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Pairing IzuMomo and KamiJirou 

 With a book in her hands, a warm cup of earl gray tea, and a book light over her shoulder, the former Yaoyorozu Momo now Midoriya Momo prepares to get situated for the evening. She thumbs open her romance novel, pulling the bookmark to the correct page before sliding the plastic mark from the page and finding the place she left off at. Her phone on the night stand is playing a piece from Mozart, both helping her relax and acting as enrichment for the babies growing in her expectant belly. She raises her cup of tea to her lips before taking a brief sip, as she goes to set it back on its coaster, her stomach growls. Being six months along in pregnancy, she had gotten accustomed to the new challenges that it brought about. However the one thing that she didn't want to happen this evening was a craving. Her husband is out of the country on a world hero's mission in Europe. On the complete other side of the planet. While he was gone, she asked one of her closest friends from high school and her husband to stay at their home for the month that Izuku would be away.

Her refined upbringing taught her to be as polite as possible, to be refined and to not ask anyone of anything aside from the butler her parents had. However she didn't have access to Hachi at the moment, the older gentleman had retired a few years back and while she asked Izuku to hire someone for their home he had yet to do so. Part of her didn't want to burden her friends with having to make her some ridiculous combination of food to settle a pregnancy craving but with her stomach growling as it is she has no choice. She sighs, setting down her copy of "Gone with the Wind." being sure not to disturb the page she's on before grabbing her phone. "Kyoka, would you mind sending Kaminari to my room, I have a craving and need something to eat badly." The text was simple, polite as always and barely a second passed before Kyoka responded.

"K." She smiles to herself seeing the single character response before hearing Kyoka from across the house yell for her husband who is down stairs playing a game. "Denki! Momo needs something to eat, go see what she needs!" She hears the petite woman shout from down the hall, the occasional notes from a keyboard fell silent as she yelled for Denki.

Denki didn't respond verbally, but Momo could hear him walking up the staircase before towards her and Izuku's bedroom. Her door was slightly ajar so that their cat could come in and out as he pleased but that didn't stop Denki from knocking anyways. "You may come in, Kaminari." Momo says prompting the blonde haired man to open the door slightly before leaning on the door frame. In the years since they graduated from UA, he had gotten taller, slightly more muscular and is now even sporting a goatee despite Kyoka's laments about how prickly his face is now.

"Yo." He greets in the same way he has always done. "What'cha need?" He asks, not bothering to beat around the bush.

"I apologize about bothering you like this but I'm having a food craving again and... it's gonna sound weird." She begins, Kaminari pulls out his phone to jot down what she's going to request. "I want mint soda, and a cheesecake smores with sweet cucumber pickles."

"Uhhh... what are those exactly?" Kaminari asks, the request having flown right over his head.

"Deku usually makes it for me... I don't know what he puts in them." Momo says sheepishly but Denki just stares for a moment, a bit confused.

"Riiiggghhhttt... uh, you think he has what those are written down or do I need to call him?" Denki asks.

"He might have it in the kitchen... I'm sorry if I'm a bother." Momo sys, her expression starting to turn a bit sad and her eyes becoming glassy like that before she is going to cry. Realizing the shift in his friend's wife, he quickly raises his hand and waves them back and forth trying to calm her down as he speaks.

"Woah woah woah, you're not bothering me! Besides, I needed a break from the game anyways." he says frantically. "I talked with Deku before Kyoka and I got here. He said if you needed something to just call him."

"Thank you." Momo says, internally Denki is dreading the day he has to put up with a pregnant Kyoka. After leaving the room, he heads down stairs and back to the living room. Grabbing his phone off the couch, he taps Deku's name before pulling it up to his ear waiting for the man to pick up.

"Hey, Is everything alright?" Izuku asks once the call connects. The concern present in the expectant father's voice even makes Kaminari worried.

