part: 22

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"This is my gift for my sweet husband", Anika whispered near his ears. Shivaay smiled and hugged her tightly pouring his whole weight on Anika. Anika had to hold the car to balance herself because of his tight hug. Once she balanced herself she rubbed his back softly. She can feel his happiness and is very happy to be the reason for the same.

For Shivaay he got everything that too without asking and working for it. He is feeling that he is on top of the world after seeing his dream in front of his eyes.

"Thank you so much, Anika. This means a lot. I don't know how to... How to express and how to pay back", Shivaay shouted happily and tightened the hug because of excitement which suffocated Anika

"Don't express like this because I'm unable to breathe ", Anika said. Shivaay left her immediately and held her hands in his, he don't know how to thank her now. He feels that God sent her to complete his dreams and make him feel luckiest. He looked into her eyes with love, admiring her hardwork and dedication to him

"This means a lot Anika", Shivaay said and kissed the back of her hands tightly, Anika smiled feeling his love and happiness in words. She is happy that her husband is impressed because of her efforts.

"This is the best birthday gift ever by the best person in my life ", Shivaay said and held her waist. He rubbed his hand on her back softly and joined their forehead together. He always feels her support near him and now he wants to feel her presence near him.

Their wedding came as a blessing for him which gifted him every dream. He is getting everything he wished for after marriage. His respect for Anika is growing more over time and so is his love. These minutes of togetherness are also enough for him because he can feel her love. They stayed like this for sometime and went back home once Anika showed him the building from the inside.  Party will be held later as they are yet to hire employees.

"So I don't think you will work in the Oberoi industry anymore isn't?", Tej asked Shivaay as he got to know that Anika gifted Shivaay a whole building which shocked him as he never thought Anika will ever do that. And he never knew this was Shivaay's dream. Because of Shakti he dislikes Shivaay, just because of Shakti they were blamed and the reputation of the Oberoi was destroyed so he thinks that Shivaay is also the same.

Shivaay always proves him wrong but he is unable to remove that image from his heart that Shakti had left. Whenever Shivaay proves that his mind is sharper than anyone he just wants to push Shivaay down. How can Shakti's son be a hard-working and intelligent person?

"No bade papa it is not like this. I will work with you all. I am very close with the Oberoi industry because this gave me my name and just because of this industry people know my name", Shivaay said and sat on the bed. They are sitting inside Tej and Janvi's room as Tej called him urgently to talk about something important that's why he had to leave Anika.

"What about that new industry which your wife gifted you? ", Tej asked

"I will handle both", Shivaay said and kissed his knuckles as he is very happy today and very excited for the future now. He can't wait to experience a new start, will people support him? Can he get good employees? Will this industry gain success? He wondered 

"By the I must say Anika has done impressive work. Congratulations Shivaay. Don't know where she got the money. You were working there and here she was enjoying herself with an employee who is her friend. Keep a look at her", Tej said which didn't look good to him as this was against her, his wife who is the world to him.

"I don't need to do that. I know her intentions very well nobody needs to tell me that. Regarding office, so it's up to you tell me what should I do then?", Shivaay asked sarcastically raising his voice because he can't hear a word against her. If Tej did it intentionally so it's better to back off because now he has reached a point where he will not think before killing someone if they hurt her.

"Handle the Dubai branch and the one which your wife has gifted you. Leave the Oberoi industry. Let's see then how much power you have ", said Tej challenging Shivaay

"Fine", Shivaay said with a smile and was about to leave when he stopped hearing Tej.

"Trust is good but not blind trust. Just think how she arranged crores. Her father is not a billionaire and she didn't take money from you. You can ask anyone if she used to roam with a guy who knows why? Today she didn't meet that guy because you ca...", Tej said but Shivaay interrupted him

"Don't say a word against her otherwise I will forget with whom I'm talking. Roaming with someone doesn't mean she is wrong. And I know her very well at least more than you. I don't know how she arranged the money but I know it's not what you are thinking. And is she mad to waste crores just for me? Without knowing if she will get profit from this company or not? Throw this thought out of your mind because if by chance Anika got to know about your thinking then I will stop working for you. Then I will see how you will handle business", Shivaay said angrily, his eyes turned red in anger hearing blame on Anika which he can't tolerate and left there. He entered his room and threw his coat angrily because his mood is destroyed just because of Tej. How can he think low about Anika? It doesn't hurt much if people talk about him and his past but it hurts when someone points a finger at Anika.

