After Hours

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Lemon Warning, IzuMomo

 With the end of the war against the villains, life around UA is starting to get back to normal, sort of. Because of what they endured in the war, the majority of the normal hero course training has been rather easy which is atypical of Aizawa. Then again when the entire class has to fight two All for One users and numerous other extremely pissed off and powerful villains some may think they deserve a bit of a reprieve. That was until today, Aizawa had been taking it easy on them but that ended when he dropped the entire class in the USJ with every single robot ever devised by principle Nezu. After destroying the last of the robots, the entire class were sore and exhausted with some of them in the infirmary for the rest of the day, oddly enough Izuku wasn't one of the ones to get sent to the nurse. Getting back to the dorms, Izuku, Katsuki, Kirishima and Shouto flop down in near unison onto the living room couch. All of them groan as they take the weight off their feet, finally relaxing and getting ready for a long weekend. As the rest of the class starts making their way back to the dorms the majority of the students head straight to the showers to wash the battle debris blood and sweat off of themselves before retiring for the day.The class supermodel, Yaoyorozu Momo is one of the last ones to get back to the dorms, the day's exercise having taken its toll the hardest on her due to her role as a support class hero. "Hey Midoriya?" She says getting the attention of the green haired hero.

"Oh u-uh h-hi Yaomomo." he stutters, turning to face the taller woman.

"What do you typically do for sore muscles?" She asks as she presses both arms against the sides of her back and stretches trying to alleviate the pain of the day's training.

"Where does it hurt?" He responds, "Usually I just do an ice pack or two, but I do have one of those massage rollers that help too." Momo arches an eyebrow at this statement. "We have a massage chair but I think Hagakure stole it... again."

"They haven't exactly made invisible shoes or anything like that for me Midoriya, you try running around a battle barefoot." She declares in a bit of a huff. "I'm not mad at you or anything, it's Aizawa, he made me do the stupid landslide and earthquake zones today! It sucks!"

"Well if we're talking about sucking~" Mineta chimes in before getting smacked by Mina.

"Figuratively." She yells as Mineta falls face first into the floor.

"And he's down for the count. Ladies and gentlemen, your new world champion Pinky." Shouto says without an inkling of enthusiasm in his voice. "I thought you had a personal masseuse Yaoyorozu?"

"Not a professional one, my parents had one of our maids learn how to do it and she is very good at her job but she doesn't work or live here at UA." Momo tries to remain humble about being the rich kid but it only sparks jealousy in Ochako and Jiro. "Anyways, can I use the one you have? My back and shoulders are really sore after today's training."

"Yeah sure, when do you need it?" Izuku asks, preparing to get up off the couch.

"Not right this second but i'll use it before bed this evening and return it to you in the morning. Plus you can show me how to use it." Momo responds as she takes a seat next to Izuku. The teen is blissfully unaware of the hints that were dropped to him by the rich girl, nor the looks of envy and even annoyance coming from the class perverts.

"Sure, I don't mind showing you how to use it, it's one of the newer ones so it takes a little time to get used to." Izuku responds with a smile on his face before opening a can of soda and going back to the video the others are watching.

That evening

The class had already turned in for the evening by the time Momo had messaged Izuku directly to meet her down stairs. The strenuous training from the previous day had taken its toll on the rest of the class leaving them exhausted. So now, half past 11 most if not everyone was already in the rooms and some even fast asleep already. Reading the message from Momo, Izuku gets up out of his bed, it doesn't take him long to find the small hand sized muscle massager. Unfortunately for him, when he tested the small button on it, the device refused to power on leaving him in a bit of a pickle. However the expectant woman downstairs waiting for him to come help her alleviate the muscle pain he was all too familiar with changed his mind. He left the broken dollar store massager on the ground before throwing on one of his typical All Might shirts and heading downstairs. Iida wasn't patrolling the men's side of the dorms, and Izuku can hear his glasses sporting friend snoring loudly from across the hall. Making his way towards the staircase, Izuku doesn't notice the cracked door at the end of the hall, nor the purple perverted gremlin that dwelled within said lair.

Getting downstairs, Izuku sees Momo sitting on the couch watching some late night television while waiting for Izuku to arrive. She turns to look over her shoulder as she hears someone coming downstairs and smiles slightly when she sees Izuku make his way down the last flight of stairs. "Hey." Izuku greets as he rounds the corner towards the couch and takes a seat next to her. "The massager I had broke, it wasn't turning on." Izuku says, "It was one of the cheap walmart ones anyway."

