part : 6

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"Now speak", Shivaay said and then sat straight and pulled her over his lap carefully. Anika looked into his eyes and caressed his beard. She wants to ask him why he lied but doesn't want to hurt him.

She kept looking into his eyes with love. She doesn't want to end thier day with a fight as people do. Shivaay caressed her hair softly and asked again "are you fine?",

"Yes I am", Anika replied and hugged him tightly. Shivaay rubbed her back softly, he knows something is troubling her but he doesn't know what.

"Don't hesitate to share your problems with me. Your husband will be there for you always", Shivaay said

"Will see that ", Anika said and broke the hug after a minute when she was feeling relaxed. His arms always give her comfort and confidence to fight every fear. Now she can talk with him normally as she is relaxed now

"Aacha tell me why didn't you ever make something for me? Why are you knitting for the baby?", Shivaay asked while playing with her hair, Anika

"Because my baby never scolds me. Go and find someone to do the same for you ", Anika said and was about to take wool to start knitting again but Shivaay held her hand and pushed wool by his fingers so that Anika couldn't touch it easily.

"I will get many girls to do that favour for me, My charm is enough to make girls fall for me and they can knit for me", Shivaay said and put Anika's hand behind her back. Anika glared at him and tried coming out of the hold but Shivaay didn't let her. Instead pulled her close

"Then go and ask them", Anika said angrily and looked aside as their faces are inches apart from each other. Anika started to breathe heavily when Shivaay made her face him. She closed her eyes as she want to show her anger but he always uses his closeness to pacify her. She can't fake anger now also her cheeks heated which showed that she is not angry.

"But I want my wife to do the same for me ", Shivaay said and rubbed his cheek with her. Anika called his name feeling a tickling sensation and came out of his hold

"Your wife is busy", Anika said and turned her face aside showing fake anger but when Shivaay giggled watching her antics Anika smiled and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Want to stay here?", Shivaay asked when he noticed the time. He needs to go and work on his upcoming projects.

"No, let's go back ", Anika said, even though she want to stay with Priyanka and Gauri but she can't stay with them as she has to stay here later too. And she doesn't feel it right to stay here knowing that she is married now.

"If you want you can stay here", Shivaay said. He knows she wants to stay here as he noticed her smile fading when he asked about them leaving his house.

"After a few months I will stay here for a month so let's go back today. You have work also", Anika said telling him the main reason why she wants to come with him

"A month?", Shivaay shouted to which Anika nodded and pulled his cheeks

"Yes can't I", Anika said and giggled seeing his facial expressions

"Y... You can but why?", Shivaay asked

"I have heard this that after delivery women stay in their maternal home because they can take good care of her as compared with in-laws ", Anika said telling him about the ritual

"What if someone provides the same care?", Shivaay asked

"I want to stay here Shivaay. I know you care for me a lot which I love and want you forever with me. You can stay with me here but please let me stay with my family for a month ", Anika requested. Shivaay smiled and held Anika's hand in his. He doesn't mind her living here but the main problem is that she has to live here for a month. He is ok with 2-3 days, a week is the maximum but how he will manage for a whole month? He can't stay with her here as he has his office and his every file is in the Oberoi mansion. He is now dependent upon Anika, if Anika will not force him to have breakfast then he will skip it and he forgets files too if Anika didn't place them on the table

"I'm not stopping you, Anika. You can stay here, my love. Just take care and you can stay here for today as well but I need to leave. Will come to take you in the evening ", Shivaay kissed her knuckles as he is getting late and he needs to complete work.

"I...", Anika tried saying that she will come with him but he interrupted her.

"Stay here and enjoy. Don't worry about me I will come tomorrow. Just be careful ", Shivaay said and kissed her forehead. He then sat down and kissed Anika's abdomen

"Bye! Papa will meet you tomorrow baby", Shivaay said and rubbed his hand on her abdomen feeling his baby. He is emotionally connected with his baby now and wants to feel him every time with him. Anika caressed his hair as she can feel his fatherly love for his child and wanted to see him happy.

"Ok dad, come soon ", Anika said in a baby voice and caressed Shivaay's cheek. Shivaay nodded and removed her hand from his cheek after kissing her hand.

"Take care", Shivaay said and left there taking his mobile phone he is getting now. When Shivaay left Anika came out of the room and sat with Gauri and Priyanka

"I am staying here today", Anika said excitedly to which Gauri and Priyanka jumped in excitement

"Wow! We girls can enjoy today then", Gauri said to which Anika replied with a yes excitedly, Gauri suggested going out for the party.

