part : 17

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"Camera", Shivaay said as he don't have any other excuse to stop her, he wiped Anika's tears and hugged her along with their baby to calm his panicked wife. He knows she will not get peace she finds him alright and he can't show her his wounds. Those will hurt her and will give her pain, already he is feeling very bad for hiding about Priyanka from her and she misunderstood him

"I don't care ", Anika said and broke the hug. She tried taking his coat out but was facing difficulty because of Ansh which is a positive point for Shivaay and he held her hand and placed it on the back of Ansh.

"It is already bandaged and I'm fine", Shivaay said and wore his coat again and made Anika sit on one chair and sat near her to make her understand that he is well and to clear their misunderstanding if she is still angry with him

"Then why those tablets?", Anika asked pointing towards the painkillers, she is very scared and her heart is thumping fast thinking about his accident and his wounds, she want to see them but he is not allowing her which is making her doubt him. What if he had a major accident? She can't imagine her life without him, if she has to live without him then she will live like a corpse.

Life partners are connected by heart and soul and it pains to see another one in pain. They both fight with each other but those fights contain hidden care for each other. One will be incomplete without another because they are one.

"Because I was feeling the pain that time otherwise just think why a doctor will allow a patient to go ", Shivaay said stating a fact to make Anika understand he is fine. He caressed Anika's cheek softly to assure her, Anika held his hand and kissed the back of his hand tightly

"Let's go back. You have to take a rest", Anika said and looked at her child who opened his eyes and was moving his hand trying to touch Anika's face

"After meetings, I will do whatever you want. I promise ", Shivaay said and took Ansh from Anika's hand. He felt pain when he picked Ansh up but he is ready to bear the pain as Ansh will give him peace but Anika held Ansh which removed his pain

"Why meetings?", Anika asked and made Shivaay sit comfortably and then placed Ansh on his lap carefully. She doesn't know why she felt the baby can slip from his hand. Shivaay smiled as Anika helped him without asking for help.

"If I am already here and I can then I should not leave everything on tomorrow Anika. Moreover, you know how it will affect me if I postponed ", Shivaay said and then told her that meeting is after 2 hours which he can spend here. Anika nodded as she don't want to load him with more work, she understands his work and priorities too but when he will understand himself? This question always tenses her.

"Had breakfast?", Anika asked as it is going to be noon, she expects him to answer positively but when she noticed his head hung down she understood he didn't which angered her

"You call me careless and stupid when you are the biggest stupid person. Now tell me why you didn't have your breakfast. Do you want me to remind you about your meals too?", Anika shouted angrily which scared Shivaay as he sensed that she is very disappointed with him, he won't want to let her go in anger today. He held Anika's hand and looked into her eyes, Anika was trying to jerk but when Shivaay pointed towards Ansh Anika stopped moving.

"I was coming to have breakfast with all of you with sweets but in between, I met with an accident which took my time and after reaching the office I thought to take a rest for 10 minutes before ordering something. And within that time you came", Shivaay explained the truth looking into her eyes. Anika nodded and looked aside as she realised that she is wrong to shout at him in pain. He just met with an accident and rather than comforting him, she is shouting at him. But she can't control herself, his pain is pinching her heart too.

"What about you?", Shivaay asked

"I am not like you I came after having my breakfast ", Anika said and went towards the canteen to purchase food for him. She made him eat the toast with her hands as Shivaay said he can't move his hands because of Ansh. Anika know it is just an excuse but kept quiet as she decided to feed him before entering his cabin. Shivaay told her that his arm hurt so she already decided that she will not let him have breakfast himself. After feeding Shivaay breakfast Anika sat beside him and caressed Shivaay's cheek softly.

"I'm sorry for hiding about Priyanka. Believe me, I never thought like you said I...", Shivaay was about to explain but Anika interrupted him in the middle as she believe him and want to tell him that he don't need to ask her to Believe him

"Don't explain anything. I know you", Anika said with a smile and blinked her eyes assuring him that she is serious, not replying sarcastically.

"What do you know about Priyanka then?", Shivaay asked

"Just one thing that she is having problems in pregnancy and she should adopt a child", Anika said

"Anything else?", Shivaay asked to confirm if Anika knows about miscarriage too or not. To which Anika shooked her head as she doesn't know anything else.

"Who told you about this?", Shivaay asked

"Sorry I can't reveal Shivaay", Anika said as she fear Shivaay's anger. He can calm his anger toward his family members easily but not toward outsiders. Also, Dhruv is not at fault, he said what he was asked to do.