"Why'd you come down here then?" She asks, turning to face him. "You could have texted me that it wasn't working."

"True but I kinda felt bad for saying that you could borrow mine and you stayed up waiting for me to help you. I didn't want to just say that it was broken over text, I wanted to apologize directly for it being broken." Izuku explains, though a slightly rambly explanation.

"If it doesn't work then it's not your fault, but you did promise to help me with the muscle pain..." She begins shifting her weight towards him causing the successor of All Might to begin to get flustered. "So, if your little massager is broken, how about you use your hands instead? After all, you know where the pain normally is. I'll make a massage table and then you can get to work, Izuku."

He didn't know how to react to her requesting that he be the one to massage her, but he wasn't exactly complaining. Quite the opposite in fact, he was anxious as she is the most beautiful woman at UA and now she has requested him to personally give her a massage. Who was he to say no? He was quiet as she removed her orange tshirt, her back and torso glowing from the use of her creation quirk. The speckled lightshow of white, blue, pink and purple sparkles hides her flawless skin from his gaze but he stares nonetheless. Soon the large massage table is created and slides out of the light that her quirk is putting off. It doesn't take her long to set up the table and dress it with a sheet. Lastly she creates a few bottles of oils and ointments for Izuku to use on her back. She dances out of her shorts now standing topless in a pair of pink frilly lingerie panties before climbing onto the table and laying down on her arm. She doesn't bother to cover herself with the sheet as she gets situated on the massage table.

"Come on Izuku, I'm not going to massage myself, you know." She teases prompting him to swallow a lump of nervousness in the back of his throat. Cautiously he steps towards the massage table before lifting one of the oil bottles that Momo had created. "That one is lavender, the next is eucalyptus, and one is mint. Though I prefer the lavender one." After she had said which is which, Izuku pops open the cap to the lavender scented oil before drizzling some of the liquid onto his open hand before closing the small bottle and returning it to the stand.

Rubbing his hands together, he coats his fingers in the oil before hesitantly placing his hands on Momo's shoulders. Once making contact with her skin, Momo giggles slightly as Izuku begins to press his thumbs and fingers into the muscles around the back of her neck and shoulder blades. "Which muscles were you working the most today?" Izuku asks, after taking a few moments to clear his mind and speak clearly. Momo stifled a moan from the relief of the tension in her shoulders before answering. "My arms and back, i... ah~ I was on rescue duty today so I had a lot of lifting." Taking this information Izuku focuses on the area around the center of the back towards the small of her back. Pressing his fingers into her soft skin. He primarily works with his thumb in the more tense areas, his other finger finds themself exploring her soft skin without his knowledge. Momo herself stifles a slight moan when he alleviates a spot that was particularly bad near her spine. "Does your quirk cause your muscles to get sore?" Izuku asks moving back up towards her shoulders this time focusing on the muscles above the shoulder blades near the base of her neck.

"Yes, especially with over use, but the majority of my creations I make are from my stomach and chest." She explains causing her masseuse to pause for a moment obviously taking in what she had said. "You'll work on that soon enough, Izuku." She continues, "but can you get my sides a bit please it's sore there too~" She coos.

Doing as requested, Izuku fans his fingers out as he presses the center of her back down towards the sides. His fingers kneading into her sore muscle brought on by her more than generous bust size. Switching to his second knuckle, he presses the joint into a knot that he feels on her back. Momo moves under his touch once more, the sound escaping her mouth making it harder and harder for Izuku to keep his attention to the task at hand. While her muscles are dense from their training at UA, it doesn't make her skin feel any less soft beneath his fingers. Especially as they migrate towards the sides of her ribs, his fingers press against the taught musculature around her ribs to try to get them to relax further. Getting closer to her chest, Izuku notices the compressed circular mounds that spill out from under her. His eyes locking on to the side and underboobs that are exposed slightly from her position on the massage table. She notices when he retracts his fingers from getting close to that part of her chest and almost giggles to herself. As he withdraws his hands from her back to gather more oil to his palms, he turns his back to her for a few moments. In that time Momo peaks over at him and smirks deviously before turning over and now lying on her back. She laces her fingers together and rested her arms on her stomach leaving the large breasts exposed to the air and to him.

"U-umm. C-could you have something to cover your umm..." Izuku tries to explain while trying to avoid staring at Momo's enormous chest in front of him.

