!"

Layla's darkside had walked to her locker and put her stuff away and got ready for the day ahead.

"Hmm, I think I should have some fun...Don't you think... Layla?" She smiled wickedly.


"Tsk, tsk,tsk, Layla...Where are your manners?" "And on the contrary dear, I am you." "So in actuality your the monster." "Hahahaha!"

If it wasn't possible layla's Darksides' smile got even wider and even wickeder than it already was.


"Oh will you shut up already!" She said/shouted as she then pushed Layla back into the deep abyss of her mind.

"Finnaly, some damn peace and quiet!"

"Well this is my time to have my fun... soooo..."

I tweaked my appearance to make me look completely like the real Layla just Incase she noticed something was off.

"Alright now to try this out."

"Good morning Mrs.Kellogg!" I smiled gently at her.

"Good morning layla, how are you?" She asked with curiosity.

"I'm good, you?" I asked still smiling gently.

"I'm alright actually." "Thanks for asking." She smiled at me warmly.

"Well layla, you better get in there before I mark you tardy." She told me playfully.

"Huh?" "Oh, haha, very funny Mrs.Kellogg." "alrighty then."
I then walk into the classroom still clutching onto my books as if my life depended on it.

I then took my seat.
"Phew...That was way too close a call."
"I wonder how much damage I can actually do..." "Huh...Guess it doesn't really matter as long as I'm ruining the lives of others." "Kuku..."

It Was then that One of layla's closest friends came and sat next to her darkside.

"Hey Layla!" "What's up?"


"Layla are you alright?"

"Yes, just fine." "Now leave me the fuck alone before I hurt you." I threatened.

"OK, now I know something is definitely wrong." "Layla." "What's wrong?!" She asked a bit angered at my behavior towards her.

"That's it. She's getting on my damn nerves." "I think it's about time that I show her what I'm capable of." I thought.

"I've already warned you damn it,yet you didn't leave me be." "Oh, no, you just had to ask me what the fuck was wrong once more instead of leaving quietly." "This my dear, is what you shall pay for, for not leaving me the fuck alone like I fucking asked you to!" I shouted at her at just a level that She could only hear.

Her eyes widened in surprise at my actions.

I raised my hand and began to channel my power towards my hand to create one my nastier attacks, which is called; The clouded fang.

This attack allows me to completely destroy my victims mind/mindset while still keeping them alive. Basically this attack can regress my victim to a state of disrepair. The only way to reverse the effects of this attack is that the person who cast this attack must go within the mind of the person they attacked and retrieve them.

I smiled wickedly. I loved using my powers.

Gisena's eyes widened even further but this time in fear. She tried to get away but I held her from her wrist. She couldn't move. She was now paralyzed with fear,frozen to her spot.

I could just here Layla screaming; "NOOOO!!!" "DONT FUCKING TOUCH THEM YOU MONSTER!!!!" "SHES MY FRIEND!" "STOP!!!"
I pushed her back into the deep dark abyss of her own mind that was now mine.

"Hehe...I told you to leave me alone, but you didn't listen to me...Too bad...I was gonna let you live normally." "But now looks like I can't do that." "Bye bye." My smile grew even wider than it already was.

I then attacked her and her eyes fluttered Closed. She screamed silently. It was then that the life and the shine in her eyes left. Her eyes now held no emotion except for pure agony.

I grinned devishly. It was always fascinating to see how well humans could take my attacks.

"That's what you get for bothering me further even though I told you to leave me alone." "Now leave before I do anything more to you." I threatened once more.

This time she left my side and went to her own desk where she sat down,quietly.

"Hehehehe...That's one down... Several more to go." "But that's fine by me because I'm having fun destroying my counter parts' life as it is."

"I wonder...Who should I toy with next?"
(End chapter)
I know,I'm so evil for leaving this Chapter with a cliffhanger. Sorry.8)
Also I know I haven't updated this story in a while and I'm sorry for that. I've just been really busy.8) hope you can forgive me. Also this story might be going under editing because of how the early chapters sound to me. I feel like they were a bit "wonky" and all over the place. So this story might be going under editing soon.8)
Well till next time my fellow readers or as I used to say, My wonderful people!~ 8)

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