A Valiant Christmas 2016

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This is the Short Story my husband and I worked on together last year, for Christmas of 2016. Enjoy :) 

Akari stared out the window and shivered from the cold seeping in through the sill. Outside, snow fell from the sky like cherry petals, reminding Akari of this warm and special time with her friends.

Friends that had now become her family.

Meanwhile, Jace was doing everything in his power to avoid looking outside. For many years, winter had always been a time of sorrow; frigid cold, taking life after life, forcing people to starve. How many times had he been trapped somewhere, held down by the winter, with little food, while everyone died around him? Jace shivered.

Sensing his unease, Sakura sat down on the couch beside him, placing a hand on his thigh. She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. The air stirred his hair, which had started to grow back out. "It's over, Jace."

He nodded. "I know." His eyes stared at the flickering flames as he had so many times before, desperately trying to keep himself in the current era.

Lynessa sat to the right of the fireplace, as close to it as she could get. There was no way she was going outside with all the fluffy water. Frankly, she'd seen enough of it back on Ithon's homeworld. Her right foot rocked the cradle that little Ryson slept in, while her hands were busy knitting a scarf. "Still have no idea why I'm knitting this for..." Lynessa muttered to herself. "Take up the hobby, Lynessa. You need a good hobby besides fighting..."

Lynia laughed, where she placed a plate full of cookies on the table in front of the couch. "You do need a good hobby, Lyn!"

Lynessa shook her head, smacking her cheeks with her frizzy hair. Just another reason to hate the cold, she thought. Even my hair turns frizzy...

In the large, bar-like kitchen, Nahnnie shuffled around inside the freezer. "Where did you say the boys put the ham? Are you sure it was in here, Tyjen?"

Tyjen hovered just behind Dari, while she stirred mashed potatoes boiling on the stove. "Stop hovering, Tyjen! There's nothing you can do to help me, so shoo!" Dari glared at him, but Nahnnie could tell it was lighthearted.

Tyjen rolled his eyes. It was always the same with her. Though he actually knew just as much about cooking as Dari did, she was always so independent. "Fine, Fine. I'll stay out of your way, sweetheart." His gaze shifted to Nahnnie as he flicked his tail in the freezer, grabbing the ham. "Here it is."

Nahnnie sighed in frustration. "How did you see that, and not me?"

Tyjen shrugged. "Good eyesight?"


Tyjen turned away from the two women cooking, toward the living room corner where Ravyn, Shade, Peyrce and Neline were trying to decorate the Christmas tree.

"Nyko, stop eating the popcorn!" Ravyn scolded.

Nyko chirped and snatched the rest of it from her hand, while Shade stared at them both and laughed.

Ravyn growled, reaching down into the bowl to string more popcorn. "Seriously? You're encouraging him!"

Shade smirked and patted Nyko on the head. "Can't you tell he's just starving to death?"

Ravyn rolled her eyes but they met Neline's gaze as she was desperately trying to untangle Peyrce and his pistols and swords from the lights.

"How is it possible that a drunken pirate could get himself so tangled up in Christmas decorations?" Neline pulled one end of the lights through a hole, only to find out the back of it was still wrapped in and through his sword hilt. Both of them.

Peyrce chuckled. "Och, probably the drunken part, lass."

"Just hold still!"

Averella stood on a ladder, hanging lights over the windows. Standing on her tip-toes, she tried to reach the hook to hang them on. "Ugh, where's my husband when I need him?" With a groan, she dropped down flat footed, glaring at the hook that was just inches out of her reach.

"Um, well I'm not your husband, but I can help," Keizo said.

Averella nodded, stepping off the ladder and handed the lights to him. "Thanks, Keizo." She looked around the room, but still couldn't find any sign of Jared.

Keizo easily hung the lights and even reached the other two hooks in the corner. "That look even to you?"

Averella nodded. "Yeah."

Keizo jumped off the ladder and then realized it was after dark. Crap. Father's going to kill me. I'm late. "Can you get the other window by yourself, Averella? I... uh, have somewhere to go..." His voice trailed off as he eyed his mother listening in from in front of the window.

Averella nodded, but Keizo was already out the door. He ran smack into Skull's chest, but he sidestepped out of the way as he barreled through the door.

Skull shook his head, spraying snow everywhere. There's no way I lost a snowball fight to these... these idiots, Skull mentally grumbled.