"It's ok. I trust you. I know you won't try to take advantage of the situation." Momo smiled at Izuku with the back of her mind somewhat wanting him to do this at least a little. Accepting the situation, Izuku agrees to start with her stomach. Feeling the slim yet firmness of her soft torso, Izuku's hands went directly towards her abdomen. The muscles that were hidden under the skin slowly made themselves known to him as the green haired man tried to avoid pushing down as hard. In the act, Momo started to giggle a bit to make Izuku look up at her face. "Sorry. It's just a little ticklish."

Now realizing where he was looking, Izuku held his head back down to her stomach with a flushed face on. "W-warn me if I'm being too rough, ok?" Momo gave an agreeing sound as Izuku's hands continued to move. His mind tried to focus on what he was doing being solely on the matter of physical help of a classmate, but it still wandered off to parts he couldn't handle. During his work on her stomach, Izuku's hands went slowly down to unintentionally hit the fabric of Momo's only piece of clothing on. The oil started to seep down in and stain it a bit, turning it a little translucent.

"Izuku. You're going a little low." Coming back to reality, Izuku quickly moved his hands up closer to Momo's naval, pretending he didn't see what he saw. "Should I be worried you're doing something you're not supposed to~" Momo said in a teasing manner for Izuku's face to go flush red. "You know, I still need a little help in my chest area. Would you mind assisting me in massaging there next."

"S-sure." Izuku went back for the bottles for more lavender before Momo's hand stopped him. She gave him the bottle.

"I want you to use the mint for my breasts. It gets a little difficult thanks to how my body is and how my hero costume confines too much. The mint oil will help more than the lavender." Izuku agreed to use the mint instead to rub down Momo's chest. As he was placing the oil between his hands, the already present oil began to make the bottle slip out. With this, it was about to hit Momo in the head before she grabbed it and placed it back on the table. "You should be a little more careful. How about you get on the table to have a little more freedom to move your hands and see what you're doing." Izuku didn't know what to say at this point as he slowly hopped onto the massage table. His knees went on opposite sides of Momo to have her completely under him. Slowly, Izuku went down to start massaging Momo's chest, working slowly on the edge near her collarbone and around to her underboob. Momo smiled at this with feeling Izuku's hands intentionally avoided going up a little. "Izuku. I need you to focus also on my breasts. If you don't, then the oil won't work as well as it should."

"B-but if I do-"

"It's ok. I know you're not going to do something nefarious by having the feeling of a woman's body in your hands." Izuku agreed to move his hands up. He felt the extreme softness of Momo's boobs as she laid there, almost completely motionless as he was given complete privilege to do as he pleased. Izuku's hands began sinking into Momo's large mounds, becoming more and more moist from the oil. During this, he noticed her nipples begin to stiffen up and show the soft pink coloration that looked almost as if it changed perfectly from the rest of her chest. The way her breasts leaked over the impressions made from his finger pressing into her skin mesmerized him. Kneading and prodding the soft masses his fingers glide over her breasts before reaching the bumps that dot the perimeter of the areolas of her breasts. The feeling here made the more primitive aspect of his brain kick into overdrive prompting a slightly more aggressive groping that Momo was trying to frame as a massage. Before he realizes his fingers caught the semi firm bump that sits at the peak of her breasts. The pressure between his index and thumb on the sensitive bud immediately sends a deluge of signals to Momo's brain from the pleasure of a slight pinch. Without realizing it, Momo leads out a moan catching both of them off guard and snapping Izuku back to reality. Him realizing that both of his hands are locked in a vice grip on her breasts. "Maybe this was a bit too stimulating..." She states after taking a moment to gain some composure. "For both of us." She notices something long, warm and hard poking her in the abdomen.

"I-I'm sorry!" Izuku tried to pull away, but Momo grabbed his arms to have his attention focused on her once more.