"Yeah everything is fine, I just need your help with something." Denki responds, "Yaomomo is asking for me to make something she wants. She said it was Mint Soda and Cheesecake smores? The pickles I can handle I just need to know what the other things are."

"Oh, she's getting cravings again." Izuku says before breathing out a sigh of relief. "The mint soda is easy, just go through the steps of making a mojito, club soda, muddled mint leaves and ice, then add simple syrup or sugar. She likes it very sweet so if you try it and think it's too sweet, double the amount of sugar from that point. Just don't forget you're making this for a pregnant woman and accidentally add Rum to it."

"Of course not, I'm not as big of an idiot as I was in high school." Denki responds as he walks into the large kitchen that Izuku and Momo share. "Where do you keep the mint?"

"There's a plant on the window sill, you don't have to use a lot just 4-5 leaves is fine. Crush them up a bit with the cocktail muddler." Following Izuku's instructions, Denki finds the small herb plant in the window before plucking a few leaves. He grabs an empty glass from a drying rack before adding the leaves to the bottom then masking them up with the little tool. "Club soda is in the fridge, and so is the syrup." Denki hums affirmatively before getting the rest of the ingredients. He pours the soda over finely crushed ice then adds half a bottle of the simple syrup to the soda.

"Alright that's done, jeez dude I didn't expect Yaomomo to have such a sweet tooth." Denki says, taking a small sip off the spoon he used to stir the drink before throwing the utensil into the sink.

"You know how her quirk works, of course she has a sweet tooth." Izuku responds, honestly Denki should have seen that coming. "The smores are gonna be a bit tricky. Go into the pantry and grab the marshmallows, chocolate and gram crackers then in the fridge grab the finger tray of mini cheesecake squares."

"Alright, got that, what's next?" Kaminari responds after collecting the ingredients.

"Hollow out the marshmallows and add the mini cheesecakes inside the hole. Then make the smores." Izuku instructs. "The tricky part is that she likes them tempura fried."

"You're right, that's gonna be difficult. Does she want the pickles fried too?" Kaminari asks.

"That might be a good idea actually, she's pretty finicky about having cold and hot food together so go ahead and fry them. You should also get some horseradish sauce made for the pickles. She'll probably dunk them in it as well as the cheesecake smores." Kaminari sighs, before chuckling to himself.

"Alright, thanks dude, I'll give her the soda then ask if she wants the pickles inside the s'mores or fried separately."

"Thanks for staying there with Jirou, aside from Mushi our cat, she can get lonely when I'm on missions." With that, Izuku hangs up, leaving Kaminari to his devices. Getting back up stairs, he walks into Momo's room where the expectant mother is still reading her book, the cup of tea that she had had has long been empty. Kyoka has moved from the guest room to the master bedroom where Momo is to keep her company.

"Hope it's sweet enough, and Deku said you wanted the pickles fried, but I want to know if you want them inside the s'mores." Kaminari says as he hands the glass to the noirette woman.

"Not in them at least right now anyways, Kyoka also told me to ask you for some pickles for her too." Momo says, her tone as sweet as ever.

"Sure, might as well make enough for everyone. I hear they're pretty popular in the States." Kaminari responds before heading back down the stairs.

"So, Kyoka. When are you going to tell him?" Momo asks as she hears Kaminari's footsteps get further and further down the staircase. "It's still early so there's no rush."

"I was thinking of not telling him I'm pregnant, I want to see how long it would take him to figure it out." The petite former hero turned rock star responds. "I'm only in month two, and there's a barely noticeable baby bump now. With how dense Denki is, he probably wont figure it out until I go into labor."

"You'd be surprised." Momo responds, "When I found out I was pregnant, Izuku caught on almost immediately. The change in mood, the random bouts of crying and nausea and he noticed that I was staring at myself in the mirror more often. He pieced it together in less than a week after I took the pregnancy tests."

"I bet he was shocked."