Mythix put up a shield over himself, but left Ithon out of it. "Hey! No fair!" Ithon backed away, glaring at Mythix with his black hair coated white from all the snow.

Completely safe behind his shield, Mythix grinned at him.

Echon unfurled his wings and used it to block the snow. When he pulled his wings away, he elongated his fangs. "Vampires and snow do not mix! How many times do I have to tell you?"

"It seems like you're talking like I am since no one is really listening to you, Echon," a high pitched, twinkling voice said.

Echon glared at Pix, who emerged from beneath his wings. "It's not fair that you hid inside my wings the entire time, Pix."

"When are you going to let that go? It's not like I could even hold a snowball anyway! I could have been killed!"

Echon rolled his eyes.

Shinji walked in beside Mythix, both of them beaming. "Who knew the slanted eyed samurai and the amazing mage would make such a good team?" Mythix looked at Shinji with a wild grin.

Shinji clenched his katana. "If you call me a slanted eyed samurai one more time, it's going to be dead amazing mage in a minute."

Mythix placed up his hands in surrender and backed up, wagging his eyebrows. "Oooh, I'm shaking in my boots. Literally."

Shinji looked up just in time to see a cloud of snow falling on his head.

Mythix rubbed his fingertips, still oozing magic from them. Ithon fell on the floor laughing his head off, while Shinji crawled his way out of the snow.

Skull had a dark dagger to Mythix's throat. "Don't you even think about trying that with me, Mythix."

Echon, meanwhile, had flown up to the rafters in the ceiling where he planned to stay. "Can't drop snow on me if I'm on the ceiling..." he muttered as he wrapped his wings around him.

Ithon stood up and then met Echon's gaze. "Hey Echon! You should hang upside down and then we can call you Echon the Vampire Bat!"

Echon extended his fangs and hissed. "Very funny, Ithon."

Mythix sidestepped away from Skull, conjuring a bat that flew around all of them. It landed just beside Echon, except that it hung upside down. "See? I conjured you a buddy!"

"He's already got a tiny buddy you crazy mage!" Pix screamed, although no one except Echon heard him.

"Alright everyone, it's time to eat!" Cynndra yelled above all the noise. No one heard her or even tried to stop talking.

Suddenly, Rothan whistled, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Immediately, everyone went completely silent. "Hey! She said it's time to eat!"

Everyone took their places on the extremely long table in the dining hall. The head was left open, just in case Radon showed up. On his left hand side was Aidan, with Jared's spot on his right, although Jared wasn't there yet. To the right of Jared's seat was Averella, and next to her was Cynndra and Rothan. On Aidan's left was Nsi and beside her was Nahnnie and Kanan. On Rothan's other side was Shinji and Akari and Keizo, whereas on Kanan's other side was Echon with Pix on his shoulder. Neline sat on his other side with Peyrce beside her. On Keizo's other side was an empty space where Azraan was going to sit, and on the other side of that was Skull. On Peyrce's other side was Tyjen and Dari, with Kythar on Dari's other side. Valzia was beside Skull, across from Kythar. Ithon and Lynessa sat across from each other (Ithon next to Kythar, Lynessa next to Valzia), with Mythix beside Ithon and Lynia beside Lynessa.

Suddenly, Jared and Azraan burst into the room, panting. They both took their seats. Averella frowned at Jared. "Where've you been? And why were you with Azraan?"

Skull met Jared's gaze, reading his mind.

Jared couldn't wait for Averella to see what they had made for her present. It was all thanks to Azraan's masks, specifically one that allowed him to conjure heat—a lot of it. Jared kept the image of what he had made out of his mind.

Skull frowned. Seriously? You won't even tell me?

Jared smiled. Nope, sorry.

"Well?" Averella pressed. "You're telling Skull aren't you? Fine!" With that, Jared's telepathic ability disappeared.

He glared in her direction. "I was not telling Skull, now give me my powers back!"

"Fine," Averella grumbled.

"You'll find out later, Av. I promise." Jared leaned in and kissed her neck as he whispered against her skin.

Skull blanched. Please, you can keep that out of my mind. "Averella, please turn off his telepathic ability again."

Averella giggled.

Suddenly, the door burst open, but instead of sending waves of cold, instant warmth spread to each and every Chosen.

Raylx walked in with a comforting smile on his face, sitting at the end of the table.

Skull and Azraan both nodded toward him respectfully as they all waited for Radon to come.