"No as Anika is pregnant and she should not go out", Priyanka said, she doesn't want Anika and Shivaay to go through the same pain that she is going through right now. She knows how it feels when you lose a baby and don't want them to suffer

"It's ok yar", Anika said but Priyanka shooked her head

"No Anika it's not ok", Priyanka said and asked Gauri to order something online. Anika looked down sadly as she wanted to roam here like she used to but now she can't. Gauri said that she will buy herself and came home within 20 minutes with momos, Maggie and chips. Till 3:00 am three of them talked and enjoyed themselves with each other watching movies. In the morning Anika woke up to the sound of her phone ringing and noticed it was already 9:00 am. It was Shivaay's call so she answered immediately.

"Hii good morning", Anika said

Good morning. Were you sleeping? Your voice is sounding low my phone was placed away from me that's why the sound was not clear. Tell me what you want.

Nothing, I was free so thought to talk with you

Ohh but Shivaay I am not so can we talk later?


Shivaay declined the phone call in disappointment as he thought he will talk for an hour but here she didn't even talk for a minute which hurt him. He hired her friend Dhruv just for happiness and she didn't even have him a chance to speak. These things irritate him when Anika doesn't give him time, that time he feels that Anika doesn't love him anymore.

"Wale up Gauri and Priyanka. It's already 9", Anika said and tried to wake both girls up

"It's only 9 di", Gauri said to which Priyanka hummed in response. Anika rolled her eyes at them and went towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them. She prepared aloo parantha and noticed the time it was 10: 30 and told them to wake up she prepared breakfast.

"Why did you prepare it?", shouted Gauri and woke up with a jerk. Priyanka also woke up hearing Gauri's loud voice

"It's ok now brush your teeth and then let's have breakfast together ", Anika said and sat on the bed. She messaged Shivaay asking him if he is free and sighed in disappointment as Shivaay didn't read his message. She continued using her mobile for 20 minutes till Gauri and Priyanka told her they are ready. When Anika stood up to move with them her head started spinning and she sat on the bed again and everything went blank for her.

"Dii", shouted Gauri and went towards her, Priyanka also ran towards Anika and sprinkled water on her face. Anika sat holding her head and understood that she fainted

"Call doctor here", Priyanka said

"I am fine. Don't call anyone. It's because I didn't sleep properly", Anika said in a low voice

"Please let's meet doctor. Jiju told me to take care of you before leaving. For us and him let's meet doctor" Gauri requested as before leaving home Shivaay told her to take care of Anika and now she is very scared thinking about Shivaay's reaction. Anika replied with an ok. Priyanka cut an apple for Anika and forced her to have it as Anika said she wants to go without having anything. After some time they reached the hospital and went to meet the same gynaecologist which Shivaay and Anika meet before.

"It is normal Mrs Oberoi and your baby is fine. Do you want to see your child?", the doctor told her and asked Anika as she was tensed thinking about baby

"No, I will see my baby with Shivaay only", Anika said. Gauri and Priyanka giggled hearing Anika as she acted like a child in this situation

"Ok. Everything is fine, just eat healthily and don't take the stress. Go out for trips and be happy ", the doctor suggested with a smile

"I'm glad to know that my baby is fine. Thank you. Ok, I will not take the stress. Have a nice day doctor", Anika said and hugged Gauri and Priyanka happily as she is happy knowing that her baby is fine

"Wait I need to tell Shivaay that our baby is fine and I want to see him or her", Anika said after breaking the hug when the doctor left from there. Anika dialled Shivaay's number immediately to share the good news with him.

"Dii don't call him otherwise...", Gauri was about to alert her that Shivaay will ask her why they are there but she stopped when she heard Shivaay pick up Anika's phone call

"Wow! You are sounding happy ", Shivaay said when Anika said hello excitedly

"Even you will be happy hearing me. Come to the hospital immediately. I'm waiting, today we meet the doctor and she said we can see our baby yyy come soon please because I want to see him or her right now", Anika said excitedly

"That's so nice, I'm coming. Didn't you see?", Shivaay asked

"No, I can't do that without you", Anika said

"Why did you come hospital? ", Shivaay asked as he knows that Anika will never go to the hospital if not urgent.  This made Anika realise what blunder she created in the excitement.


One request. Do tell me if you start getting bored with this pregnancy phase as I am trying to give a glimpse of their pregnancy journey. If anyone felt bored then tell me I will start showing the story after the baby's birth♥️.

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