"Oh you have no idea, he was mumbling to himself piecing together each of the symptoms, changes and the like. It almost reminded me of Todoroki's conspiracy theory board and rants that he would subject me and the rest of the 'Deku-squad' to back in high school." Momo says with a slight laugh.

"I can imagine it, ehem," She cleared her throat before trying to make a face to best impersonate her friend. "Momo you seem to be acting weird, you're getting sick in the mornings, you're more emotional, getting weird food cravings and you've gained weight... b-but not in the bad way I-I mean your belly looks bigger... oh that came out wrong. I bet he said it almost exactly like that too." Momo laughs a bit harder, hearing her friend's near spot on impression of her husband.

"Well you're mostly correct. He did apologize for saying I had gained weight but when he said he knew why I was acting strange and had these symptoms his face lit up before he pointed at me and yelled 'You're getting fat because you're pregnant.' Then five seconds later he shouted; 'Oh my god you're pregnant! We're going to be parents! I can't believe i-' then he passed out." It was Kyoka's turn to laugh this time as Momo had made a Russian nesting doll in the image of Izuku, puppeteering it around by bouncing her hand up and down as she did an impression of him.

"Yep, that sounds about right. Have you heard anything from Todoroki and Ochako? Last time I saw them was just after she had their twins." Kyoka asks.

"Yeah, I spoke with her just before Izuku went on his mission to Germany. She said Endeavor was kind enough to hire someone with a water based quirk to extinguish any fires her son and daughter accidentally made. Those two have had their quirks since birth. Little Hikari almost incinerated the poor midwife just moments after he was born. I warned her that her kids would likely have a quirk that caused anything they touched to spontaneously combust or flash freeze depending on how hers and Todoroki's genes mixed. Low and behold, that's exactly how both of the twins quirks work." Kyoka sighs, Ochako's kids, Hikari and Saeki, were barely two months old at this point but already caused quite a bit of property damage to the Todoroki estate.

"Aren't you afraid of how One for All and Creation will mix together?" Kyoka asks, Izuku's gifted quirk is a bit of an enigma, considering the fact that it was a buy one get seven more free scenario when he was given the quirk by All Might.

"From what I understand, it can't be passed on genetically like that. Sure he can gift someone the quirk by having them ingest his DNA but I'm not sure if someone could inherit it from birth. Izuku said that Nana Shimura had a son while she had the quirk and gave him up, but with the death of Shigaraki her bloodline has ended. There's only been two generations from her and not enough time to see if it did pass on but only as a recessive gene." Momo explains. "Izuku thinks that our kids are more than likely to inherit my quirk. God forbid they get a blend of Izuku's father's quirk and mine. They'd basically be vomiting up creations if they got that, that's the only way I see Hisashi's fire breath quirk and mine mixing."

"Kids?" Kyoka asks. "There something you're not telling me?"

"Well, kind of let that one slip didn't I?" She asks rhetorically. "I'm expecting triplets. Two boys and one girl."

"W-woah... that's insane." Kyoka gasps at the news, Momo hums happily to herself feeling one of her three babies kick her slightly. "I'm kinda scared of my own pregnancy. I'm not exactly built for childbirth."

"Nonsense Kyoka," Momo scolds. "When you and I dated briefly, I helped you get over your silly body issues. You don't need to worry about that, you're going to be fine. Even if you have a C-section or have a natural birth that doesn't take away from the fact you're going to be a mother. Besides, your breasts have filled out since high school and you still have the best butt and hips out of the girls in our class." Kyoka blushes slightly when Momo says this.

"Well I'll always have something over the world's strongest hero." Kyoka says with a bit of a triumphant tune in her voice. "Your virginity." Momo snorts when Kyoka says this, bursting into loud belly laughs.