Sure enough, he walked in, claiming the attention of everyone in the room without even trying. He walked to his place at the head of the table and stood, holding out his hands. "We thank the Father for this blessed meal and for this chance for us all to be gathered together as a family during this time of year. Amen."

The Chosen echoed his amen and then everyone started to eat.

Echon simply grabbed a roll and sat it on a plate in front of where Pix stood, slightly to his left.

Pix crossed his arms. "Just because I'm small doesn't mean I want just one thing!"

Mythix grinned. "What's the little guy yelling about? Maybe I can throw him in the mashed potatoes."

Ithon chuckled. "Or better yet, the soup. Let him go for a swim!"

"You better not you gargantuan, dread-knotted freak! Not to mention you crazy mage!" Pix shouted.

Echon chuckled. "I think you better leave him alone. He's ready to kill you both."

Mythix laughed so hard he spit out his drink, which landed all over Lynia's shirt. She glared daggers at him.

Together, all the Chosen ate and talked happily amongst each other. The conversation was lighthearted, filled with joy and laughter, as well as intense joking from Ithon, Mythix, Echon, Pix, Shinji, Skull and Jared. The others joined in as well, until everyone's plates were empty and they all realized they had been sitting around the table talking for hours.

Raylx and Radon both inclined their heads and said their goodbyes, leaving the Chosen to the rest of their evening.

"Well, I guess it's time for presents, then," Ithon said, looking at Lynessa.

All the Chosen left the dining hall and went into the living room, finding different spots as Azraan and Tyjen gathered around the tree and began passing out the presents.

Akari and Keizo went outside, leaving a confused Shinji sitting on the loveseat alone.

Tyjen grabbed a box and handed it to Nahnnie. "That's from Kanan."

Nahnnie opened it, revealing a curved dagger, teal and blue. As Nahnnie stared into it, she could see the ocean inside it.

Kanan grinned. "That's a mermaid dagger. They're rare and hard to find, but I thought maybe you needed a real weapon to use along with your magic."

Nahnnie beamed. "Thanks!"

Meanwhile, Tyjen handed Skull a present from Azraan. As Skull opened it, he realized it was a book. Inside, was filled with several dozen pictures of their family.

Skull swallowed deeply but inclined his head. "Thank you, brother."

Azraan nodded as he grabbed a box and handed it to Kanan. "From Nahnnie."

"Azraan, here's one to you from Skull," Tyjen said.

Azraan quickly ripped it open, revealing a mask inside. "A new mask? How did you...? Never mind, I don't want to know."

"Put it on." Skull grinned.

Azraan cautiously put it on and immediately he completely disappeared.

"It turns you invisible," Skull said.

Azraan took it off and thanked Skull, turning back to the presents.

As that happened, Kanan was still trying to get inside the horribly wrapped present.

"Sorry." Nahnnie pursed her lips sheepishly. "This is my first Christmas."

Kanan shrugged and conjured a tiny bit of his disintegration magic, burning off the wrapping paper. "There we go." Inside, was a bracelet made from some sort of light metal, carved into tear-like twisted shapes.

"It's a light bracelet, so that way you always have a way to control the beast inside you." Nahnnie smiled, as Kanan leaned in and kissed her.

"Thank you, Nahnnie."

Tyjen handed one box to Lynia, one to Ithon and another to Lynessa.

Lynia opened the box she had, from Mythix. Inside it was a golden keyring. "What is this?"

Mythix smiled at her. "It's a magically enchanted keyring so that when you rub the different keys, it conjures different magical... constructs. Actual constructs this time."

Lynia leapt on his lap. "Thank you, Mythix! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Ithon opened his box, to both himself and Lynessa from Mythix and Lynia. Inside were two tiny baby outfits. Ithon frowned, while Lynessa gushed over them. "Thank you guys!" She turned to her box, from Lynia. Once she opened it, she grabbed the square-shaped device inside. "Um... what is this?"

Lynia chuckled with a grin. "It's a device I had Echon make that turns into an inflatable rowboat whenever you press the button."

Lynessa smiled widely. "Thanks so much, Sis!"

Akari and Keizo walked back in, gesturing for Shinji to go outside with them. Shinji cautiously followed them.

"Merry Christmas, Shinji," Akari said.

His eyes landed on a Kuri-Yuso. "This... is mine?"

Akari and Keizo both nodded. "Hai."

Shinji pulled them both in for a large embrace. "Thank you both."

