part : 28

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Ansh started to wriggle in her arms, he was trying to come out of Anika's arms which is his habit now. He is growing so he likes to explore the house and new environments. Anika kissed Ansh's cheeks and let him go but then she remembered what Tej said. She knows his nature and guessed that he is jealous but still his words hurt her. She needs to continue working with them because she does not trust anyone else. She closed the door and sat in front of Ansh to play with him.

"When will you say mumma?", Anika asked with a pout and threw the ball towards Ansh. Ansh tried to catch the ball but couldn't, he fell down and then crawled towards the ball. Anika smiled seeing Ansh giggling after using papa for her. He is a kid and these antics make her laugh, he said papa first just because of her. She used to repeat papa word many times in front of Ansh because she used to miss Shivaay. Whenever alone with Ansh, she started to narrate stories and in the end, she would talk about Shivaay. Ansh threw the ball towards her which was an inch away from her, Anika picked the ball and played with Ansh for some time.

She spends most of her time with Ansh after coming back. His smile can light her mood up after a bad day. She always feels Shivaay's presence near her because of Ansh. Ansh started playing with his other toys, after some time he got bored and came back towards Anika and layed on her lap. Her thoughts were revolving around Tej's accusation when he came here. Anika kissed his forehead and then caressed his small hair.

Ansh snuggled in Anika's arms and started playing with her hair, Anika made a bun and then started to pat his back softly to make him sleep. He plays with her hair and pulls them harshly which scares her. After some time she noticed him sleeping and smiled. This is not the first time Ansh came in her lap but every time she feels blessed to have a child. Feeling Ansh in her arms is always beautiful to her. She picked up the mobile phone to call Shivaay if he picked then she will tell him that she is missing him and if didn't then she will make an excuse to finalise the date for the function. She is not ready for it but needed a reason to talk with him. She called him but he picked up so she messaged him

"Select any date after a week for function ", Anika messaged and waited for his reply. After 2 minutes her phone pinged with his reply notification

"26th. Is that fine with you?", Shivaay asked

"Yes, Come on the 25th. Are you busy? ", Anika messaged

"Sure if you will save your time for me. Yes I am in a meeting ", Shivaay replied

"I will give my whole day to you and sorry for the disturbance", Anika said

"Done. I will book my flight then ❤️", Shivaay said. Anika smiled seeing the heart emoji, these small conversations are also very close to her because these conversations light her mood up without disturbing Shivaay. Her heart felt light now after talking with him, this sweet conversation is also enough for her. She wants to tell him about Tej, not to accuse him but she needs someone to hear her problems. Shivaay is the only one who is a good listener whenever she shares her problem with him.


A whole week also passed in hiring employees and working to start up the company. Anika checked everything and made sure everything is fine. She was working day and night just for his company with Dhruv and Khanna. Shivaay knew about it and made sure they keep her safe, her safety always scare him because she calls him late at night when going back home. He fears that someone harmed her. He won't have any problem with her working late at night, he has a problem with strangers coming into the office and meeting her. Sometimes he feels bad that he is not there and other men are helping her whereas he is helpless. He wants to be there in place of Dhruv or Khanna.

"Soon employees will work here I am very excited", Anika said jumping in the excitement in front of Khanna who smiled. He adores Anika for working hard for Shivaay's dream, sometimes he wonders whose leftover dream it was because of Anika's reaction.

"Yes even I'm but the Oberoi industry is losing business. I don't want to interfere but can you ask Shivaay sir to rejoin?", Khanna asked. Anika revealed about Tej to him when he asked as he is a family member and he knows many things related to the Oberoi office. Dhruv still doesn't know Shivaay is not working in the Oberoi office as he left it and this is a good sign for her as she doesn't need to explain anything to him.

Anika's smile faded after knowing about the Oberoi industry, yes she has problems with Tej but she doesn't want the Oberoi industry to suffer. If they started losing then it will affect Shivaay too because he started his career in his company and worked for years. She closed her eyes as anger started to rush in her veins thinking about Tej. She knows if she will ask Shivaay then he will join after talking with Tej but she doesn't want this now. She wants Tej to apologise to Shivaay first for misbehaving with him and throwing him out of the Oberoi industry. Shivaay doesn't care about these things but she does, she doesn't want anyone to harm his self-respect.

"I will not. But I can talk with bade papa instead. Shivaay should not know about this because it's bade Papa's headache. He said with the ego that he can handle. Is this the way to handle it? I don't know what is going on in meetings, investigate and tell me. If by chance he is bad-mouthing Shivaay then he will see my worst side. I don't care what Shivaay will think of me then. I want him to apologise to Shivaay that's it ", Anika said angrily clenching her fingers into a fist thinking about Shivaay. It is just because of Shivaay's silence that Tej takes him easy otherwise he would have understood Shivaay's worth if Shivaay fought with him.

