part: 30

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Shivaay's eyes brimmed with tears when he heard his son calling someone else his father. Did this distance make Anika like someone else? And did this distance snatch his child from him? For a long time, he was noticing that Dhruv was near Anika whenever he called her during office time but he never thought that this would come true. He used to fear that his child would hate him but when this came true he felt like land slipped from his feet. Is it because he was unable to spend time with his son? It was unintentional.

Shivaay came back to his room and went towards the poolside with tears. He doesn't know what to do and what to think. Can a girl like Anika stop loving him who had given her whole life and success to him? She gifted him his dream can she cheat him?

"No Shivaay stop thinking like that", Shivaay said to himself and started to think about his child with whom he was unable to spend his time as he dreamt of. He remembered how Anika worked hard to complete his dream. That can't be fake because if she was not serious then she would not have taken courage. That gives him hope, hope to believe her and to think that she still loves him. Many times he thinks that maybe he is not a good match for Anika and he is imperfect. He thinks that Dhruv knows Anika more than him because he spends most of his time with her.

He was debating with his mind and heart, he don't want to question her but he want to know why his son called someone else his father. Only he holds that right, he might not be a good father but they are related by blood. Whereas Dhruv is no one. For him he is just an employee, he never stopped Anika to work with him because he asked Khanna to stay with her every time. Because of Khanna Shivaay believe Dhruv a little as Khanna told him that Dhruv is very genuine.

In the evening Anika came back early as she was not feeling well, she sensed Shivaay's presence there but when she didn't see him she started to feel suffocated in the office. She misses him every time but can't talk with him due to thier busy schedule. When she entered the room, the first thing she noticed was Shivaay's bags which made her doubt. Is Shivaay here? She looked towards the poolside and noticed him sitting there, Anika placed Ansh on the bed and ran towards Shivaay

"How are you Shivaay? I missed you so much ", Anika shouted happily and hugged him tightly from back. Shivaay wiped his tears and looked back towards her. He is trying to read from her eyes. Can she ever stop loving him? If his thinking is right then what about Anika's reaction? Why she became happy noticing him? He closed his eyes tightly to stop thinking about what he saw a while ago. If he forgets that then he will not feel broken inside. If he can feel her love and care for him then why this doubt? He knows she can never stop loving him then why he thought Anika can like someone else more than him?

"Now you are not allowed to go anywhere. I can't handle this again. And why you didn't tell me about your arrival? And why didn't you call me after reaching here? Are you fine?", Anika asked many questions in excitement, Shivaay listened to her questions quietly. Anika caressed his cheeks with her hand and noticed his wet eyes which confused her. Why he was crying? She wiped his tears and kissed his cheeks, she is feeling this like a dream. She was dreaming about his presence and he came here which is exciting her to another level.

"Thank you for coming. But when you came back?", Anika asked, Shivaay closed his eyes again remembering when he came back and started to regret his thoughts. He held her hand and looked down. Sometimes we get many negative thoughts and we start to overthink that particular matter. Shivaay also did the same, from a long time he was noticing Anika spending a lot of time with Dhruv but he never minds because he had trust in Anika and Dhruv that she is safe with him. But today when Anika let Ansh call someone his father than him he felt broken. He thought from one side and made assumptions which got cleared without an exchange of words but he knows he won't be able to hide it for a long time. He wants to know why Ansh called someone else his father

"Say something I am dying to hear your voice ", Anika said with a pout, she don't have any idea what Shivaay is going through.

"Don't use that word ever", Shivaay warned by placing his index finger on her lips. Anika smiled but again when she noticed his teary eyes her smile faded. She panicked thinking what happened to him?

"Missed you a lot my love", Shivaay said and hugged her tightly, he thanked God that he didn't overreact in anger otherwise he would have lost Anika forever

"Why are you quiet? And why are you crying? I have many things to tell you, many things to share. Don't think that I am going to let you go again. I will burn your office in ashes if you said you want to go tomorrow. I am so happy to see my Shivaay here, your surprise is best ", Anika said happily showing her excitement to him which threw him into a pool of regret, Shivaay closed his eyes tightly hearing her, he can feel her love. Tears fell from his eyes thinking about her reaction to his stupid feelings. He hugged her again as he need strength to control himself. He took a long breath and broke the hug

"Yes that's like my Shivaay ", Anika said and kissed his cheek

"I missed you Anika and I love you a lot ", Shivaay confessed and wiped his tears. Anika looked at him suspiciously, now she want to know what was wrong with him and want to know what is bothering him.

"How you came here? And when? Why didn't you tell me?", Anika asked. Shivaay looked into her eyes and understood that she is having doubt now, her looks and gaze is saying everything

"I came in the morning here and didn't inform you about my arrival because I thought to surprise you ", Shivaay replied

"Your surprise is best now tell me What happened there? ", Anika asked and caressed his cheeks softly not knowing his problem would hurt her in the end.

"Nothing. First, tell me why in office Ansh called Dhruv as his father? ", Shivaay asked in confusion, he believe her but want to know why his son called someone else his father. Can distance create distance between the heart too? Did Ansh stop recognising who is his father?