"Don't worry. It's just natural, and you've done an amazing job. So I think I should return the favor, don't you? How about you get on the table and I'll take care of you.~" Izuku was moved to sit on the massage table with Momo now standing up. Her bare chest was completely visible to Izuku as her breasts hung down by gravity to show their natural look on her. She moved down towards Izuku's shorts to slowly slide them and his boxers off to see Izuku's length start to pull down as well. As Momo's hands pulled Izuku's shorts down to his knees, Izuku's length flung out to present itself in front of her. "Heroes shouldn't possess weapons like this Izuku." Her sultry voice barely doing anything to distract him from her breasts, taking note of where his eyes are focused she smiles. Deciding to heighten his anticipation, she goes to reach towards the member standing tall at attention before shifting her hand away and bending down. She grabs a lever near the legs of the table before pulling it causing the table to bend, taking the shape of a chair now. "That's much better.~" She half sings before making eye contact with him then trailing her sight down to the member that throbs longingly. Izuku's heart is beating at a mile a minute, half with the anxiety that another one of their classmates would walk in on this, and half with fear that Momo will stop leaving him longing for her touch. Though he wouldn't have to fear that for long as her index and middle finger trail their way along the underside of his shaft. Her other hand tickles the boys that hang below the foot long tower that she is gracefully enticing. "Seems like even you, the all powerful successor to All Might has fallen for me.~" She teases before wrapping her palm around his member then closing each individual finger as painfully slowly as she can manage.

"I-I... ye-" He stammers before Momo leans up and presses a finger to his lips, shushing him. "You wouldn't want to wake our classmates would you? Sit back and let me take care of you." She instructs, prompting him to do as told leaning back into the back of the chair as he hand starts to slide up the full length of his shaft making his whole body shudder at her touch. Her long strokes take several seconds to reach from the base of his member all the way to the top, and just as long to return back to the base. The entire time, Izuku has to resist the urge to grab her hand to make her go faster but the expression of want on his face causes her to give him a lustful smile. She adjusts the way she is situated between his legs before directing his member to her lips, she gently places a kiss at the tip of his penis before extending her tongue and lapping around the head. Her tongue slowly being dragged around his member's head causing him to raise a hand in front of his mouth to keep himself quiet. Seeing this reaction from him, Momo stops licking him before wrapping her lips around the tip, she locks eyes with Izuku once more before smiling and sinking her head all the way to the base in a single movement. Feeling her throat wrap around him, Izuku throws his head back while holding in his voice. The suction of Momo's mouth pulled Izuku deeper into her throat as drool began to drip down her mouth. Now panting, Izuku's hands began to move towards her head to have the Creation quirk user notice and pull her head up, taking his member out of her mouth.

"Now this wouldn't be fair if you had to do something. Perhaps I should give you a little massage of my own~" Momo smiled as she moved over to grab a little of the eucalyptus oil and drip it onto her breasts. Moving it around a little, Momo's breasts began to be covered in the oil before pushing Izuku's dick between them. "Maybe we should have you calm down a little. Especially down here~" She started moving her breasts up and down Izuku's length, focusing on smothering his dick in the oil and having his mind think of the soft and slick sensation of her soft skin trapping him in them before a warm wet sensation was added to the tip of his member. He glanced down to see Momo holding his dick's swollen head in her mouth, swirling her tongue around as she continued to work her breasts over the sides.

As the two were in their own little world, they were not privy to hearing the sound of someone coming down on the boys side of the dorms. This was none other than the class pervert, Mineta. He came down for a glass of water. However, his focus was brought by the sight of Momo's long hair being seen to hide from the corner and glance out. There, she saw Momo stark naked with Izuku in front of her looking as if he was about to scream. 'What the? Is Yaomomo and Midoriya doing it in the main area!?' He was in shock as Momo pulled her head up and smiled at Izuku.

"You're quivering quite a bit~. Please don't hold back if you want to cum."

Momo moved her breasts up and down Izuku's shaft, pushing them closer together to give Izuku's body little to no ability to move. His mouth held open as his body began welling up with the urge for release. "Momo....I'm gonna cum."

"Do it~ I want you to cum for me~" Momo's movements continued to increase with Izuku's hips pushing upwards. His mind was on the teetering point of losing it before finally accepting and shooting his load on Momo's face. Ropes after ropes of thick white fluids sprayed over her as the Creation quirk user smiled. Once he finished, Izuku glanced down to see Momo give him a sultry look as if she was extremely happy of what happened. Cum dripping down her chin, Momo pulled a little from the side of her mouth with her tongue to taste before swallowing. "Mmm. Tastes like honey~" She glanced down to see Izuku's member still rock hard to smile. "So you want more? I think it's only fair that I try and help you a little more. Don't you think~" Izuku nods at her question, still staring at her cum stained expression, however from where he's seated he spots the grape haired pervert looking on in envy and hatred at what he is seeing. The look of pleasure that was still gracing Izuku's face shifts to that of horror and slight anger at seeing the midget pervert.