"Will it help?", Khanna asked, he has never seen Anika angry. For him, Anika is very sweet and calm, after seeing today's behaviour of Anika he is scared. What if they fell into a new problem?

"I will try it because she will not work even if he is willing to. I will not let Shivaay enter that office till he apologises", Anika said, Khanna nodded and both came to Oberoi Mansion. Anika knocked on Tej and Janvi's room, she is nervous to enter this room because she fears Tej's accusation. Her heartbeat raised because of nervousness, she took a long breath to calm herself and entered the room.

"Ansh is with Omru", Tej said as he guessed she is here for Ansh. One day Anika took Ansh to the office but that day they were settling the table and AC. On the ground, there were many pebbles which were not good for Ansh so she decided to hear taunt rather than risk Ansh's life.

"I want to talk with you", Anika said fidgeting with her fingers in nervousness. Tej hummed in response asking her to start talking, Anika's confidence flew away because she always finds him rude. It's his nature but for her it is rudeness. She looked here and there to search for Janvi but she is not there which scared her more.

"I... I heard...", Anika stammered and stopped in the middle when she noticed Tej looking at her. Tej repeated her, Anika took a long breath telling herself to stay confident

"I heard the Oberoi industry is losing business. I guess you should apologise to Shivaay and let him handle everything ", said Anika politely

"Mind your own business. I will handle the Oberoi industry don't worry", Tej replied

"Still Shivaay has equal rights in this industry. He is still working there so an apology will not harm you. Together you all can handle everything", Anika said trying to solve the matter as she knows Shivaay will never let any harm the family. Tej rolled his eyes hearing her as he don't have any words to reply to her which Anika noticed

"Think about reputation. Also, Shivaay will not work till you apologise. Even if you call him I will not let him work", Anika said giving him an indirect warning to apologise otherwise he will lose.

"Are you thinking about your reputation? After marriage you are in an illegal relationship ", said Tej, he don't know what Anika do but from the time Anika is working with Dhruv and Khanna he started taking Anika wrong. He has seen many women cheating on husbands so for him thinking like this is normal. He doesn't know anything about Anika, and he doesn't have any idea about thier work but he doesn't like Anika working late at night.

"My relationship? Are you out of mind? Does working with someone whom I know means I am in an illegal relationship? ", Anika asked angrily raising her voice a little because she don't like anybody questioning her character. And this is related to Shivaay which makes this matter more sensitive.

"No, but you take only 2 men with you why? Why not any women?", Tej asked

"Because thier family don't allow staying late at night but for me, it is important because after Shivaay I'm the owner", Anika said

"And Even if I am cheating on him at least he is happy with me but you never tried to make him happy. When will you realise that he is also a normal human being? Whatever his father did was not Shivaay's mistake. Can't you see how much he respects you? ", Anika asked angrily, Shivaay's feelings and pain came in front of her eyes which made her lose her temper now

"Every time that person stays quiet just because he respects you and what you give in return is totally opposite. He never got his father's love, he was considered a mistake. He always loved you more than his real father but you always take him as a criminal. If you can't love him like a father then at least you can respect him. If not respect then consider him a human being. He is a fool who always thinks that you love him.

Can't you see his love for you in his eyes? Tell me what was Shivaay's fault? Why did his father consider him a mistake? Why do you always make him feel he is unwanted? He always craves your love but why you will love him? He is not your real son, right? You are worst for punishing an innocent kid for someone's deed. I hate you for this. If you want to complain about my behaviour to Shivaay then you are free to do that because I don't regret my behaviour. He is coming tomorrow ", Anika said angrily and left from there.

She entered the room and noticed a missed call from Shivaay and one message "boarded flight ". A smile appeared on her face thinking about Shivaay but she is scared of Shivaay's reaction now because she is feeling that she said too much today. She knows Shivaay will understand but still she scared because she knows Tej will try to provoke Shivaay against her. She noticed Ansh sleeping on the bed and sighed in relief, at least she can relax today. She layed beside Ansh and caressed his chest and forehead. Babies always look so innocent, Anika kissed his cheeks and slept hugging him. She is not upset because of the fight with Tej but will be if Shivaay will not understand her.
Will try to update next tonight if possible as this story was supposed to end in October 😑. Also hardly 3-4 parts are left which I will try to complete in 2 days ( if possible).

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