part : 8

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After some time they all reached Anika's house. All of them were hungry so Gauri asked them to wait till she arranges the breakfast table. Anika also came behind her as she prepared breakfast for only 3 of them but if Shivaay is there then she can't let him stay hungry. That was just a joke that he can't eat otherwise she always loves whenever Shivaay tastes her dishes.

"Gauri do one thing eat your breakfast here and then prepare something for me as Shivaay will not let me stand here", Anika said, Gauri nodded and noticed Shivaay coming there, she smiled as she feels so happy whenever Shivaay takes care of Anika.

"Jiju do you need something ?", Gauri asked to which Shivaay shooked his head

"If you fainted sometime ago then you should take a rest", Shivaay said and dragged Anika outside. Gauri served them breakfast and cooked food for herself as well. Anika thanked her as she knew that even Gauri was hungry. After finishing breakfast Anika was not feeling good so she ran towards her room and sat on the bed tiredly.

"(Chale?) Shall we leave?", Shivaay asked to which Anika nodded and asked him to go and went to change. Shivaay didn't go instead he stayed inside the room as he don't want to take any risk. When Anika came, she noticed him there and started to comb her hair slowly as she felt she didn't have the energy left to do anything after vomiting, her abdomen is also hurting which is irritating her.

"Let me do, if you will continue like this then it will take 2 days", Shivaay joked and snatched the comb from Anika's hand which irritated her.

"Why are you not leaving if you are getting late for office? I am not stopping you, I can reach home safely ", Anika said with irritation and sat on the bed with tears.

"I... I will wait outside ", Shivaay said and left from there as he felt very bad after listening to her irritated voice. He doesn't know what is his mistake now. Anika never shouted at him without any mistake and here she got irritated with his presence and hurt him. Her behaviour directly pinched his heart, he sat inside the car and wiped the lone tear which escaped from his eyes because of her changed behaviour. Is she changed? He thought and closed his eyes tightly telling his mind that she is not changed, their relationship both are same. Just then Shivaay remembered what Omkara said before, he realised that it is not Anika's fault but her pregnancy is making her do this. Just like Om said "mood swings". He ran inside her room again and noticed her crying

"Don't cry Anika", Shivaay said

"I am sorry. Don't know why I behave stupid and why you married me? I am not good for you", Anika said

"It's ok and I married you because I love you", Shivaay said and pulled her into a hug.

"You are very nice, why are you bearing me?", Anika asked. Shivaay kept quiet as he is still not over her words. He didn't let her know but her words hurt him. He knows she didn't mean it but still her actions are hurting him the most and he can't do anything.

"I know you will leave me later", Anika said, Shivaay looked at her shocked as he never thought about this. How can he leave her? Shivaay was about to ask why angrily but then he realised that Anika's condition is not right so he asked "Why" softly 

"Because you said if our child died then you will leave me and your anger scares me that you will leave me for sure in anger ", Anika said and hides herself in his arms.

"My anger was because I love you both and how can you think I will leave you like that? ", He asked and kissed her forehead softly. Anika smiled as his love and care healed her the most when she needs it. She doesn't need anything in her life rather than this man whom she loves the most now.

She combed her hair and they both left from there after meeting Gauri and Priyanka. Shivaay told Priyanka privately that she should not care as he is there for her. He is a husband and a brother as well. He has many responsibilities and sometimes he thinks that he doesn't have anyone to look at him. They both entered his office and he told Anika to take a rest as he is having a meeting. Anika nodded and after some time she noticed that Dhruv and started to talk with him.

Again when she felt uneasy she asked Dhruv to fill a glass of water for her and leave, when Dhruv was about to leave Shivaay came there and asked him the reason why he was there. As he thought he was having a work

"Nothing sir. Anika called me that's why I came here", said Dhruv and went from there. Shivaay raised his eyebrow asking Anika why Dhruv was here as he knows Anika can guess it very well.

"I wanted to talk with him that's why", Anika told him, Shivaay nodded and sat beside her. He guessed that she is again not well because her face is red.

"When I told you I will drop you home you said you want to come here, see yourself now. You are not well", Shivaay said accusing her of coming here. He doesn't know why she always tries to trigger him.