"Because Ansh doesn't go with strangers so I asked Dhruv to say he will take Ansh to Shivaay and Ansh came to him. Ansh knows him and that's the trick to send him", Anika told the truth to Shivaay with a smile which soon vanished as she realised Shivaay was in the office as Ansh called Dhruv as a father today. That means he was there and Shivaay left without meeting her, but why?

"You came there right? And left without meeting me. Why?", Anika questioned. Shivaay looked down as he don't have words to speak now. What he will say? That he left with a misunderstanding?

"I need an explanation look at me", Anika asked and forced him to look at her using her hand. She caressed his cheek softly and stood in front of him to hear what he has to say.

"I was hurt, I thought..."Shivaay stammered and stopped in the middle as he lost the confidence to speak. What if with his confession Anika left him? She will fight with him which he can handle but he won't be able to handle separation from her. He again looked down, how he is going to tell her what he thought?

"You thought what ?", Anika asked and ruffled his hair softly to calm him down, she felt his voice breaking down and very weak. She wants to know the reason, is it again because of Tej or not? She rubbed her hand on his back to provide him peace, Shivaay held both of her hands in his and kissed them. Anika kept looking at him still confused by his behaviour. She can't understand why he is reacting weirdly today. Is this because they are meeting after a long time or something else?

"Shivaay tell me because I'm worried for you", Anika said, she knows he will tell everything after knowing that she is worried.

"I can't say. How can I doubt you? I'm sorry", Shivaay apologized in low voice, he has kept himself strong now but with time he is getting scared thinking about her reaction. Her leaving him is the biggest fear from his side which he doesn't want to come true ever

"Shivaay calm down and tell me which doubt?", Anika asked getting impatient with the mention of her name involved in his problem. And what kind of doubt he is talking about?

"I doubted that you and Ansh started to like Dhruv. How can I... ?", Shivaay asked himself without looking at her. Anika took her hand back from his hold and looked at him with anger. He is the one whom she trusts the most and thinks that he will never doubt her. How can he do that?

"How can you?", Anika asked angrily. Anger rushed in her veins hearing him, she opened her mouth to shout at him but then heard the voice of Ansh coming from the room. She realised that she is not only his wife but a mother too.

"I don't know", Shivaay said, Anika got up from her place and ran towards the room. She closed the door from the poolside first as they were talking there and then she closed the main doors. She sat near Ansh and took him in her arms, warm tears started to flow from her eyes thinking about Shivaay's doubt. How can he doubt her love for him? She has given everything she had for him, she works day and night for his company then how can he doubt her?

"Anika open the door", Shivaay shouted banging his hand on the door from the poolside. He can see Anika sitting with Ansh and noticed her tears too which made him regret it. He also feels bad seeing her in pain, why can't she see this? Yes, he had a doubt but he didn't blame her.

"I will not", Anika said angrily and closed the curtain. She don't want to see his face otherwise she will become weak seeing his tears, she noticed his teary eyes and understood why he was upset after coming back. She sat near Ansh again as he is awake and she knows he will not sleep now. She closed her eyes to stop thinking about Shivaay and to stop crying but felt tears flowing. She is unable to understand what is happening to them. Before they used to understand each other then why not now?

"Why Anika is not opening the door?", Tej asked Shivaay as he was passing from there and noticed Shivaay leaning on the closed door.

"Everything is just because of you. Just because of you. I hate you. If Anika leaves me because of you I will kill you. I don't know what I will do to you right now so just leave. I can't hear your accusation anymore. I am tired and I had enough. Go away. Don't come near me", Shivaay shouted with tears, he did not realise what he said in anger and fear. He even forgot with whom he was talking because fear of losing his wife and child was disturbing him. If Anika left what he will do? How he will live without them? Shivaay left from there when Tej stood there dumb stuck hearing Shivaay's words as Shivaay always respected him and never misbehaved with him.

Shivaay's warning scared him, he sensed someone's presence behind him and turned to see Janvi there.

"Felt bad when Shivaay blamed you?", Janvi asked to which he nodded

"Yes but I swear I didn't talk to him regarding Anika. I... asked about her now because they never... fought like this. I never found them arguing even... I don't know why he is blaming me without my fault", Tej asked fumbling as he trembled hearing a warning from Shivaay. And hate word from Shivaay pinched his heart. He thought he never liked Shivaay but when he is thinking about getting hate from Shivaay, he understood he loves him and that's not for the property but for family.

"You are doing the same for many years. Shivaay is also very innocent Tej ", Janvi said

"Situations are different. If Anika left this house then Shivaay will not forgive me. Let's go and talk with him", said Tej to which Janvi shooked her head as she knows Anika will not take any immature step in anger.