With that, the family headed back inside.

Tyjen gestured to a large box. "While you were gone, this is for Akari."

Akari grabbed the box and opened it. Lying perfectly inside, was an elaborate red and white kimono. She gasped, running her hands along the perfectly smooth silk. "Arigatou gozaimashita!"

As Shinji and Keizo responded to her, Azraan had handed two boxes to Jace and Sakura, each from each other.

Sakura managed to open hers first. Inside, was a special katana, the very one she used as Keisuke in the Shinsengumi. On the hilt of it, was a blue jewel, one that she recognized as her favorite piece of jewelry back in Egypt. "Jace, this... this is just..."

"You're welcome." Jace smiled at her, and turned back to open his box. Inside was the blue haori of the Shinsengumi.

"So you may wear it once again." Sakura smiled at him, relishing the joy in his eyes.

He leaned in and kissed her. "Arigatou gozaimashita, Sakura."

Tyjen handed a long box to Keizo, who immediately tore it open. Inside was Ghostblade.

Keizo met the eyes of his parents. "You—You're giving this to me?"

They both nodded, but it was Akari who spoke. "Hai. I have Lightbringer and I feel that Ghostblade belongs to you, Keizo."


"This," Tyjen started, handing a box to Mythix gently, "is from Ithon."

Mythix tore open the paper, revealing a cardboard box inside. Mythix immediately opened it without a second thought.

Suddenly, something leapt out at him, clawing and tearing at his face. He backed up, knocking over several things he didn't bother to pay attention to, and formed fire all around his face. Whatever it was screeched and jumped off him.

As it waddled around the room, he realized it was a ravenous duck. Tyjen had backed away, while Ithon, Skull, Jared and Shinji were all on the floor laughing so hard they couldn't breathe.

Mythix threw a fireball, roasting the little thing, but it slammed itself against the window, breaking it and fled outside. "Really?" He glared at Ithon, who wiped tears from his eyes.

"Yes, really. Oh, that was so great."

Even Echon and Pix were both laughing. Or, at least Mythix assumed the bright twinkling was laughing.

Returning to normal, Azraan gestured to the largest box in the room, four feet tall. "Skull, this is for you from Mythix."

Skull glared at Mythix. "Did you get me a ravenous duck, too?"

Mythix eyed Ithon but shook his head. "No... not at all."

Skull sighed and tore open the paper. There was a cage and inside it was a monkey with a strong smell of alcohol wafting from it. It swung upside down from the top bars, howling loudly. "A... drunken... monkey..."

Mythix and Ithon collapsed on the ground, bellowing loudly. "We remembered just how much you loved the others!" Mythix said, guffawing.

Ignoring it and Mythix, Skull sat down, turning his back to the drunken monkey.

Tyjen handed an elven bow to Lynia, along with a quiver bulging with arrows. "This is for me? I thought it would have been for Aidan!" Lynia said, eyes widening in surprise.

Lynessa shook her head. "Nope, for you, specially imported from Castre. Thanks to Kanan."

Lynia beamed. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

Azraan handed two boxes to Aidan and Nsi, from each other.

Aidan opened his first. It was a specially made arrow, with an engraving of a wolf on the end of it. "Thank you, Nsi."

She smiled and answered him as she tore open hers. It was a necklace with a locket in the shape of a wolf and inside was a picture of both her and Aidan together on one side and then on the other, was a picture of her and her father. "How...How did you get this?"

"Radon actually told me to and at the time, he said I would learn what it was for later. I just felt that now was the right time to get it to you," Aidan explained.

Nsi embraced him tightly and then turned around so he could put the locket on her.

Tyjen handed Ithon a box, which he quickly opened from Lynessa. Inside it, were two knitting needles and a note: "So you can start a new hobby too. Love, Lynessa."

Ithon glared at her, as she smiled innocently. "Merry Christmas, Ithon!"

Azraan picked up a tiny, tiny object, one that he couldn't even see what it was. "Um... I'm guessing this is for Pix... From...?"

"Me," Echon said, lifting a finger.

Pix climbed up Azraan's legs until he reached his hand. Echon watched as Pix slipped on the glove.

"Rub the inside of it," Echon said.

Suddenly, Pix grew until he was Azraan's size. The movement caused Azraan to fall backward, barely avoiding knocking down the tree.

"Whoa," Pix said. "What a ride. Now I know what it feels like to be a giant. Everything's so slow..."