"Ok regarding Priyanka so you don't know many things, Anika. I can't explain because she asked me not to tell anyone. And she shared her problem with me and Daksh only. Nobody else knows this. How can I tell you?", Shivaay said, he feels broken inside thinking about his sister and the fact that he can't share the same with the person who knows everything about him. He wants to share this problem too and wants to light his heart which is heavy but he can't disappoint his sister.

"No problem. Don't tell me if it is best for all of us. Now don't take any tension. Your wife is here to help you ", Anika said and pulled Shivaay's cheek as she felt a change in his voice and understood that he is in pain. She can't help him here as she doesn't know anything but she has one sweet gift that she can use to light Shivaay's mood up

"See how happy he is. You liked Papa's office?", Anika asked Ansh who giggled seeing Anika. Shivaay was holding Ansh protectively and smiled seeing him happy. Anika tickled Ansh's stomach which made Ansh happier and they were able to hear the cracking sound of Ansh which made both Shivaay and Anika laugh.

"Ask how is your health papa", Anika said in a baby voice and took Ansh from Shivaay's arms. Shivaay smiled and kissed tiny palms of Ansh and whispered "I am fine".

It's lunchtime so Anika decided to meet a few of Shivaay's employees, especially Dhruv as she doesn't want him to create any scene here. She asked Shivaay to stay with Ansh and went to meet Dhruv

"Hii", Anika said waving her hand towards Dhruv.

"Hello come", Dhruv said and gestured for Anika to sit. Once Anika sat with him he decided to tell Anika that he can't tell anything If she came to ask about Priyanka

"Don't ask me about her because I will not open my mouth", said Dhruv

"I am not asking you anything Dhruv. I just want you to help Priyanka. Please do your best. Don't worry I will not let Shivaay know about you ever", Anika said while looking here and there to see if Shivaay is here or not.

"Sure. So how's life going on? Can I take your child if you don't mind?", Dhruv asked to which Anika nodded. First Anika made Dhruv wash his hands and then gestured for him to come. Dhruv smiled as he noticed Anika entering with a baby and he wanted to hold him in his arms. Anika and Dhruv entered Shivaay's cabin and noticed Shivaay playing with Ansh

"Your meeting will start soon so give Ansh to Dhruv and go", Anika said reminding him of the meeting which he actually forgot while playing with his child. He didn't realise when 2 hours passed. Anika took Ansh from his hand and gave him

"Please take care and don't go outside", Anika said as she is scared to let anyone touch their baby without washing their hands, what if Ansh got hurt? What if Ansh started to cry?

Shivaay sat on his chair and started to check files when he heard giggles from his baby which made him smile but jealous at the same time as from the time Dhruv took him in his arms Ansh is laughing but whenever he holds he has to do something to make him laugh. Shivaay placed the file on the table and looked at Dhruv who was swaying Ansh slowly in the air

"Give Ansh back to Anika and go to work", Shivaay said. Dhruv who was laughing while playing with Ansh got silent and nodded. He gave Ansh back to Anika and left from there as he don't want to anger Shivaay.  Whereas Anika looked at Shivaay confused. For her Dhruv was just playing normally then why Shivaay acted like this?

"I am also going", Shivaay said and left from there. Anika nodded and started to set everything alright as he just met with an accident and he should not hold heavy things.

Anika decided to take Shivaay with her but sudden dadi became sick and she had to drop Shivaay at the Oberoi mansion. Then Shivaay asked Omru to drop Anika at her house tomorrow as he don't want to snatch Anika's happiness from her. Anika stayed with them on that day and spent a whole month in her house.

Shivaay was trying his best to take some time out for Anika and his child but day by day it was becoming difficult to take his time out. In his free time, he just used to think about his baby. He wants to be there when Ansh will start crawling for the first time, he wants to be the first one to see him walking, he wants to hear dad from his mouth, he wants to make Ansh ready daily and want to teach him many things. He wants Ansh to laugh more with him but today he felt maybe his dreams will remain as dreams as he needs to go out for a week.  Tomorrow Anika was going to come back and he is leaving without meeting her which broke his heart.

He wants to meet her but can't as he needs to visit the industry as soon as possible. Tej already booked a flight for him and told him that someone is misusing their data and they are facing a huge loss. Shivaay needs to find who is the culprit and also needs to recover everything.


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