"Where were you Shivaay? ", Anika asked and hugged him from back, Shivaay looked back to see Anika standing behind him with a smile. Tej's words rung in his mind, he trusts her but this question is confusing. How she arranged money. He turned to break the hug and kissed her hands and forehead. Today he just wants to keep showering his love on her because she gave him the best gift.

"Give me 2 minutes ", he said and called Khanna. He asked him to postpone meetings as well as the flight because he wants to give his time to Anika today. He doesn't want to go, he trusts Anika so he doesn't want to ask her anything but he is feeling bad after hearing whatever Tej said. He came back and noticed Ansh crying and Anika was trying to calm him up.

Why does Ansh keep on crying especially when he decides to spend time with Anika? He sat near both of them and started to play with Ansh's toys. For Anika, it is becoming difficult day by day to handle Ansh because when she wants him to wake up he sleeps and the whole night he becomes active. She thought at least today she will get peace and will be able to spend time with Shivaay but her bad luck he woke up.

"I will go back tomorrow", he said tucking Anika's hair strand behind her ear lovingly with a smile to make her happy thinking that she knew he was going today but she didn't know and got angry

"This is not done Shivaay I thought we will enjoy but you always do this ", Anika complained pushing his hand aside

"Always? Do you think I do this intentionally?", Shivaay asked

"I don't know. M... Maybe you do", Anika said and looked down at Ansh which made him angry, already he is angry because of Tej and Anika is making him angrier. How can she think that he goes away intentionally when he postponed everything just for her?

"Have you lost your mind? Anyways make him quiet fast. I want us to talk", Shivaay said without realising that his words added fuel to fire. Already she is struggling to handle Ansh and hearing the word "fast" her anger rose more. She is angry with him because he will be going tomorrow. She thought he came for a long time now.

"He is not only my responsibility Shivaay. The whole day I have to run behind him because he runs here and there. At night he wakes up daily to destroy my sleep can't you handle him for a day?", Anika asked

"I am also not free. I work day and night just for you and Ansh. You have to handle only a child but I have to handle everything What should I do? He wakes in the night what's my fault?", Shivaay asked

"Yes because you also don't sleep. He got this habit from you ", Anika said glaring at him and twisting her lips.

"No, It is your fault because I told you I wasn't ready for a child. I told you I will be busy for the next 2 years. I told you about my dreams, Anika. I have sacrificed my time more than enough for you. First due to the wedding then in the middle just because you wanted to spend time with me then your pregnancy and now again. Can't I concentrate on my work? I came here just because of you otherwise I was busy. It's you who threatened me do you know how scared I was? ", Shivaay asked angrily. He doesn't realise what he is saying in anger because Tej's words are constantly ringing in his mind.

"Ansh is your decision Shivaay and yes I understood it's my fault so I will never ask for time ", Anika said and picked Ansh in her arms with tears as by mentioning her name he has hurt her. She threatened him because he was not ready to come and she was not left with any option than this.

"Anika", Shivaay called, Anika glared at him and went from there with Ansh. She never came between him and his dreams but here he is saying that she used to stop him from working.  She always thinks about his well-being and his best future, she will never do something which will break his heart. She entered the guest room and was trying to distract Ansh but she couldn't do anything as her mind is revolving around Shivaay.

She realised that she is wrong to come here in anger, especially on his birthday. If the argument was on another matter she would have compromised but today she is hurt because Ansh was also his choice. Why he is saying this now?

"Don't you dare to come behind me. I will come back once he sleeps", Anika said and left from there

He went behind her but when Anika closed the door of the guest room he had to come back. He sat on the bed holding his forehead. He knows he messed up everything with his hands, that too on his birthday. Every year she tries to do everything for him and what does he do? He messed everything

He was mentally exhausted, he was happy in the morning but after meeting Tej he was confused. Can he leave the Oberoi industry? He knows Anika and he doesn't have any doubt about her intentions, he wanted to talk with Anika regarding Tej but he angered Anika now. He is tired and sleepy because in the room he is alone again but he doesn't want to sleep. He wants to spend time with Anika.

"I'm sorry", he apologized for the words he used for Anika as well as Ansh. That was just a slip of tongue otherwise he doesn't regret Ansh's birth. He was just irritated because Anika was not talking with him because of Ansh.

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