Meanwhile downstairs, Kaminari reads through the instructions that Izuku had sent him for the fry batter. He beats a single egg before adding cold water to it, then he slowly adds in the sifted flour, mixing it around with a pair of chopsticks. Once the batter is made, then it is on to the hard part of tempura frying s'mores. At first he tries to skewer them together with a toothpick, thinking that once it's done frying he'll just take the toothpick back out. Though after three attempts of shattering the graham crackers he gives up on that idea. Though it doesn't take him long to figure out a new idea, searching through the cupboards and cabinets, he eventually locates a spool of butcher's twine. He grabs one of the s'mores from the tray he set them on the wraps them once in twine. Then he dunks it in the fry batter before turning to the oil, thankfully the twine idea actually works and he manages to fry the remaining smores.

The pickles were indeed the easy part, from the window planter box he grabs a couple of the cucumbers that were growing before plucking them at the stem. He sets out a cutting board and grabs one of Deku's serrated knives using the serrations to create the iconic wavy look of pickles. Once the cucumbers have been washed, cut and now dried he moves on to the brine. In a saucepan he simmers some water and white vinegar before adding a cup of white sugar, pepper corns and a few red chili flakes for some added flavor. He places the pickles in a jar with a few other spices, a clove of garlic, some dill and some salt, he pours the liquid into the jar before capping it, allowing it to pickle for a few minutes. Up stairs, he hears Momo's uproarious laughter from something Kyoka had said, knowing full well they're probably trading stories and gabbing about what it's like to be pregnant. What Kyoka doesn't know is that he had found her positive pregnancy test in the bathroom garbage can as he was cleaning up around the house. He also knew that her onset of lethargy and morning sickness was also related to it. For now he's devising a plan to mess with his wife and ruin her fun, after all couples that laugh together and prank each other stay together.

While the pickles sit in the brine, he goes about making a simple dipping sauce for the fried pickles. The dipping sauce is simple, just a bit of sour cream, some mayo and mustard, minced horseradish, some dill, salt, pepper and apple cider vinegar. Once everything is in the bowl, it only takes a few seconds to mix it with a spoon before it's done. The pickles are taken from the brine, patted dry then battered and fried. Just a couple minutes on both sides before they're golden brown. Once everything is fried, he cuts the butchers twine from the tempura smores, making sure not to break too much of the batter coating on them as he does so. With the last of the food craving fix made, he sets everything pretty haphazardly on a plate, pouring some sauce into a ramekin then heads up stairs.

"Alright, I got everything made, do you need anything else before I head back to my game?" Denki asks as he steps into Momo and Izuku's room. "Anymore mint soda or tea?"

"The tea I can handle, I have a kettle in here, and thank you for the food Kaminari." Momo says as he sets the plate down on the bedside table.

"Eh, don't sweat it. Besides that's what Deku's paying me for so it's no skin off my nose. I tried to talk him out of it, but stubborn as he is he wasn't taking no for an answer." Denki responds as Momo does exactly what Izuku had predicted, picking up one of the tempura s'mores before dunking it into the horseradish sauce. "Kyoka. When you get cravings, don't make them gross."

"Don't worry. I wont." She responds before suddenly her eyes go wide at the realization. "Wait. Who told you?"

"You did. Just now." Denki responds with a cheeky smirk on his face. Though Kyoka merely stares at him in disbelief but allows herself to be picked up and spun around by her husband celebrating the fact that he's going to become a father. "You left one of the tests in the downstairs bathroom trash, and the other in the one in our room. You forgot that it was my day to do the garbage and you didn't exactly hide them all that well."

"Damn, I was hoping to see how long it would take you to notice." Denki laughs hearing Kyoka say this before kissing her gently as he sets her back on the floor. "I love you, you dummy."

"Love you two, my song bird." He says with a grin, as he parts from the embrace.

"T-this makes me miss Izuku!" Momo exclaims before she begins to cry, creating the same ridiculous amount of tears that the Midoriya's are known for. Yep, Denki is definitely not looking forward to having to deal with that from Kyoka. 

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