"I am having pain in my stomach from the time I ate breakfast. I don't know what to do?", Anika said in a heavy voice. She doesn't want to keep crying in pain as it will make Shivaay believe that she is cry baby, just like Rudra. She blinked her eyes many times to control herself from crying.

"It's ok. I will ask the doctor what to do ok? Let's go back home now", Shivaay said but Anika shooked her head as she don't want to leave now. Her health will not allow her to move right now.

"Ask the doctor if can I take medicine?", Anika said, Shivaay nodded and called the doctor who told them to take medicine very rare as it can be harmful to the child. Medicine is allowed but this pain is normal so Anika should bear it, this is what the doctor said to Shivaay. She suggested using a hot water bag so Shivaay asked someone to buy a hot water bag for Anika. Till the person came with the bag Shivaay was caressing Anika's hair trying hard to take away her pain. After warming the water, he gave that bag to Anika and pulled Anika's cheek.

"This will give you relief. If you want to do something else then tell me", Shivaay asked. Anika took the bag from him with a smile and pulled Shivaay into a hug again. She feels so lucky to be his wife, his love and care always make her feel that she is the luckiest person on earth.

"I love you Shivaay. And I want to have something sweet or spicy, anything would work as I am feeling that my mouth is tasteless now", Anika said and kissed Shivaay's cheek after breaking the hug.

"Love you too", Shivaay said and caressed her hair and nodded. He went to the canteen and bought fruits from there, he cut fruits and gave it to Anika.

"Why fruits?", Anika asked with a pout

"Because the doctor asked me to give you healthy food. This morning sickness will not go easily ", Shivaay said and noticed Anika's phone ringing with Dhruv's number. Anika picked up the call and gestured Shivaay to make her eat.

"Yes I am your servant right?", Shivaay said, Anika rolled her eyes at him and chuckled hearing his reply.

"Hloo. Yes, I am fine now. Yes, Shivaay is with me. Don't be scared he will not get angry. Sure will meet you after some time", Anika talked with him for a minute and declined the call with a smile

" Why he is so tensed about you?", Shivaay asked

"Because he is my friend and I vomited in front of him ", Anika replied

"And you didn't tell me about this. Anika, I just want to say that never doubt my intentions. Whatever I am doing and will do will be for your comfort and benefit and I will not leave you so don't take stress about anything. If something is bothering you, you should tell me. I don't want someone else to tell me something about you", Shivaay said to which Anika nodded and started to have fruits. She respects him the most and wants to give him every happiness.

"Ok I have to go to one meeting but you can call me whenever you need me. Don't hesitate Anika as I am already very tensed", Shivaay said and went from there. Anika nodded and replied with an ok.

"If you wish to do something then you can check these files and if not then copy this data in Ms Excel ", Shivaay said and left from there as he don't want her to feel bored.

After some time there was a knock on the door, Anika asked that person to come in and noticed Omru there with a bag.

"Hii", Anika waved her hand toward them and asked them to sit with her

"Bhabhi these 2 uncles trouble me whenever you are not near", Rudra complained pointing towards Omkara. Anika laughed as she understood Rudra is talking about Shivaay and Omkara.

"Bhabhi he is lying. He always does something stupid to hear scolding from us", Om said, Anika remembered her conversation with Shivaay and his scolding in the morning. She knows that was her mistake and she is always careless. She tries to take care of her child but always she do mistakes unintentionally.

"It's ok Om. Mistakes are unintentional. By the way, why are you here?", Anika asked

"Shivaay said that you are not well since morning and it will take 2 hours for him so he asked us to meet you and take you home whenever you want", Om replied

"He always does this. I will not go home ", Anika said

"He cares for you", Om said

"That I know very well. Anyways if you are here then let's complete Shivaay's work ", Anika said and gave Omkara a laptop and that file which Shivaay gave her before.

"Hope you know how to use Excel", Anika said

"Yes I know", Om said and started to work. He thought they will talk and enjoy but Anika's this gesture impressed him. Anika was having a great chance to roam around with them and leave Shivaay's work but she didn't. Instead, she gave his work more importance which looked so impressive.

"This bag is for you bhabhi", Om said and gave one bag to Anika
Credit for this chapter goes to JignaPaul as she helped me a lot to write about this and phase and I'm really thankful for her support . Thanks a lot(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)♥️

And to all others too♥️

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