Echon rolled his eyes. "I get you a gift like this and this is how you thank me?"

Pix bowed in an over-exaggerated manner. "Thank you!"

Azraan stepped forward and handed Echon a box from Ithon and Mythix.

"Ravenous duck? Drunken monkey?" Echon sniffed it. "Okay, it doesn't smell like either one of those."

Ithon sighed. "Just open it!"

Echon opened it. He looked at Ithon, at Mythix, back at the box and then at the two of them again. "What... Is... This?"

Mythix couldn't hold in his laughter anymore. He rolled on the floor, in tears. Ithon could only speak in between gasps. "They're... vampire... fang rings... Rings... for your fangs!"

Echon just froze, staring at them in shock.

Kythar handed Valzia the box he had in his hand, while Valzia sat hers on the floor.

Valzia opened the box from Kythar. Inside, was a lion cub. "You... got me a lion cub?" Tears filled her eyes as she met his gaze in gratitude.

Kythar nodded as Valzia urged him to open his. Inside, was a lion cub. "How... did we get each other the same thing?"

Valzia giggled. "Yours has already been bonded to your DNA."

The cub pawed at the cage toward Kythar eagerly.

"Speaking of..." Shade started, looking at Ravyn. "We have to show Nyko his gift outside."

Nyko's ears perked up as he chirped excitedly. The two walked hand-in-hand out to the back yard, where they had made a large tree, full of thick branches with plenty of places for Nyko to climb and hide and play in.

"Merry Christmas, boy," Shade said.

Nyko jumped on his chest, licking his face.

Rayvn giggled, but Nyko charged for her too.

Azraan handed Akari and Averella two boxes from each other. Averella opened hers first, revealing new beautiful leather armor inside. "Thank you, Akari!"

Akari inclined her head, opening her box from Averalla. Inside it, was a new wakizashi made from light. Akari gasped. "It looks just like Lightbringer...!"

Averella grinned. "I had Radon help me make a matching one for you."

Tyjen grabbed a box. "Oh, this is for you, sweetheart." He handed it to Dari, who eagerly opened it. Inside, was a new teacup. Before she could ask, he explained. "It's magically enchanted to automatically spice any water you pour in there. I've already enchanted it to spice it with your favorites."

Dari smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Tyjen."

While that was going on, Azraan handed a dwarven spear to Rothan from Cynndra.

"How did you...?" Rothan looked at her in surprise.

Cynndra smiled and shrugged. "It was thanks to Kanan."

"And here's yours, Cynndra... From Rothan," Tyjen said, handing Cynndra a large box. Inside, was new armor, extra-large.

Cynndra glared at Rothan. "What were you thinking?"

Rothan shrugged innocently. "I was thinking that the baby bump is showing and you're getting kind of big..."

Cynndra sighed. "Don't remind me. But thanks."

Dari walked up to Tyjen and handed him a box. "Here is my gift to you."

Surprised, he opened it, revealing a belt inside. "Um...?"

She chuckled. "It's hollow inside, so it makes a perfect sheath for your tail."

Tyjen laughed but nodded. "Thank you. I needed one."

Dari smiled and kissed him. "I know."

Jared grabbed Averella's hand. "Come on, I have something special to show you." He led her outside and through the woods a little ways into a small clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a lake, bubbling with hot water.

Averella gasped, staring at it in awe. "It's.... It's almost just like the lake..."

Jared clutched her hand. "I know."

She turned toward him, planting a firm kiss on his lips. "Thank you, Jared."

Jared grinned and darted toward it. "Only this one, we can swim in!" With that, he dove in it, completely submerged.

Averella shook her head to herself, but followed him.

He popped up just in front of her, shaking his head to spray water everywhere.

"Here is my gift to you," Averella whispered.

In her mind, she reflected on everything they had been through... Everything. From the time they met until now. She thought about it all in detail, as much as she could remember and showed Jared everything.

When it was all over, hours later, Jared stared in her direction in shock. "Th—Thank you, Av." With that, he leaned in, closing the distance between them.

That Christmas, all the Chosen spent it together. It was a joyful and warm time for them all, far away from all the death, darkness and war that had constantly surrounded them for so long. It was picturesque; with snow on the ground outside and falling from the sky like cherry blossoms, a hearth with a warm fire and great food inside...

Everything was as it should be in this perfect place inside of Radon's light.

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