"Izuku?" Momo questions, seeing the shift in his demeanor but before she can turn around, Izuku raises his hand and snatches Mineta with the wisps of Black Whip. Coiling them tightly around the midget menace, Izuku makes sure that he covers Mineta's eyes with the smoky quirk. Directing his hand towards the door, another wisp opens it before the pervert is thrown out the door with it slamming behind him. "What was that?!" She asks in surprise, the movements of her lover far too quick for her to notice.

"That stupid pervert snuck down here and saw us." Izuku says, "I don't know how much he saw but I threw him out the front door." He explains. While at first, Momo is taken aback at the presence of the miniature pervert getting even a glimpse of her naked body, the little friend beneath her breasts brings her back to the moment at hand giving her an idea.

"I think we should continue our evening but get out of the line of sight of the staircase." With a beautiful woman currently suffocating his dick with her massive breasts, Izuku isn't one to complain or argue with this idea. "Though we should put some clothes back on, just in case someone else decides to come back down." He doesn't respond to this request, instead he allows her to grab her orange shirt before putting it just over her head with Izuku putting the rest of his clothes on. She creates a napkin to clean the rest of his spunk off of her face and rack before grabbing his hand and looking for a new spot for their fun.

Momo leads him to the bar by the kitchen that is just tall enough to hide most of her body, she drops her booty shorts and panties on the floor next to her before yanking down Izuku's pants. As she tries to take the lead once more, Izuku decides he is going to take over. As she attempts to trail her fingers along his penis, he quickly grabs both of her hands before hoisting them over her head. The sudden move from him causes her to gasp in shock, but that is quickly silenced as he presses his lips to hers. Momo quickly becomes putty in his hands as he invades her mouth with his tongue and she immediately loses the battle with his tongue. He drops his grip on her arms opting to slide them down her sides then grip both of her breasts like a thief fondling stolen jewels. Momo begins grinding herself along his member as the two make out furiously, her now free hands gripping the sides of his head. "I-Izuku... I-I want it." She whimpers between kisses prompting him to grin against her lips. He breaks the kiss with her before grabbing her hips and spinning her around. His arms tracing up the hourglass like shape of her body before he places a palm in the center of her back bending her over. Momo leans against the bar, bending her hips and arching her back towards Izuku inviting him to take her. Which he does, pressing his hips against her buttocks, he lays his member between the cheeks of her ass tapping her a few times which prompts her to plead him to just put it in already.

Shifting back, he grabs the base of his shaft before aligning it with the opening of her sopping wet folds. He presses the head of his penis between her folds sliding it up and down agonizingly slowly before pressing it into her. Momo raises a hand to her mouth in order to stop herself from making any noise as he slides inside her. He is gentle as he pushes himself inside her, though to Momo she feels as that if he goes any slower it'll be torture. As she feels each inch enter her, she feels her mind become like jelly only focusing on the pleasure. Deciding that he's gone slow for too long, she pushes backwards on the bar which forces her back into his hips and his member all the way to the base in her pussy. So deep that it kisses the entrance of her womb, the precum leaking from the tip of his dick seeping into her womb. The move that she had done, sheathing his full length within her causes her to let out a sudden gasp which she doesn't bother to muffle. She adjusts her hands on the bar she's leaning on, pressing her elbows to the bar top. Izuku shifts his hands to grab her sides and pelvis, pressing his thumbs into the small of her back. "S-smash me Deku!" She demands, and not being one to deny anyone's request, He does as asked.

Pushing her forwards with his hands and tucking his hips back, he retracts his dick almost all the way to the head before pulling her towards him and thrusting hard. Momo raises one of her arms to cover her mouth as she moans into her hand, with this response from her Izuku is now making it a mental goal to get her to wake up the entire campus. At first he thrusts slow but hard, causing her to both moan louder but for her insides to quiver and coil tighter around him despite how tight she was when he first entered her. "Let me hear you Momo." He whispers into her ear, leaning over her he traces his fingers down her arms before pulling them towards him. She allows him to pull her arms back, his strong hands wrapping around her wrists as he pulls her arms and body into himself. She tries as best as she can to stifle any noise coming from her mouth and she manages to do so... for about three seconds. Izuku smirks hearing the semi quiet "Ahhh." Momo lets out, taking his speed up a notch he begins humping and pulling her faster. Her pussy leaking its nectar down the base of his shaft dripping to the floor as it gets harder and harder for her to stay quiet. He continues increasing his speed, the slaps of his pelvis against her ass filling the air of the common space echoing slightly in the empty room.