"She will not leave him I know. Whatever might be the reason she will handle it maturely. But why do you care about his forgiveness when you never asked for it? ", Janvi asked taunting him as she was asking him to apologise to Shivaay for a long time but because of his ego, he didn't

"Because...", Tej tried talking back when Janvi interrupted him

"Don't argue. Just ask yourself is your ego right?", Asked Janvi and left from there. Tej looked towards the door last time and left. Anika who was noticing and hearing everything felt bad for her behaviour. She felt bad that Shivaay argued with Tej because of her, she always wanted this but not in this situation. She felt his anger too which is normal but today she will not open the door as she needs some time alone. She drank a glass of water to control her tears as she need to handle Ansh, when she picked him in her arms she remembered Shivaay's words

"I crave time. I want to spend my time with my wife and child. You have Ansh all the time but I'm lonely",

Anika remembered and felt her eyes brimming with tears again. She again made him feel lonely in the house. She went towards the door and opened it, she want to check where he is but because of her anger she didn't go. She sat with Ansh again but sleep was far away from her eyes. She came back towards the poolside in the hope to see him but didn't find him. He broke her expectation too. She placed her hand on her eyes and started to cry thinking about them.  Their child is just a year old and they are facing many problems. What will happen if he grows up?

"It's morning Anika open the door else I will break it", Anika heard his voice from the main door which broke her sleep. She was not half sleepy as the whole night she was crying and was awake. She ran towards the door and opened it to let him come inside

"You can't go away from me ", Shivaay said holding her shoulder tightly as Anika was about to go away leaving him alone again which he will not tolerate anymore.

"How can you doubt me? I am feeling ashamed of myself. Why you gave freedom then? I Can't behave rudely because I love you and can't shout at you because of love and respect both. I trust you the most and thought you do it too but you proved me wrong", Anika said accusing him with her eyes. Shivaay left her shoulder and caressed her softly, he pulled her close by her waist. Yesterday he was feeling that he will not get a chance to touch her even but Anika's reaction is the opposite of what he expected. He wiped her fresh tears and hugged her tightly. Before talking with her he needs strength to make her understand him. He kissed her shoulder and hair too because of the fear to lose her in the end. Her words gave him confidence that he can handle this situation.

Anika's anger started to fade away sensing his love for her. She cooled herself down and rubbed her hand on his back. Whatever might be the reason she can't resist him.

"I'm sorry and Anika I believe you that's why I was not questioning you. I really do and I will never question it in future too. I love Ansh very much and when I saw him calling someone else as father and you kept quiet, I was hurt. I noticed you spending most of your time with Dhruv which sometimes looks weird to me. I wished I was in his place many times ", Shivaay said telling his wish to her which looked like an accusation to Anika. What does he mean by he wants to take Dhruv's place? He is just a friend to her

"He is just a friend. Do you want that place? Want to get replaced?", Anika asked angrily to which Shivaay shooked his head. Anika smiled as she found Shivaay cute now.

"Anika just answer me honestly. Will you like me to spend every day with a girl? I mean if you will find me talking with a girl every day but with you, I will say I don't have time. Will you like it if you hear your son calling that woman a mother, not you? Will you tolerate that? Still, I kept quiet thinking that I must be wrong even today I was. Won't you negatively take us at least once? Weren't you thinking the same when I hired Alisha? I am not asking you to break my friendship with Dhruv, I won't say anything but sometimes I also need you to make me understand. Won't you mind if I do this now? When people will tell you that I am cheating on you. Till when you will believe me? I also need you to come to me and show your love to me. Not by actions but with words too. I also expect you to pamper me Anika ", Shivaay said and looked aside thinking that he hurt Anika with his question and wish but Anika's reply made him feel happy

"I love you and I... I will always believe you ", Anika stammered and sat on the bed, Shivaay also sat near her. Anika placed her head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly. Even the thought of him away from her scares her. Shivaay held her waist softly and rubbed his hand on her cheek softly. He is relieved that she waited for him before taking any step.

"What if I say she came back and I hired her ?", Shivaay said hiding his smile to trap Anika in her own words

"I will... not have a problem... ", Anika stammered as from a part of her heart she don't want Shivaay to work with anyone else like this. Already they are facing many problems, she can't tolerate more fights. Shivaay knew she is lying as Anika was ignoring eye contact with him, he smiled as his work is half done. He knows now Anika will realise what he felt at that moment. There is a big difference between imagination and reality, in imagination, she can't feel what Shivaay felt.

"Look in my eyes and tell won't you mind when you will see me laughing with her and Ansh?", Shivaay asked

"You are twisting words", Anika said as by mention of Ansh's name he is playing a double card. She will kill the person if someone tried snatching Ansh away from her

"Ok I leave it up to you if you want to stay angry or not because I have explained everything that I felt ", Shivaay said

"Won't you ask what I felt? Just think if I doubt your intentions ", Anika asked Shivaay to think from her perspective too.
The main reason to show fights in this story was to show how a couple can handle their fights without losing love and respect for each other. In real life, if a couple faces problems they sit and solve them rather than going away. That's the main point of the story "Holding onto life". ♥️✨ To hold their relationship till the end of their life.

I don't know when I will update next that's why solved fight. I know you guys need romance and happy moments which will be in the next chapters probably 2-3 . And in life we are not always happy instead we face a different types of problems.

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