"Oh. M-my. G-god." She stammers between each thrust. "I'm g-gonna cum." She manages to say before finally moaning loud enough to echo in the common space.

"Good." Izuku whispers into her ear, before she can climax, Izuku drops her hands before crouching down and grabbing her by the underside of her knees putting her in a full nelson position. Her feet over her head and her finding themselves wrapped around Izuku's sides. The sudden shift in position causes her to go wide eyed though the surprised reaction is quickly replaced with ecstasy as he drops her full weight onto his cock. This forces it even deeper than before, earlier it had been kissing the very entrance but now the head of his penis pushed inside her womb. This move causes Momo to scream in pleasure as she cums, a deluge of juices squirt from her staining the ground beneath her. Her eyes roll upwards and flutter closed several times her the orgasm rocks her whole body. Wanting to see this reaction again, Izuku shifts his weight back slightly then raises her up then begins to thrust as hard and fast as he can into her. Any coherent thoughts she may have had have long since left her mind. Her moans and gasps just filled in for anything she was trying to say. Within moments, the same reaction occurs, this time she moans even louder than her first one as the second time she cums is more intense than the first. Izuku himself is quickly beginning to feel his own climax coming as well, "M-momo... i-i'm gonna." He warns grunting as he continues to thrust into her, however instead of a response Momo moans the loudest she has during their entire night together and something strange happens. Her skin glows slightly before Russian nesting dolls start being created, though her lack of response to Izuku doesn't tell him where he can cum. With no time left before his climax reaches him, Izuku slams his dick hard into Momo for a final time, piercing through the opening of her cervix and touching the very roof of her womb. As soon as he reaches the top of her womb he immediately cums, flooding her with that hot sticky white baby batter. Izuku sinks back against the fridge, sliding down it slowly before sitting on the ground. His dick still pulsating inside of her as rope after rope of his spunk continue to fill her. Out of breath, the two of them sit there for several moments before he manages to find a modicum of energy to pull out of her. As he finally exits her, one last rope of jizz shoots out of him and lands on Momo's chest as they both pant for breath.

"W-wow..." She mumbles, taking a deep breath trying to begin regaining her energy. "Y-you give the b-best massages... and happy endings." She says.

"You're really good at this too." He responds, being the first to gain his breath and enough energy to pick her back up in order to stand. "Want to stay with me tonight?" He asks, though he doesn't know where he found the courage to do so.

"I'd like that." She responds, grabbing both of their clothes, once she has collected them Izuku brings her upstairs towards the boys' side of the dorms.

The next day.

"I'm telling you man!" Mineta pleads, trying to get Kirishima and Kaminari to believe what he's saying. "Yaomomo was giving Deku a Paizuri and then he threw me outside when I saw them." he claims, though Izuku pays no mind to what Mineta is saying.

"Yaomomo and Midoriya?" Kaminari asks sarcastically, "Yeah right, and I'm All Might's secret love child." He says, earning him the attention of Todoroki who snaps to look at him when he makes the claim.

"Mineta it's bad enough you perv on them but don't lie and try to ruin their reputations. They're the most reserved and innocent in this class. There's no way they'd do that, much less do it out in the open where you of all people could walk in on it." Kirishima responds.

"Then how do you explain the massage table then?" Mineta retorts, giving the two other members of the stoplight squad a smug look.

"We were there when she asked him if he knew anything about massages, he probably helped her then went to bed." Kirishima reasons, but out of the corner of his eye he sees Momo walking down the staircase leading to the boy's side of the dorms. Instead of her more lavish attire, she is sporting one of Izuku's "T-shirt" shirts as well as his black gymshorts. Though something is also a bit off this morning, she's walking with a stiff back and hip.

"Hey Midoriya?" She says, which causes Izuku to turn and face her. "I'm still pretty sore, even after you helped me. Think you can continue to help me until the pain subsides?" She asks in a respectful tone, though the slight wink she gives him is enough to make his face turn red.

"S-s-sure Y-yaomomo..." He half choked on his words when he addressed her. "A-anytime."

"Thank you." She responds, giving him a smile that appears innocent to the others but to Izuku he could see the more suggestive side of her. As she walks off, he fells his phone buzz twice signifying a text message. As he opens it he notices it's from Momo before tapping the icon and reading what she said. "Before you ask, yes this does make you my boyfriend and yes I took birth control." That statement quelled any anxiety he was hiding about the night before allowing him to take a breath and relax. 

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